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An expression of embarrassed annoyance crossed Diran's face, and he gently but firmly pulled his hand away from Onu's grasp. "I was happy to play a role in the lifting of the curse, but it was far from an individual effort. Ghaji, Asenka, and Leontis all-"

"Yes, of course, I meant no slight!" Onu said. "But you simply must tell me all about it! What was it like? Was the Fury more intense in the presence of the Baroness's firstborn? Did the boy attempt to stop you? How did you manage-?"

Thokk cleared his throat loudly. "Captain, I believe you have something of importance you wish to do… something that will help us make better time on our journey?"

Onu looked at Thokk and frowned in momentary confusion, but then his face brightened. "Ah, yes! Of course! Master Thokk, if you would be so kind as to do the honors?"

The dwarf reached beneath his tunic collar and brought out a medallion on a metal chain. It was nothing special-just a misshapen lump of iron, really. But Thokk held it in the palm of his hand with a gentle reverence that suggested it was of great value, at least to him.

"Normally we don't carry passengers," Thokk said. "But the amount of money the Baroness offered was more than enough for us to make an exception in your case. What you're about to see is something… private, and all who sign on to the Turnabout's crew swear a magically binding oath never to reveal any of the ship's secrets. This medallion ensures that they'll keep their word. We'll need you to take the same oath before we can proceed any further."

Diran and Ghaji exchanged doubtful looks. Neither was thrilled at the prospect of being bound to an oath of which they knew nothing and, from the expressions on their faces, neither were any of their companions.

"Come now, my friends," Onu said. "It's a mere technicality, but I'm afraid we must insist. Trade secrets an all that, you understand." He gave them all a smile that was at once apologetic and reassuring.

"And what happens if we decline?" Diran asked.

"Nothing," Thokk said. "We will continue on our present heading to Trebaz Sinara." The dwarf paused meaningfully. "At our present speed."

"Which means we won't arrive for eight days," Ghaji said.

Neither Onu nor Thokk said anything more. The dwarf continued holding the iron medallion in the palm of his hand, waiting for them to make up their minds.

"I swear," Solus said.

Light glittered across the gray surface of the medallion as its magic bound the psiforged to his oath.

"Do you know something we don't?" Tresslar asked the psiforged.

Solus's artificial face was incapable of expression, but one of his green eyes momentarily went black before returning to its normal color.

Ghaji had to fight to keep from grinning. Had Solus just winked? Perhaps the psiforged had decided to make an exception to his no mind-reading rule.

Hinto was the next to swear. "If Solus thinks it's safe, then I do, too."

That was enough. The medallion glittered as the halfling's oath was accepted.

The rest of the companions swore in turn: Tresslar, Yvka, Asenka, Leontis, Diran and, with much reluctance, Ghaji.

Satisfied, Thokk tucked the medallion back into his tunic. He then spoke in a language Ghaji recognized as Dwarven, though he didn't understand the words. The distortion in the air behind the three masts grew more pronounced, and then three towers appeared, atop of each a large metal circle. Ghaji recognized them as containment rings, through much larger than the one aboard the Zephyr.

"This is an elemental galleon!" Tresslar said. "No wonder your ship has a reputation for being fast. I assume the runners are visible now as well?"

Thokk said nothing, but Onu answered with his usual enthusiasm. "Everything about the ship's true nature is now visible-to those of us who swore on the Oathbinder, that is. It wouldn't be very practical to have crew and passengers stumbling about on deck, bashing into elemental containment towers and such that they can't see, now would it? Would you like to take a look at the runners? All you have to do is peer over the side. I especially enjoy watching the spray they make when the ship's running at full speed. On a sunny day, you can see little rainbows in the mist. It's quite lovely!"

Thokk scowled and Onu looked suddenly embarrassed. "But I suppose it's too cloudy today, isn't it?"

"The illusion spells cloaking the containment towers aren't bad," Tresslar said, "but they won't stand up to scrutiny. I suppose that's why you make anchor so far from the docks: to keep anyone from getting a close look."

"That, and to keep our distance from the Fury," Onu said. "When the curse was still active, that is. It would've been most inconvenient to have our crew suddenly trying to kill one another."

"What I don't understand is why you bother to hide the true nature of your vessel," Asenka said. "You'd get far more business if people knew how fast the Turnabout can travel."

"Perhaps concealing their true speed is what allows them to attract the kind of business they want," Yvka said. She gave Onu and Thokk a meaningful look. "The kind that pays a hefty sum to have cargo transported swiftly and discreetly."

Onu began to open his mouth, but Thokk spoke first, cutting the captain off. "You've paid your fee-or at least Calida has paid for you-and you've sworn your oaths. Now I'll inform our pilots to rouse the elementals, and we'll get well and truly underway. We should reach Trebaz Sinara within two days-perhaps a touch less if the pilots can squeeze a bit more wind out of the elementals. Calida has certainly paid enough for them to try." The dwarf turned to Onu. "If you wouldn't mind coming with me, Captain, I'm sure the pilots will work harder if you offer them some personal encouragement."

"Of course, Bartalan! I'm always delighted to do whatever I can to help keep the crew's spirits high!" Onu turned to Diran. "I insist that all of you join me in my cabin for dinner this evening. It'll be somewhat cramped, but I think we'll be able to manage. And I fully expect you to regail with me with wondrous tales of adventure for as long as the wine holds!" He laughed, clapped Diran on the back so hard that the priest staggered forward from the impact, and then Onu followed Thokk and the two began to make their way over to the closest containment tower, the captain talking loudly the entire way, and the first mate pointedly ignoring him.

Diran watched them go. "They're an odd pair. And before you say anything, Ghaji, I know others have spoken the same about you and me. I suspect there's more to their relationship beyond captain and mate, though I have no notion what."

Ghaji looked at Solus. "Do you know?"

The psiforged shook his head. "I limited myself to probing the dwarf's surface thoughts, going deep enough to determine if taking the oath would prove to be a danger to us but no farther. Even so, I sensed some vague background thoughts and emotions… enough to make me believe that Diran is correct in his assumption. Just as the true nature of the Turnabout was hidden from us, so too is the true nature of Onu and Thokk's relationship."

"I wonder if we'll learn the truth about them," Asenka asked.

"If we do, we won't be able to speak of it to others," Tresslar said. "We are now physically incapable of speaking, writing, or in any way communicating information regarding the Turnabout to anyone who is not already bound by the magic of the Oathbinder. And remember what Thokk asked us? To swear that we wouldn't reveal any of the ship's secrets. He didn't limit us to just the one secret, either."

Anger clouded Yvka's delicate features. "You knew that and didn't tell us? Who knows what we might learn about the Turnabout and her crew? And we won't be able to tell anyone? Ever?"

"I'm sure you're employers would've preferred you didn't take the oath," Tresslar said. "But I saw no point in informing the rest of you about the scope of the promise we allowed ourselves to be mystically bound to. I want the Amahau back, and swearing that oath was the only way to ensure that we reach Trebaz Sinara as swiftly as possible. We all had to swear. If even one of us refused, Onu would never have given the command to use the ship's elementals."