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You cannot imagine how delicious it was to feel his firm white boyish limbs pressing against mine, while the plumpness of my breasts, thighs and ventre evidently caused him the most voluptuous'sensations.

Just as we were reaching the supreme moment, the door opened, and in walked the Countess, much to my horror, for I knew that she was very jealous of my allowing anyone to have the enjoyment of my charms except herself. Our look of ecstasy at the delightful sensations we were experiencing, however caused her sensuality to get the better of her jealousy, and tearing the bed-clothes off us, she was just in time to see us in the full transports of "corning" together-an experience so novel for the boy that he could at first hardly realise the full rapture of it.

She was so delighted with this spectacle, and her sensuality was so much aroused,that she quite forgive us, and after kissing us both and ordering the pages to bring in several bottles of champagne, she got her maid to undress her and soon joined us in bed, my young lover being placed between her and myself, so that we might both cuddle him.

Meanwhile the pages had brought the champagne, so, kissing and caressing the pretty boy, we began to prime him with it, while the Countess and myself took good care to have our full share of the wine, and soon we became most lively and in the proper mood to enjoy anything most licentious. We now began to initiate the boy to all the mysteries and most refined practices of love. But soon the wine made us mad with lust and I will not relate to you, dear, all that took place, for it would shock you too much! Suffice it to say that we took a sensual delight,in corrupting this boy-only a child yet!-and that we both showed ourselves as expert in all the forms of vice as if we had been professional "prostitutes " instead of being only "Society whores."

As for our lover, he was called upon to perform prodigies of lustful valour, of which, considering he was only a beginner, he acquitted himself most nobly; but at last he was quite done up and, as the Countess was "gammerouging " him for the third time, while I was " frigging " his bottomhole with two of my fingers, which I had inserted as far as they would go, he fainted right off.

And now, dear, I must really bring this letter to an end, as I shall be seeing you. soon and shall be able to give you some practical illustrations, which are far feeder than any amount of description, And as among other lovely presents which the Countess has given me is a marocco case containing a set of four beautiful dildoes

the most perfect that Paris can produce and varying in size-with the smallest one I am intending, if you are willing, to initiate you into the mysteries of " poking," while the largest, which I have not yet dared to use, I am saving up. in the hope that you will help me to summon up the courage to allow you to put it into me. Besides this she has given me a whole box of beautifully-bound books on the most erotic and voluptuous subjects, which you will certainly read with interest and the lecture of which is sure to increase your sensuality; and as to naughty clothes, I have got simply dozens of openwork tights, stockings and transparent chemises, and some of these, I hope, you will condescend to wear.

In fact I intend to make you as lascivious as I am myself and hope that we shall soon find some nice boys to " poke" us both.

And don't be afraid, dear, that, by showing yourself rather loose and by allowing men to take the fullest liberties with your person,

You might compromise your future and will, not be able later to find a husband, for on the contrary a girl who is very fast attracts, men like honey draws flies, and by becoming a little " Society whore " like me, you are sure to have all the more men to propose, to you. For my part I have had, since I got into Society here in Paris, lots of proposals, and some of them came from men. who had " had " me and who knew that other men had "poked " me as well; some men went even so far as to tell me that if married them they would leave' me the fullest liberty to enjoy myself and " poke " with whoever I should take a fancy to.

This, I know, will seem quae incredible to you, but I assure you it is the perfect truth, and there are many such husbands in Paris, who not only wink at their wives open misconduct, but even do everything to induce them to go for the greatest excesses and to give way altogether to their sexual passions; and this, which of course seems a very extraordinary way for a husband to act towards his wife, is done in the hope of depraving the wife completely and of makirtg her better "fit" to satisfy her husband's vices! And by the way, after you have read all the other books given to me by the Countess, I shall lend you a one called "My married Life," in which you will read the history of a woman whose husband takes a delight in depraving: The more shameless, the more wicked and the more cruel she becomes, the more attached he gets to her!

It is a most awfull book, even more abominable than de Sades's works in French, and some parts I find rather disgusting, but for all that it is most interesting, first because it is not like any other English erotic book, but principally on account of the strange philosophy pervading the work.

And now, dearest, I hope you do not leave my letters lying about, as I fancy they are scarcely the style of correspondence that young ladies of my age are supposed to indulge in, though I believe lots of other girls are just as bad, only they are afraid of being found out.

Ever your loving
