You need not he rich to be charitable. Many of the knights were poor men. At one time some of them wore, as their crest, two knights riding on one horse, which meant they were too poor to afford a horse apiece.
Then “tips” are a bad thing.
Wherever you go, people want to be “tipped” for doing the slightest thing which they ought to do out of common good feeling. A Scout will never accept a “tip”, unless it is to pay for work done. It is often difficult to refuse, when it is offered, but for a Scout it is
easy. He has only to say, “Thank you very much, but I am a Scout, and our rules don’t allow us to accept anything for doing a good turn”. “Tips” put you on a wrong footing with everyone. You cannot work in a friendly way with a man if you are thinking how much “tip” you are going to get out of him, or he is thinking how much he’ll have to “tip” you. And all Scout’s work for another ought to be done in a friendly way.
Here is an example of what refusing a tip for a good turn may mean:
The Boy Scouts of America now number over three million Scouts. That’s a big lot, and it was started by the action of one English Boy Scout in London in 1909. This Scout offered to show the way to a gentleman as his good turn for the day.
When the stranger offered to pay for his trouble, of course the Scout said: “No, thank you, sir. I am a Scout.”
“A Scout! What is that?” The gentleman had never heard of Scouts. He questioned the boy, and finally paid a visit to Scout Headquarters in London and learned all there was to know about Scouts.
He was an American. He went back to America with his tale of the wonderful Brotherhood of Scouts, who were ready to do good turns to anyone needing help, but he would take no reward for doing them.
The idea caught on quickly in America, and Troops sprang up all over the States. Now there are almost as many Scouts there as there are in the rest of the world put together.
That was the result of helping without thinking of a tip.
I have had a number of letters of admiration for the Scouts on account of their doing good acts and then declining to be tipped for them. I am very glad to hear it, Scouts.
Of course, proper pay that is earned by your work is another thing, and you will be right to accept it.
The great difference between an outdoorsman and a city-dweller is, that the first is in shirt-sleeves while the other is buttoned up in his coat. The outdoorsman is open and cheery with everybody at once, while the city person is rather inclined to shut himself up from his neighbours inside his coat, and takes a deal of drawing out before he becomes friendly. The free, open-air, shirt-sleeve habits of the man of the woods or the open spaces do away with this, and life becomes much more pleasant to everybody all round.
A Boy Scout should remember that he is like Kim, the “friend of all the world”. But don’t let your friendliness lead you into the foolery of throwing away your hard-earned savings in standing treat to your friends.
Our Scout Law says: “A Scout is a brother to every other Scout”. This has shown itself very much when our Jamborees have brought thousands of Scouts together from forty different foreign countries. The boys have found out that though they come from different nations, they are after all very much alike in their tastes and amusements and that they can be jolly good friends with each other.
I want you Scouts to keep up that friendship and to make it wider and stronger. You can do this by writing to your Brother Scouts abroad and visiting them or by getting them to visit you in camp.
It will be fun for you and fun for them. But better than that it will be making friendship between you, so that if difficulties should arise later on between the different countries they will not at once want to go to war, but will talk things over as friends and see how to come to agreement without the cruel and unfair test of fighting.
A Scout is a “friend of all the world” and “a brother to every other Scout”. “The way to have a friend is to be one.”
One of the stories that the knights used to tell as an example of politeness was about Julius Caesar. Once when he was entertained for supper by a poor peasant, the man gave him a dish of pickles to eat, thinking that they were the sort of vegetables that a highborn officer would like. Caesar showed his politeness by eating the whole dish of pickles and pretended to like them, although they burnt his mouth and disagreed with his considerably.
In Spain, you ask a man the way—he does not merely point it out, but takes off his hat, bows, and says that it will be a great pleasure to him to show it, and walks with you till he has set you properly upon it. He will take no reward.
A Frenchman will take off his hat when he addresses a stranger, even when he asks a policeman the way.
The Dutch fishermen, big and brawny as they are, take up the whole street when walking down it. But when strangers come along they stand to one side, and smilingly take off their caps as he passes.
A lady told me that when in one of the far west Canadian townships she met a group of wild-looking cowboys walking down the street, she felt quite alarmed. But as they got near they stood to one side, and took off their hats with the greatest respect, and made way for her.
Courtesy to Women
The knights of old were particularly attentive in respect and courtesy to women.
Sir Nigel Loring in The White Company is a type of chivalrous knight of the old times. Although very small, and half blind from some lime which an enemy had thrown in his eyes very early in his career, he was an exceedingly brave man, and at the same time very humble, and very helpful to others.
But, above all things, he reverenced women. He had a plain lady as his wife, but he always upheld her beauty and virtue, and was ready to fight anybody who doubted him. Then with poor women, old or young, he was always courteous and helpful. And that is how a Scout should act.
King Arthur, who made the rules of chivalry, was himself chivalrous to women. One day a girl rushed into his hall crying for help. Her hair was streaming and smeared with mud, her arms were torn with brambles, and she was dressed in rags. She had been ill-treated by a band of robbers who roved the country, doing all the harm they could. When he heard her tale, King Arthur sprang to his horse and rode off himself to the robbers’ cave, and, even at the risk of his own life, he fought and defeated them, so that they could no more trouble his people.
When walking with a lady or child, a Scout should always have her on his left side, so that his right is free to protect her. This rule is altered when walking in the streets—then a man will walk on the side of her nearest to the traffic, to protect her against accident or mud-splashes, etc.
In meeting a woman or a child a man should, as a matter of course, always make way for her, even if he has to step off the pavement into the gutter.