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The Baroness regarded Asenka for a long moment, the expression on her weary face unreadable. Finally, she rose out of her overstuffed chair, picked up a scented candle mounted in a pewter holder off of the end table, and began shuffling toward the door.

"Come with me," she said.

As the three companions followed the Baroness, Asenka gave Ghaji a grin as if to say, Was that diplomatic enough for you?

Ghaji grinned. He was beginning to understand what Diran saw in this woman.

Ghaji expected Calida to lead them down into the bowels of the palace, where they'd find the cursed child sealed away in a subterranean cell, dwelling in darkness, forever denied the light of day. But instead the Baroness-along with the two guards-led them up a flight of stairs to the uppermost floor of the palace. At the end of a long featureless corridor lay a single door made entirely of metal, an iron crossbar set firmly in place to seal the room shut from the outside.

It must be a very lonely way to grow up, Ghaji thought. Curse or no curse, he felt sorry for the child forced to live behind the metal door. Strange and unfamiliar sigils and runes had been scratched into the surface of the door, dozens of them over the long years since the curse first took hold. Ghaji was by no means an expert, but he felt certain the markings were all protective charms of one kind or another. A glance at Diran, a nod from his friend, and Ghaji's suspicion was confirmed.

As they drew near the iron door, Ghaji could feel waves of anger radiating from the chamber within, so strong that it was nearly a physical force. It took an effort to move forward, almost as if they were walking into a strong wind. He clenched his jaw tight and concentrated on ignoring the Fury that buffeted him, but he could feel it sinking into his mind, making itself at home, and beginning to grow.

They hate you, you know. Half-orc. Half-human. Haifa man… Show them how strong you are. Take hold of your axe. Will its flames to life. Strike swiftly and without mercy…

Ghaji's hand reached for his elemental axe. But before he could draw the weapon, Diran laid his hand on the half-orc's shoulder, and Ghaji felt soothing calm spread through him. The Fury was still there at the core of his being, but its urgings were quieter now, more easily ignored.

Ghaji gave his friend a nod of thanks then looked to Asenka. From the strained expression on her face, it was clear the woman was fighting her own battle to resist the Fury, but he saw that Diran held her hand tight, and Ghaji knew that his friend was also helping Asenka hold the Fury at bay.

When they reached the door, Calida stopped and turned to regard the three of them.

"I'm impressed. Most outsiders can't make it this far without trying to kill each other… or themselves."

"What of you?" Diran asked. "You seem unaffected."

The Baroness gave the priest a lopsided smile. "Unfortunately, I am used to resisting the Fury… as are all who serve me." She nodded to the two guards that had accompanied them. "Do not underestimate my son's power. After Taran was born, he… his father was gripped by the Fury. My husband was driven to slay me, but enough presence of mind remained to him that he took his own life rather than harm me." She then looked away from them, as if suddenly embarrassed, and gestured at the door. "I do not have the strength to unbar it. If you wouldn't mind…"

Ghaji stepped forward. As soon as he slipped away from Diran, he felt the Fury whelm into him anew, but because he knew what to expect-and because of the lingering influence of Diran's calming touch-he was better able to withstand it this time. With a grunt of effort he raised the heavy iron crossbar then took hold of the door handle. He didn't open it yet, though. He looked to Diran to see if his friend was prepared to enter the chamber.

The priest looked at Asenka. "I think it best if Ghaji and I go in alone," he said. Asenka started to protest, but Diran cut her off. "I mean no insult, but we have much more experience dealing with this sort of thing. If we fail to withstand the Fury, we might well end up attacking one another… or you."

"I'm not afraid," Asenka said.

"It's not your fear that's at issue," Diran said. "It's mine. I will not be able to fully devote myself mind and soul to the task ahead if I'm distracted by concern for your safety. Remain in the corridor and guard the door. If we need you, we'll call out." When Asenka didn't answer right away, Diran added, "Please?"

For a moment, Asenka looked as if she might protest further, but she assented with a single curt nod. "Very well, I'll remain. But don't even think of asking me to lower the crossbar while you're inside. I won't do it."

Now it was Diran who looked as if he might protest, but like Asenka, he merely nodded.

"I shall return to the chamber where we first spoke," Calida said. Her tone was flat, her gaze dull. "Let me know how you fared… assuming any of you survive." Without further comment, she turned and began shuffling back down the corridor.

The guards said nothing as they took up positions on either side of the door. Ghaji had thought at first that the guards' impassive silence was just an intimidation act. Now he understood that they were concentrating on resisting the Fury.

"Call if you need me," Asenka said. She then leaned forward and gave Diran a quick kiss on the lips. "For luck," she explained.

Ghaji expected his friend to say something suitably pious and heroic, such as Thank you, but I have no need of luck as long as I have my faith to sustain me. Instead, Diran simply smiled at Asenka before turning to Ghaji and giving him a nod.

Time to go to work.

Ghaji opened the door and stepped inside. Diran followed and moved past the half-orc, slipping into the room as silent as a shadow, and Ghaji closed the door behind them.

The room was dark, so much so that even Ghaji's orcish night vision couldn't make out any details. There were no windows, no candles or lamps. Knowing an attack might come at them any instant, Ghaji drew his elemental axe and willed it to activate. Mystic flames burst into life around the blade, revealing a stone room devoid of furnishings, the only exceptions being a rumpled bedroll in the middle of the floor and a chamber pot that smelled as if it hadn't been emptied in a while located in one corner. Sitting on the floor next to the bedroll, cross-legged and looking at them with an almost serene expression on his face, was a boy who couldn't have been more than ten. He was completely naked, the flesh of his body crisscrossed with scratches-some scabbed over, some fresh and bleeding-as if the boy had been clawing at his own flesh. The child's resemblance to Calida was obvious both in his face and brunette hair. But as disturbing as the boy's appearance was, the aspect that bothered Ghaji the most was his eyes: they were completely black, moist and glossy, like the eyes of a beast.

"Are you Taran, son of Baroness Calida?" Diran asked. The priest's voice was firm, but kind.

The boy's beatific smile grew wider and became sinister, almost mocking. "She thinks so. The stupid cow."

Ghaji remembered an important element of the curse of Kolbyr. "Diran, wasn't the firstborn child supposed to be an indestructible monster? This boy may be in dire need of a lesson in manners, but he looks human enough… except for those eyes."

Diran smiled grimly, but he kept his gaze fixed on the child. "It appears the details of the curse have become distorted over the last century, starting with its very name. You see, my friend, the Curse of Kolbyr isn't a curse at all. This boy is possessed by a demon-one that has cast a foul enchantment over the city, causing the Fury."