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“Likewise, is blind honesty always good? Is it good to tell an elderly widow or a scholar in failing health that death stands waiting …

“Claiming that one is honest when one ignores the results of such honesty is indeed a form of Naming. Why? Because the very word ‘honesty,’ like Naming, places the word above the action and the results of that action…”

As he stood there, listening, Quaeryt was troubled by the homily.


On Lundi, Quaeryt completed the statement of policies and the document of succession and dispatched a copy to Straesyr with a letter noting that it clearly fell within the princeps’s authority since it was a nonmilitary matter. Then, early on Mardi morning, a student rushed into the dining hall and halted at the table where Quaeryt sat with Yullyd and Nalakyn.

“Sir, there are soldiers riding up the lane.” The youth’s voice cracked with the last words.

Quaeryt stood immediately. “How many?”

“Not all that many. About as many as are here now. Twenty or twenty-five?”

“Then … it’s not bad news for the scholarium. It might just be a message for me.” Quaeryt offered a smile he didn’t feel to the other two. “If you’ll excuse me…”

“You’ll let us know?” asked Nalakyn nervously.

“As soon as I can.” Quaeryt walked swiftly out of the dining hall and then to the front porch. He arrived just as a squad leader, followed by his men, reined up short of the steps.

“Scholar, sir … You’re Scholar Quaeryt, are you not?”

“The very same, Squad Leader.”

“Yes, sir.” The squad leader paused, then said, “The governor requests that you accompany us to join him in the campaign against the hill holders.”

“What’s happened?” Quaeryt had several thoughts on the possibilities. With Zarxes’s and Alkiabys’s disappearance through the secret tunnel, neither the hill holder revolt nor Rescalyn’s summons surprised him greatly. He’d half-anticipated that something would happen sooner, but the delay suggested that the hill holders had spent some time organizing and that Rescalyn faced a combined force. Then, that was only his surmise.

“The hill holders have gathered an army. They killed most of one company on a patrol and have besieged Boralieu.”

To Quaeryt, that made little sense unless they’d also declared that their quarrel was with the governor or Lord Bhayar and they were urging others to rise against Telaryn. But he doubted that the squad leader would know those details. “What about Rheusyd and second squad? Are they to remain or to join us?”

“They are also to accompany us.”

“Are we going back to the palace or are we to meet the governor on the road?”

“He was leaving the Telaryn Palace when we did. We’re to rejoin the force on the road.”

“I need to tell Rheusyd and his men and gather some gear. I won’t be long.”

By the time Quaeryt reentered the building, both Yullyd and Nalakyn were standing in the foyer. They both looked at him inquisitively. He gestured toward the Master Scholar’s study, and they followed him.

Once inside, with the door shut, he turned. “The hill holders have revolted…” He went on to explain, then added, “You’re Master Scholar in my absence, Nalakyn. Yullyd, you’re the scholar princeps. While nothing is certain, I think it likely that, whatever happens, the scholarium will continue. If the rebels prevail-which is most unlikely-they will wish it. If the governor wins, he certainly won’t shut it down.”

“What … about you … sir?” asked Nalakyn.

“I’ve always served Lord Bhayar and the governor. What happens in the next month or so will determine how I serve them in the future. In the meantime, you two have to carry on.” Quaeryt grinned. “And make sure you charge new students the new fees.”

“Yes, sir,” agreed Yullyd.

“I need to gather my gear and talk to Rheusyd. I’m going to leave some clothing here.” Such as dress and undress jackets and a set of good browns.

Since Rheusyd wasn’t in the dining hall, Quaeryt hurried upstairs, gathered a second set of browns and other items together, including the worn green uniform shirt, and put them in the circular kit bag they had arrived in, then hurried back to the main floor. As he left the building for the stable, Quaeryt saw Lankyt waiting on the rear porch, a worried expression on his face. Recalling what he had told the young man on Samedi, he couldn’t help but suspect that Lankyt would be even more worried about the future of the scholarium. Lankyt’s fears were justified, despite what Quaeryt had told Nalakyn and Yullyd, because, if anything happened to Quaeryt, while the scholarium would likely remain, who would be left to stand up for the scholars and students against the past not-so-benign neglect of the governor?


“I’ve been recalled to duty with the governor’s forces. The hill holders have attacked the post at Boralieu.”

“They’ve rebelled?” Lankyt’s voice held incredulity.

“They wouldn’t call it such,” replied Quaeryt dryly. “I don’t think that they’ve ever believed they owed allegiance to any ruler. They always bargained with the Khanar or ignored him, and the governor has shown that Lord Bhayar won’t be bargained with or ignored.” Even if it has been a while coming.

“They couldn’t have done this because the governor sent you here. They couldn’t.”

“That was just the excuse they were looking for. They’ve been attacking the patrols out of Boralieu for years.” But they think that Rescalyn double-crossed them over the Ecoliae when his “agreement” with Phaeryn was just designed to set matters up the way Rescalyn wanted it. It was more than clear to Quaeryt that Rescalyn had promised not to dismantle the Ecoliae so long as the scholars refrained from overt action against the Telaryn Palace-effectively setting up the hill holders as the prime source of opposition, suiting Rescalyn’s long-term plans perfectly.

“Will you be back?”

“I don’t know.”

Lankyt looked down, then raised his eyes. “Best of fortune, sir.”

“Thank you.” Quaeryt smiled warmly, then hurried toward the stables to find Rheusyd.

Less than a half glass later, Quaeryt rode near the head of the two squads beside Lharym, the leader of the squad sent to fetch Quaeryt. The scholar’s gear fit easily behind his saddle.

“They’ll be taking the river road for a good twenty milles,” offered Lharym.

Quaeryt nodded, forbearing to note that he’d traveled that route twice before. “Do you know if the rebel holders sent any word or declaration to the governor?”

“No, sir. I don’t. Captain Theyn didn’t, either.”

“Has anyone said how many rebels there are under arms?”

“Thousands … that’s the word.”

If there were thousands, a lot of them weren’t likely to be all that well trained, unlike Rescalyn’s “regiment.” But then, Quaeryt reflected, he could be wrong in that assessment.

Almost a glass went by before Quaeryt rode up to the command group, not quite at the front of the long column riding northwest on the river road.

“Scholar! Over here!” Rescalyn’s voice boomed over the sounds of men and mounts.

As Quaeryt rode toward the governor, he had to admit that, especially on horseback, Rescalyn was a commanding figure, erect in the saddle and radiating confidence.

“Governor, I’m reporting as you requested.”

“You made haste.” Rescalyn smiled. “Even with that leg of yours, you’d make a good cavalry officer.” He gestured. “Ride with me.”

Quaeryt guided the mare alongside the larger black gelding ridden by the governor, noting that the rankers and officers before and behind them moved away, giving Rescalyn space.