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Clint bent down until his face was inches from Joe’s. “Since we’re so dumb, why don’t you explain it to us?”

Laughter erupted again, a chilling sound that Brandon gritted his teeth against. “He’s fucking with us. Let’s just kill him.”

“Please do,” begged Joe. “I shan’t miss this one or his incompetent brothers. And besides, there’s plenty more dogs for the taking. Perhaps you’d like to offer yourselves up in their place.”

Clint growled. “Never. And I promise, whatever and whoever you are, I will kill you.”

“But first you have to find me.” Chilling laughter erupted, and Brandon wanted to clap his hands over his ears at the madness in the sound. Joe’s body trembled in its bonds, and his eyes rolled up in his head. Harder and harder he shook, the insane laughter bubbling forth along with gouts of blood.

Brandon could only watch horrified as the rogue with blood pouring from his eyes, mouth, nose, and ears convulsed to death.

Clint looked at the corpse dispassionately. “Well, that was a waste of time.”

“What are we going to do?” asked Brandon, more shaken by the display than he would admit.

“Burn the body.”

“I meant about whomever was mind-controlling the rogues?”

Clint’s eyes glinted with steel, and his low answer echoed with menace. “Exactly what I said. Find him and kill him of course.”

* * * *

Back in his subterranean dwelling, the Master of the rogues snapped out of his trance. The loss of the dogs was regrettable but in the long run not important. He’d never truly expected them to beat the alpha, but he did enjoy the tendrils of wariness and fear the attack spun. But forget the web of entrapment he wove, of more interest and excitement was the discovery of the very thing he’d searched so long for. I’ve found her. The prize that had slipped his grasp so long ago, but that, as the portents promised, had reappeared. Albeit in a different shape for him to claim.

She is here. His eager side, the impatient part of himself, wanted to order his minions to snatch her up right now. However, that simple solution skipped the fun and havoc that could instead pave the way to his ultimate victory. He’d seen the reaction of the head mongrel and his sidekick. She’s their mate. How much more entertaining it will be to tear her away from them, after waging a campaign of fear first of course.

He did so enjoy watching the chaos he caused. The tendrils of dread he spun, binding his victims up in a web of fear until they became ripe for him to pluck.

Yes, if I orchestrate the next steps correctly, not only will I acquire her, but the head dogs will topple, giving me control of this city.

And to think he owed it all to the magical tome he’d discovered so long ago. Years it had taken him to master the art of mind control painstakingly laid out step by step in the magical book. The power eventually became his, a fabulous ability that had evolved to the point he could now force someone in his power to die, simply because he commanded it. His favorite pastime was the invasion of dreams, where he rooted out the sleeper’s fears and then exploded them into a nightmare of entertaining proportions-for him at least.

What a pity a strong mind like the alpha’s wouldn’t succumb to his will. Perhaps in time, he’d cultivate his abilities to overcome even the mightiest, turning them into his puppets. But if they refused to serve, then they could just bleed. I will own this city.

And with this as my base, I can spread the threads of my wicked web until none dare stand against me.

Chapter Five

Josie, lounging in pajamas, for the hour was still early, jumped when a knock sounded at her door. Clint’s here already?

She bit her lip as she debated telling him to wait so she could run for a brush. Her usually bun-wrangled hair lay in unruly waves around her shoulders and drifted down her back. Her flustered state decided for her. If he can’t accept me with bed head, then I shouldn’t even think of dating him. Her dreams of the previous night had left her flushed, and she’d woken wanting, aroused, and no longer as caring if her heart was broken. She needed to become more daring, and allowing herself to enjoy Clint’s attention was a good start. I don’t want to regret later on what could have been.

Taking a deep breath, she flung open the door. A handful of flowers thrust at her was the first thing she saw, but she recognized the drawled good morning.

“ Brandon?”

“Expecting someone else?” he joked, but the laughter in his eyes died a bit at her expression. “I see. Maybe I should leave.”

“No. Please come in. I didn’t properly thank you yesterday for making sure that wolf didn’t get me.”

“I’ve got coffee?” she cajoled when he hesitated.

He followed her in, shutting the door behind him. Josie went to her tiny kitchen, which opened onto the living room. Brandon wandered around, peering with curiosity at the contents of her crammed bookshelves. Josie found a vase for the flowers and set them out before she poured them coffee, which she knew from the office, he took sweet and creamed.

She set the mugs on the breakfast bar and was about to call him when Snickers came flying out of nowhere and leapt onto Brandon ’s leg.

“What the fuck?” he exclaimed as her no-longer-so-docile kitty climbed up his leg, hissing and spitting.

Josie put a hand over her mouth so he wouldn’t see the smile, for the scene was reminiscent of something off of America’s Funniest Home Videos. “Um, that’s my cat Snickers. She, um, doesn’t seem to like werewolves.” Now there’s an understatement.

Brandon, carefully unhooking the sharp claws, grimaced. “Gee, I’d have never guessed.”

Annoyed that he was so put off by her pet’s instinct, she muttered, “Like me, like my cat.”

She’d thought she’d spoken low, but he still heard and answered her. “Hey, I’m prepared to love this cat if it means I get to be with its owner.”

Josie blushed. “Your coffee’s ready,” she said gesturing. He didn’t sit down. Instead he roamed some more, inspecting her few scattered pictures and even crouching to read the titles on her DVDs and CDs. Josie had never thought her apartment small until now. Somehow having a larger-than-life male like Clint in it, one who to her embarrassment made her wet her panties as often as she did, made the space seem cozy.

She turned away from him unable to understand how, given her attraction to Clint, she could even think of betraying their kiss from the previous eve with none other than his best friend. Talk about wrong.

Arms wrapped around her from behind, and Josie squeaked.

“What’s wrong, honey?” Brandon asked before nuzzling her nape through her thick mane of hair.

Josie shivered, the sensation of his lips lightly brushing her skin too erotic for her to handle. “You shouldn’t,” she whispered.

He turned her in his arms, and he stared into her eyes with his warm brown ones, which melted her. “Why not?”

Josie fought his allure. “I, um, kind of kissed Clint. He’s coming over later, so we really shouldn’t…”

She never got to finish her sentence, because instead of backing off, Brandon claimed her mouth with his, and her good intentions fled out the window.

Desire coiled in her cleft while heat spread its sensual tendrils throughout her. She’d been mistaken thinking only Clint could arouse her. Brandon held the power, too, and beneath the onslaught of his mouth, she couldn’t think, but, oh, how she felt.

Big hands cupped her bottom, squeezing cheeks she’d always thought too plump, but he kneaded and weighed them with obvious enjoyment. She squealed when her feet left the ground. He set her on the counter and inserted his body between her legs.