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“What does it look like on the inside?”

Candy punched another button sequence and the roof came off the house. The upper story was three rooms. Stairs led up to a second floor gallery, bisecting the upper story. A large open area, probably open to a great room below, was in the rear middle of the house from the gallery.

“The master bedroom is centered on the front of the house. I have a marvelous balcony here above the outdoor room. The room on the right is a dressing room and the master bath. The room on the left is the guest room with its own bath.”

Another button combination and the first floor appeared. Three interior rooms and one outdoor room made up the first floor.

“The kitchen is here in the front left, with a dining area behind it. The rest of the ground floor is one large room. My favorite spot will be the outdoor room or front porch, depending on what you want to call it. I see it as a great place to drink wine, eat cheese and watch Antares cross the southern sky. I figure I’ll be able to watch the sun rise and set from here. I want to have a pool put in just in front of the outdoor room.”

“It looks fabulous, Candy. How long will it take to build? When do you think you’ll be able to move in?”

“If I go with a prefab house brought in in sections, I can have it built in three months. If they build it on site, it will take six months or more. I’m really looking at having it prefabbed and brought in. It’s quicker and cheaper. My only concern is quality of workmanship. I have an appointment with the builder tomorrow afternoon. I want you to come along.”

“Sure. How long to put the pool in and have you settled on a design?”

“I’ve got a lead on a pool company down south. There aren’t any here up north. I’ll go meet with them in a couple of weeks. I’m looking at an organic design. I want it to look like it has always been here. I also have an idea for the spring in back. I want to dig out a small pool to catch more of the water. You felt how cold it was when you filled the water bottle. I’d like to use that water for a misting system for the porch for those really hot dry days that we get here.”

“Sounds wonderful. I hope you invite me over once you get it built.”

“Oh, don’t worry. I want you to be a frequent guest. I’ll make you the same offer here that I did when I was living down south. If you can get here, you are welcome to stay, whether I’m here or not. My door will always be open for you.”

“I thank you for your most generous offer.”

“You’re welcome. Let’s eat.”

Candy moved over to the wine and rations. She expertly put the camp stove into use, put water into a pot, and added one of the dehydrated rations.

“We’ll have beef stroganoff here in a few minutes. Go gather some firewood.”

Kelly went to the edge of the clearing and brought back an armful of deadfall. He had arranged rocks into a fire circle before Candy called out that supper was ready. She asked him to open the wine and join her at the shelter. He popped the cork and went over to where she was by the tent. She had managed to pull two small camping stools and a small table from somewhere. Knives, forks, two plates of beef stroganoff, and two empty glasses were sitting on the table. Kelly poured a nice red wine into the two glasses. Kelly and Candy dove into their food and wine as the sun started to set in the west.

When they finished, Candy told Kelly to get the fire going while she cleaned up.

Kelly stacked wood like a teepee and used a fire starter brick to get the fire going. Candy brought the stools, while Kelly brought the table and wine. While there was still light, he brought back another armful of wood, then sat down next to Candy and sipped his wine.

The fire had a mesmerizing effect on both of them. They sat, not saying a word, and watched the sun set. It was a spectacular sunset, sending crimson rays into the sky off the far clouds.

Candy drained her glass as the sun sank below the horizon. She held her glass out for a refill and said, “I love it here. I am going to really enjoy living here. I expect you to check out a flitter and come visit me whenever you can. Otherwise, it will get pretty lonely here.”

Kelly threw some more wood on the fire and said, “Don’t worry, when I get time off this will definitely be one of my destinations of choice.”

Candy picked up on that and asked, “What do you mean one of your destinations of choice? Oh yeah, you did mention that there were two other girls interested in you. Can you tell me about them or is that none of my business?”

“There are two. One is a pilot on the planetary shuttle. The other is my former lead pilot on the Bolivar. Tammy, the shuttle pilot, is on her way back from transitioning to a new type shuttle. She should be here in a few days. Angie is my former lead pilot. She is here on Armstrong for a new equipment test.”

Candy had a mischievous look on her face and said, “My, it’s a wonder you had time to fit me in your busy schedule.”

“I swear this has never happened to me before. I must be emitting pheromones for all three of you to be interested in me. I had girlfriends in college and interest by classmates in the academy, but I’ve never considered myself a ladies’ man.”

“Relax, tiger, I’m just kidding. I’d love to meet your other girlfriends. I’m not concerned about sharing you with them. I like what we have so far. You are fun to be with and you fit my needs at the moment. I like the fact that you weren’t afraid of my dad. I like it that even though you had all the credentials, you didn’t come on with any typical fighter pilot lines. Your sincere interest in my mom’s landscape really sold me on you. I don’t normally kiss guys on first meeting. Your visit to my house in the south really convinced me that I wanted you around.”

Kelly filled up their glasses. He looked out into the valley. “Do you have any idea how close your nearest neighbor is? I mean, I can see probably 60 or 80 kilometers east and west and I don’t see any lights.”

Candy looked out at the view. “I guess you’re right, I don’t see any lights either. We are only 30 minutes from the base by air car. I thought there might be someone out here. It doesn’t bother me. I can handle solitude very well. Of course, this will make my clothes last forever.”

Kelly arched his eyebrows and asked, “Why?”

“Because I won’t be wearing any here.” Candy dissolved into laughter.

Kelly and Candy continued talking until the fire went out. They stared at the dying embers for a bit longer. Candy got up went into the tent and came out dragging both sleeping bags.

Candy said, “Come over here,” as she spread the two bags on the ground outside the tent.

Kelly went over to where she was kneeling, smoothing out the sleeping bags.

“Sit, Kelly, I want to look at the stars with you.”

Kelly sat down beside her. She snuggled into his arms.

“What stars are those?” she asked, as she pointed off to the south.

Kelly looked where she was pointing and said, “I’m not sure. I’m not completely familiar with the constellations from this part of space. I think that is the back side of Taurus.”

Candy snuggled closer and leaned back to kiss Kelly. The two spent the night outside the tent watching the stars, until they both dropped off to sleep.

Kelly woke up when the sun rose above the ledge and hit him in the eyes. He sat up, looked around, and didn’t see Candy. He got up and saw her shorts and halter top laying on one of the camp stools. He walked around and found her over by the spring washing up. The sun lit up her auburn hair. The water glistened off of her skin. She was a vision of beauty.

She looked up as he walked over and said, “Go back, get a towel, and shuck out of those clothes. I’ll wash your back.”