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“The fleet commanders are about to break up and get ready to return to their ships. The Tenacious’ skiff and two others will pass by this door. You will move out and fly formation with them. The other two skiffs will break off once you reach the Tenacious. Try and be set up at that point to be able to drift up against the Tenacious using only your retro thrusters. If you have any questions or last comments, now is the time, because we need to get you two strapped in and ready to go.”

He waited a second and neither officer said anything. “Okay then, if you need to hit the head, now would be the time.”

Both junior officers assumed stunned looks as they both realized they had left a significant aspect out of their mission preparations. They excused themselves and scurried quickly to the nearest heads. They came back a few minutes later with slightly sheepish looks on their face. The squadron commander and maintenance officer were both laughing as they returned.

“Its okay, Lieutenants, we all have made that mistake at least once. Usually the worst thing that happens is the crew chief makes you clean and disinfect the cockpit. Let’s get you strapped in.”

The crew chiefs stepped in to help the two pilots into their ships. Once they were strapped in and adjusted to their seats, the squadron commander came to each ship and wished them good luck and good hunting.

At a signal from their crew chiefs, they fired up their engines at the idle setting and sealed their cockpits. Both crew chiefs saluted their officers and moved out of the space through the door in the blast shield. The squadron commander and maintenance officer gave them a thumb’s up and also left through the personnel hatch. As the hatch closed and sealed, the lights went out, leaving them in blackness. The sensors in the ship showed the atmosphere in the bay reducing. After a few minutes, the sensors showed zero atmospheres. The outer door of the hangar deck opened. Angie and Kelly raised their ships up off the deck and applied minimal power to move them out into free space.

The Tenacious’ skiff passed by the two fighters and they moved out to join in formation. Two other skiffs came up and lined up next to each of the fighters. They flew along through open space for a few minutes until they could pick the Tenacious out of the blackness. As they ran the length of the Tenacious, the two other skiffs broke off and continued to other ships further on in the darkness. The Tenacious’ skiff pilot said goodbye to the other two skiffs, which was Angie’s and Kelly’s signal to drift into the side of the frigate. They judiciously applied their retro rockets to gently bring their ships against the hull and energize their electromagnetic pads to hold them to the frigate.

After about twenty minutes, the fleet began to move. The Tenacious moved out ahead of the fleet and then began to coast. As the ship ran along the fringe of the asteroid field it increased the radius of its shields, causing asteroids to be moved and ricochet off of each other. The Tenacious sent a signal to the flagship. The encrypted signal was the sign for the two fighter pilots to release from the frigate and move into the asteroid field. The sensors on the Tenacious could barely pick out the two small fighters from the rubble in the asteroid field. Angie and Kelly moved into a small pocket in the side of one of the larger, undisturbed asteroids and settled in to wait.

“Shadow Warrior, the human fleet is moving. Their small courier vessels returned to their home ships. The two escort ships on the port side of the fleet are bounding past one another, scanning into the asteroid field. They lack discipline, Shadow Warrior. See how their shields extend into the asteroid field and disturb the asteroids. My Pride Mother could track their movements.”

“Move us closer. The clutter from their disturbance of the asteroid field will confuse their sensors and cover our movement. Let us see how close we can get. Monitor them closely. Tell me when you even think they have detected us. Have your recorders operating at maximum efficiency. We must glean as much information as possible during this opportunity. What we are doing will be dangerous, but with danger comes high glory. Long live the Empire!”

“Long live the Empire!”

Angie and Kelly had extended their sensor probes out until they rested against each other’s ship. This gave them a rudimentary and un-interceptable communications means. Their sensors picked up the vibrations of each other’s voices and translated it into speech.

“Have you detected anything, Kelly?”

“No. I have all the ship’s passive sensors scanning as far as possible, but nothing yet. Wanda, do you detect anything?”

“No Kelly, I detect no sign of the K’Rang ship. I will inform you the second I do.”

An hour passed by and then six more. Kelly’s back itched in a spot that he could not reach. The blackness of space hung before him punctuated by only a few far stars. Kelly rubbed his back against the seat trying to scratch his itch.

“Say, Angie, can you come over here and scratch my back? There is a spot right between my shoulder blades that itches like crazy.”

“Yeah, hang on, I’ll be right over.”

Wanda broke in. “Kelly, perhaps I can help.”

“Yeah, right, I wish.”

“No, I can help. Lean forward a little.”

As Kelly leaned forward he could hear the seat adjust behind him.

“Lean back, Kelly, and rub against the seat.”

Kelly leaned back and found a bump in the seat right between his shoulder blades. The relief was instantaneous and felt wonderful.

“Thank you, Wanda, that feels great. You can return the seat to normal now.”

“You are welco… Kelly, we have company. I am detecting something blocking stars directly in front of us. It is moving very slowly. I do not have enough of a sensor lock to be able to tell you anything about it, but it is out there, dead ahead.”

“Angie, did you hear that?”

“I heard it. I don’t see anything yet. Try not to lose contact with it.”

“I see it. At least, I see where it was. I just had a star blink on and one blink off. I’m adding all that I have into the targeting computer. Once we fire up, I'll transmit it to you.”

“I think I see it, too. I can’t get a sensor lock, either. I get the impression it is only a few hundred kilometers out from us, but that is just a guess.”

Angie and Kelly spent another hour waiting. Their sensor picture of the K’Rang ship slowly fleshed out. Each additional detection of its movement added a bit more information. After another hour, they had enough information to determine that it was one of the smaller scout ships and not one of the larger and better-armed ships. After yet another hour, the scout had passed out of sight of their sensor and about 20 thousand kilometers past their current position. To maintain their contact, they would have to move out from the pocket on the asteroid. If they used only their retro thrusters, chances were good that the scout would not detect them.

“Shadow Warrior, we are approaching 175,000 kilometers from the frontier. We are within 80,000 kilometers of the human fleet. I have no indication that we have been detected. The asteroid debris from their gunnery exercise is obscuring my sensors somewhat. I have set maximum sensitivity to our forward sensors. The data I am collecting is of very high quality. I am detecting pulse cannons, energy beams, and particle cannons. We have suspected the humans had developed and fielded particle cannons, but this is the first confirmation of that. We have done well, Shadow Warrior; we should retreat behind the frontier now.”

“Shadow Technician, I wish to record some of their tactics as well. Can you see how their battle cruisers form a shield on the enemy side of the carrier? Do you see the way the large escort ships use their pulse cannon turrets to destroy the bits of asteroid coming at the fleet from the field? Look there. One of the small escorts is using a tractor beam to pick out asteroids and hurl them into the fleet. Even their supply ships have pulse turrets. We must get closer to gain as much of this data as possible.”