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"My clothes were shredded and caked with dried blood, but I had no wounds. Lying next to me on the grass was a young man who most likely hadn't seen his twentieth year. He was naked, his skin covered with blood-some of it his, but much of it mine, I warrant. The shaft of my arrow protruded from his shoulder, and my blade was lodged in his heart. He had a number of stab wounds on his chest and abdomen, and I was amazed that I had been able to strike so many times as I was losing consciousness."

Diran smiled sadly. "You've never understood just how much inner strength you possess, my friend."

Leontis ignored Diran's comment and went on. "I disposed of the boy's body, first performing the Rite of the Death of the Foe, then burning the corpse. Afterward, I buried the bones in an unmarked grave and prayed over them. Then I returned to the village priest to tell him what had happened. The priest was relieved, thanked me for my service, and told me he was glad I had received no injury during my battle with the werewolf. I didn't… couldn't tell him the truth. And so I left the village and began the journey home."

Diran wanted to ask Leontis why he hadn't tried to prevent the lycanthropic infection from taking hold in his body. There were rites that could be performed using silverburn, flame, and priestly magic… but then Diran realized what had happened. Leontis had fallen unconscious before he'd had the opportunity to attempt such rites. Even when conducted immediately after infection, the rites didn't always prove effective, but after several hours, they would've been useless. The curse of lycanthropy had transformed Leontis, and there was no going back.

"I wanted time to think, so I decided to walk back to Flamekeep instead of returning by airship. Several days into my journey, I… changed for the first time. I don't recall exactly what I did while in beast form, but I know that I roamed the countryside without encountering anything more than rabbits and deer which I killed and… devoured. When I awoke the next morning, I was human once more. I considered attempting to take my own life, but I knew that, once unconscious, I could not perform the rites to make certain I did not rise again. And so I've been wandering ever since, avoiding cities and villages, anywhere that people might congregate, lest I harm anyone or worse, pass my curse on to some other unfortunate, and allow the evil of lycanthropy to begin spreading throughout the land once more."

"What kind of beast do you become?" Diran asked.

"A werewolf. Or so I believe, based on tracks I've made while in my lycanthropic state. I have memories of what I do when I change, but they're different than human thoughts… not words or ideas, but rather images and sensations."

"I assume you've continued to change," Diran said.

Leontis nodded. "I always try to fight it, though, and sometimes I'm successful." His voice grew softer. "But only sometimes."

Diran was filled with sorrow and sympathy for his friend. "It sounds horrible."

Leontis gave a hollow chuckle. "If only it were that good."

The two men were silent for a time, but then Diran asked the question he feared to speak, but which he knew he had to.

"Have you killed anyone?"

Leontis's answer was swift and sure. "No. I have hunted and slain only animals and other night creatures. Never have I taken an intelligent life."

Diran wondered how, if Leontis's memories of being in his wolfstate were unclear, how the priest could know for certain that he had never killed a person. But he decided to let the matter go for now.

"I've spent the last several months trying to find a Knight of the Flame, one with the strength to slay me and make certain I don't rise again. And, as fate would have it, you're the first priest I've encountered." Leontis gave Diran a sad smile. "In truth, I'm glad it's you, for if I must die, I prefer it be at the hands of a friend. I first saw you in Perhata. I almost caught up with you there, but you left the city before I could make contact. I learned you and your companions had left for Kolbyr, so I booked passage on a swift sailboat. Evidently you traveled by slower means, for I arrived in the city a full day before you did and have been searching for you ever since." The templar rose to his feet. "So, now that we're finally reunited, let us tarry no longer, Diran. Strike and be swift about it."

Diran stood and drew a silver dagger from its cloak-sheath. Leontis's jaw was set in a firm line, and his gaze was strong and clear. Diran gripped the handle of the dagger tight. He had no need to think about where to strike. He knew from long experience exactly which ribs to slide the blade between to pierce the heart in an instant. Leontis would be dead before he even knew the dagger had entered his body. Diran's muscles tensed, and he was about to lunge forward, but he hesitated. He remembered the last vision the demon had shown to him-the face of a wolf with a man's eyes. He then thought of the ghost of the mill girl that Leontis and he had encountered so many years ago. There were many ways to purge evil, and not all of them required a dagger-thrust to the heart. At least, not immediately.

Diran sheathed his blade with a fluid, graceful motion and smiled.

"Before I kill you, what do you say to going on a little trip with me and my friends?"


Makala stood on the deck of a sloop, gazing upward at a black sky-no clouds, moons, or stars, just featureless, unbroken darkness. But though the sky appeared empty, she had the sensation that a malevolent presence resided within the unrelieved blackness, a baleful force that was watching her with cruel amusement. She couldn't bear the oppressive weight of the dark watcher's gaze, so she lowered her head and looked past the ship's starboard railing. Startled by what she saw, she quickly looked port, aft, and stern, but each glance only confirmed what her eyes had first revealed to her: the elemental sloop was surrounded on all sides by the turbulent waves of a blood-red sea.

This didn't make sense. A few moments ago she had been lying on a blanket in a moonlit glade with Diran holding her close. They had just made love for the first time, and it was more tender, sweet, and exciting than she could ever have imagined. But how did she come to be here, and where was Diran?

She shook her head, as if such a simple action of denial could make this distorted reality disappear. But the sky remained black, the sea remained red, and she could still feel the pressure of the watcher's dark gaze bearing down upon her like a giant invisible hand slowly but inexorably crushing her.

"This isn't real," she whispered.

"Of course not. You're dreaming."

Makala turned toward the owner of the voice. An instant ago she had been alone on the Zephyr, but now an elderly man wrapped in a fur cloak stood less than half a dozen yards from her, grinning to display enlarged canines, dark shadows writhing within empty eye sockets.

"Cathmore." But it wasn't him, not exactly. The being resembled the master assassin in general-emaciated frame, wrinkled skin, hook nose, claw-like hands. But those fangs… those eyes…

Makala was terrified, but she'd been trained to be a cold, calculating killer, and she knew how to keep a tight rein on her emotions.

"What are you?" she demanded, her voice steady and strong. "What is this place?"