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“That’s a good recommendation, Ed. I think that’s just what I’ll do. Andrew and Moira may be able to make sense of this.”

“I also appreciate your recommendation for the increased electron flow in the sub-FTL engine exhaust. I’m glad you guys figured that out. That could have been disastrous if we met the K’Rang in battle and they released a number of those into our fleet. I’ll get the yard boys to come up with a fix for that based on your Chief’s recommendation.”

“You can return to your ship and move down to the Base spaceport. We’re going to need the space here shortly. Bolivar and her battle group will be here within the hour.”

Kelly perked up and said, “Admiral, would it be all right to stick around for an hour or so? I’d like to see the Bolivar come into orbit.”

The admiral looked up with a smile on his face. “Yes, I think it would be all right to hang out in orbit for an hour or so. Just move off to make room for them, Ed.”

LCDR Timmons smiled, “Okay, Exec, we can wait a bit for you to see your old ship.”

Kelly and the captain saluted and took their leave. They made their way back to the Vigilant. On their way, they passed a Fighter Force Major General and his aide. The aide was having trouble keeping up with the general and controlling a wayward baggage cart. Several bags were dropped and retrieved as they made their way down the hall. Kelly thought to himself that the general must be Bugarov’s replacement. It brought a smile to his face. As they passed around a corner he heard the general admonishing his aide, “There's docking arm 17, Jim. We’re going to be late if you don’t get a move on.”

Timmons and Kelly boarded the Vigilant. The captain ordered it to depart the dock and move off 50 km to make room for the battle group.

In less than 45 minutes, the frigates Tenacious and Transcendent came into view, dwarfed by the Bolivar immediately behind them. Two flights of F-53 fighters flew to port and starboard of the Bolivar. One flight flew directly ahead of the Bolivar. She moved majestically in the velvety darkness, navigation and marker lights blazing. The destroyers and cruisers, with their gun turrets fore and aft, trailed the Bolivar. Support ships followed behind. The battle group arrayed itself around the space dock, lining up on the external docking arms. Within minutes all the ships had locked and sealed to the space dock. Most ships the size of those in the battle group would fit inside the space dock only one at a time. The Bolivar wouldn’t fit at all. It would require a Fleet space dock on one of the major worlds for overhaul and refit.

Kelly felt nostalgic about the Bolivar, but realized he was happy right where he was.

Timmons came up beside him as he stared out the view screen at the battle group, “Do you wish you were still on her?”

“No, sir, I’m happy here, but she does look impressive, doesn’t she?”

“That she does. It is time to head down to the Spaceport. Didn’t you say your former flight lead was going to be stationed on Antares Base for a while?”

“Yes, sir, Angie Shappelle, she said she’d be around for a while. I think her squadron will be taking part in my folks’ experiments.”

“You’ll have to introduce me to her when she gets in.”

The captain turned back to the bridge crew. “Helm, take us down to the base spaceport, standard approach.”

The helmsman engaged the engines and the Vigilant descended to the surface, where she was directed into the same dry dock she had left a few weeks earlier. A message came through telling the captain that the yard would be replacing the electron guns in the engines with larger ones to reduce the ion discharge. It seemed their idea had borne fruit.

Life in the dry dock, while the engines were being upgraded, settled into a routine. The chiefs ran their sections at fifty percent manning, allowing time off for their personnel. Kelly finally got word that his old squadron would be landing at the spaceport. He got time off to watch them come in.

Kelly walked over to where the squadron would be parked once they came in. He watched as twelve F-53 fighters passed over the field at altitude before peeling off and landing two by two. Kelly stood just off the apron as the dozen sleek fighters were guided into their parking spaces. The fighters shut down, canopies opened and the pilots climbed out. It was 1LT Kanakis that first recognized Kelly standing by the fence.

He pointed and yelled, “Hey everyone, it’s Kelly!”

Several heads turned in his direction and a crowd of pilots ran over to him. Angie was first, giving him a big hug. He was slapped on the back and had his hand shaken by five of the pilots before CPT Willis, his old flight leader, noticed the twin silver bars on the collar of his coveralls.

“What the hell is this? Who did you steal this uniform from?”

Kelly quickly explained his frocking as exec of the Vigilant. Several lieutenants quickly saluted him and followed it with a rude noise. Kelly laughed along with his former squadron mates. He stopped laughing when they told him he was buying the first two rounds at the club that night. LTC Matthews, his first Squadron Commander, came over to him. The others walked back to their fighters.

“Wow! Lieutenant Blake. I heard that Fleet made rank faster, but I thought it was just a myth. How have you been, Kelly?”

“I’ve been just fine, sir. How have you been?”

“You know how it is in the squadron with this bunch. There’s never a dull moment. Things did get a lot better though when your favorite General was ordered to retire. The new General is supposed to be a breath of fresh air. You’ll be happy to know that the Wall of Fire tactic has been officially retired.”

“Great to hear that, sir. I believe I saw your new general up on the station today. I’ve been informed that I’m buying the first two rounds at the club tonight. I’d be glad to buy a drink or two for you, sir.”

“I might be a little late, but I’ll take you up on that. After more than six months on cruise, I’m ready for a few drinks.”

Kelly saluted as LTC Matthews walked away to take care of a matter brought to his attention. Angie came over to him.

“Hey, Wing, I haven’t had a drink in six months. How’s about buying a girl a drink? We can celebrate your jump in rank at the same time.”

“Sounds good to me. I need to change out of my coveralls. They’re not really appreciated out of the spaceport after noon. Come on. I’ll show you my ship.”

Angie and Kelly walked to the Vigilant after she saw to it that her gear would wind up at the BOQ. It was a good distance to his ship and they caught up on what all had happened since last they saw each other. Angie told him of the minimal ceremony held for General Bugarov’s retirement and the expected blowout now that she was gone. Kelly told her of his two patrols and his actions against the K’Rang. He told her of his parents’ invention and what their part in it might be. They arrived at the Vigilant.

“Wow! I’ve seen these out in space, but it looks so much bigger sitting here on the ground. How big is the crew?”

Kelly told her about the crew and how they were organized. Then he brought her onboard the Vigilant.

Angie impressed the crew. At 5’6”, fit, wearing a partially zipped open flight suit, tight turtleneck shirt, and fighter boots, she was impressive. He brought her up the ramp into the crews’ quarters area, past sensor crewmen with gaping mouths, past the galley, chiefs' country and up to the officers' quarters, where the captain was standing, looking over the bridge.

“Captain, you wanted to meet 1LT Shappelle, well, here she is. Angie, this is my boss, LCDR Edgar Timmons. Captain, this is my former lead pilot, 1LT Angie Shappelle.”