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Thanks to her various introductions, I have been going into Society a good deal and I am gradually learning what an immense amount of sensuality there is.

Underlying almost every Society function. At a ball, for instance, everything that can possibly excite the passions is carefully provided. The soft, but brilliant lights, the heavy perfume of the flowers and the slow languorous strains of the waltz music, all tend to arouse the sexual portion of the brain. The costly dresses of the women leaving the bust and shoulders naked, so that the maddening perfume of her very body rises to the nostrils of her partner tend to excite the men to the utmost pitch; while the soft touch of their delicate kid gloves and the thrill of the warm body inside the tightly-laced corset, as his arm encircles her waist, still further heightens the lascivious effect.

One lovely evening gown which the Countess gave me is really shockingly low cut and so thin that when 1 waltz the movement of the air holds it against my body in such a way that the outline of the legs and " ventre " show as plainly as if they were in tights. The Countess's favourite amusement is to watch me dancing in this dress with some young and susceptible partner. whose trousers soon begin to assume a more and more distorted appearance, until by a slight turn of the body I let him see the rosy points of my " tiddies," erect and firm at the thought of the effect I am producing. This generally fetches out his "dolly " so far that I can feel its head against my leg, and at that stage I generally think it safer to let him conduct me into a quiet corner, where his conversation, as a rule, soon betrays the hot and passionate lust that is consuming him.

All this is great fun, both in exciting the men oneself and also in watching the intrigues and flirtations of other naughty touples. One thing, by the way, that I have learnt from the Countess is that, when you sit out with a man on the stairs, you should always sit a step or two below him for then a dexterous bend or two will open your corsage in such a way that he can see not only your tiddies, but far down below them-a sight which is certain to cause him keen enjoyment. On the other hand, if you are entertaining a man in your boudoir, you should lie on a sopha or on a long chair, and let him sit in a low chair at your feet, when by a little thoughtless lifting of the knees, etc., you will give him a view of quite a different, but no less enchanting, portion of your person. Another thing the Countess has taught me is, in dressing for a ball, to wear plenty of soft frothy petticoats, but no drawers; for when a man's hands begin to wander gently up your leg towards the garters and higher-as often happens to me when 1 am at a ball and am sitting out a dance with some nice fellow in quiet corner-he loves to come in contact with the delicate texture of luxurious petticoats, but is sadly disappointed if his fingers cannot at last find the cave of delight for which they are seeking.

If he does this when you are lying on a sofa or long chair I need not warn you that you must protest most vigorously, and entreat him to desist, while at the same time a few cunning movements will serve to lift your petticoats higher and higher, so has to give him a better view of the treasures concealed within, thereby inflaming him to a more vigorous attack upon your "virtuous" scruples.

In fact, as you may imagine, I am now doing every thing to induce, men to take, improper liberties, with me and try to be — I "poked " by as many different pricks as possible, and I must now describe to you a delightful scene which took place one day when I reached the Countess's house a good deal earlier in the afternoon than I was expected. The pages conducted me to my bedroom, and there I lay down upon a most luxurious couch, to read the " Don Juan " a very wicked paper, until the Countess came in from her drive. Presently the door was opened by the wicked pages to admit a very pretty boy between fifteen and sixteen years old, who I learned was a cousin of the Countess, paying her a brief visit from school. The pages shut the door and left him all alone with me, blushing very charmingly with embarrassment at his unexpected situation.

I had only thrown off my hat, which lay on a chair, and was otherwise dressed just as I had come in from the street. My tiny arched shoes with their sharp points and tall slender heels were thrust negligently out a frou-frou pf white petticoats, which were pulled up high enough to disclose the skin of a dainty pink ankle, peeping through the windows of a black open-work stocking.

I saw his gaze wander gradually up from there to my very tightly corseted waist, above which my bust stood out most voluptuously, being lifted up by one qf the cushions on which I lay, in such a manner that not only the big round globes but also the sturdy little "' pricks " showed plainly and attractively beneath the thin wellfitting corsage. My hands were gloved to the elbow in spotless lavender kid that fitted without a wrinkle, and the slight disorder of my hair dit not, I fancy, serve to make it look any fess attractive.

From his increasing blushes I saw that he was somewhat troubled in the seat of his emotions, and so I asked him to sit down, and chatted with* him on various topics, leading them gradually round to the paper I held in my hand, the illustrations of which, being mainly of pretty girls, all in attractive forms of undress or no dress at all, were, calculated to increase rather that diminish the vague desires with which he was beginning to burn. When I could see from the flash in his lovely eyes that he was beginning to feel really naughty, a fact which my sly glances at his trousers fully confirmed. I suggested that he should help me to take off my gloves, as it was rather hot.

The voluptuous feeling of the soft kid, warm with the glow of the femine hand it had so tightly clasped, caused him such exquisite thrills of pleasure and desire, that he lingered a long time over this evidently delightful task.

I laughingly complimented him on being so excellent a lady's maid, and suggested that perhaps he would like to take off my shoes as well. His sensuality was now so thoroughly aroused that he took the tiny slipper in his hand, and having gently and caressingly drawn it off, he imprinted a Jong lascivious kiss upon the rosy instep, which stood arched up beneath its flimsy covering.

In doing this to the second foot, he lifted it so high to his lips that he caught a glimpse of the pink and black satin garters clasping my leg above the knee. May I not take off those as well? " he asked with a still more violent blush; to which I of course replied: " Certainly not, you dreads fully naughty boy." But as I smiled at him while I said it, and at the same time gently pulled up my skirts so as to give him a full view of these dainty circlets, being a youth of sense, in spite of his innocence and shyness, he took this as being the permis^ sion it was meant to be, and in a few minutes the garters were off, and, having kissed them, he placed one upon his head as a sort of crown, while he continued from time to time to caress the legs from which he had taken them.

Now, it is a whim of my protectress that I should always wear very long opera stockings, reaching right up to my ahem (as I have become a shameless "Society whore," I was going to say my "arse," but remembering yqu are so delightfully innocent yet, I have been afraid to shock you, dear!) So, when I had tantalized my pretty boy a little longer I said: " Weil, aren't you going to finish the job and take off the stockings too? "

He looked about quite bewildered as to how to begin, so at last I said: " Well, flon't you know how to take off a pair of stockings yet? "

" 1-I know how to take off my own " he stammered, u How do you do it? " I enquired,

" Peel them downwards from the top " he answered in a very low voice.

" Quite right," I said, " Why don't you do it? "

His look of puzzled modesty at this was most amusing, and I don't think that I ever in my life felt anything so delicious as my sensations during those next few minutes.