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When Cai and his crew arrived at Vol's palace without the Amahau, Vol-never one to waste a tool if it might one day prove useful-transformed Cai and his first mate Onkar into vampires, and the rest of the crew into ghouls. She gifted the newly reborn vampires with obsidian sarcophagi so that they could withstand the effects of sea travel, and then charged them with finding Tresslar and the Amahau. While that search went on, Vol also tasked Cai with resurrecting an undead army of goblinoid warriors in Grimwall, the ancient subterranean city on Orgalos that Cai used as his base of operations.

Nathifa had been a servant of Vol in mortal life. The woman pledged her soul to Vol in exchange for knowledge of dark magic, and she became even more powerful when she used that knowledge to transform herself into a lich. Thanks to Vol, she was able to gain revenge on her hated brother Kolbyr by cursing his line with the Fury, and as payment, Vol commanded Nathifa to take up residence in a cave outside Perhata and wait until such time as the Dark Queen might have a need for the lich.

Over the decades, Nathifa become aware that despite the Fury, the city bearing her brother's name was prospering, and she decided that her vengeance would never truly be complete until everything he had built-the city included-was destroyed. When Vol became aware of Nathifa's desire, she told the lich that she had decided on a use for the Amahau-a purpose that Nathifa would help to fulfill, thereby gaining her ultimate vengeance in the process. The lich of course eagerly agreed, and settled down to wait until Vol's machinations brought the Amahau into her possession. And now, after all this time and effort, Nathifa stood here at last.

"But now that you have the dragonwand, why return here?" Haaken asked.

The lich's dry dead lips stretched into a hungry smile. "Because the Amahau wasn't the only magical artifact in Paganus's possession, merely the only one he kept on his person."

"So the dragon had a hoard," Makala said. "How original." Her gaze swept the cavern. "I don't see any sign of it in here, though."

"That's because Paganus wasn't foolish enough to keep his treasures out in plain sight," Nathifa said.

"So where are they?" Skarm asked.

"I have no idea," Nathifa admitted. "But I know someone who does. Let's go wake him and ask."

Without waiting for the others, the undead sorceress glided across the cavern floor toward Paganus's skeleton.

Ghaji's elemental axe burst into flame, illuminating their attackers just in time for Diran to duck beneath a set of long, wickedly curved black claws. The creature was a long-limbed, ebon-skinned, rubber-fleshed thing the size of a halfling with large almond-shaped eyes, tiny mouth, and three scimitar-like claws on each hand. As the monster's arm-like its claws-passed overhead, Diran slashed out with both his steel and silver daggers. The dark flesh parted beneath the blades' edges, but it did not sizzle or smoke at the silver's touch. As Diran spun and straightened to meet the next attack, he returned the silver dagger to its sheath within the inner lining of his cloak and drew another steel blade. He only had so many silver daggers, and since the holy metal had no additional effect on this creature, Diran preferred not to waste them.

More shadow creatures attacked from all directions, running at the companions from the ground and leaping at them from tree branches. The creatures came at them in silence, making no noise at all as they advanced, and if Diran hadn't wounded one himself, he might've thought they weren't solid beings at all, but instead ethereal forest shadows that had somehow come to deadly life.

Ghaji's axe slammed into the shoulder of one of the creatures and it released a high-pitched shriek like the piercing cry of a jungle bird as the elemental weapon carved it in two. So the shadowclaws could make noise when they wished!

The beast Diran had wounded whirled about for another try, but a backhanded slash at the creature's throat by the priest thwarted the attempt before it had even begun. Black blood gushed from the thing's neck, and it staggered backward, collapsed to the forest floor, and died. Diran didn't pause to take a closer look at the creature, which he'd already begun to think of as a shadowclaw. Though he was unfamiliar with the species, he knew everything that was important: the beasts were trying to kill them and the things died at the kiss of cold steel. Nothing else mattered right now.

It was difficult to estimate how many shadowclaws were attacking. Ghaji's fire axe only provided so much light, and the creatures' black skins blended in perfectly with the darkness that suffused the dark forest. A dozen shadowclaws? Two dozen? More? It was impossible to say.

Leontis was rapidly nocking and loosing arrows, and with every twang of his bowstring, another shadowclaw fell.

"We need more light!" Leontis shouted.

"Happy to oblige!" Yvka called back. She'd taken three small wooden juggling balls from her pouch, and she tossed them into the air. The three balls froze at the apex of their flight and began emitting a dazzling shower of white sparks.

For a radius of fifty feet, the forest became bright as day. The shadowclaws caught in the glare of the sudden light hissed, squeezed shut their overlarge almond eyes, and tried to block out the painful illumination by raising their huge talons. The light didn't keep the shadowclaws from attacking, but it made them hesitant, and that was something.

"Many thanks!" Leontis said, his voice little more than a throaty growl. He continued loosing arrows, but now each shaft plunged into a shadowclaw's eye, penetrating straight into the brain and slaying the creature. With alarm, Diran watched as his friend began to transform. Leontis's eyes glowed a feral yellow, his teeth became sharper and more pronounced, and his hands and face were now almost entirely covered with fur. Nose and mouth merged and stretched into a lupine snout, and his ears became pointed and shifted upward toward the top of his head. His fingernails lengthened into claws, and the priest could no longer get an effective grip on his bowstring. With a snarl, Leontis threw the weapon to the ground, shrugged off his quiver and backpack, and leaped at the nearest shadowclaw, his own claws outstretched and eager to rend flesh.

Diran took a quick glance around to see if anyone else had witnessed Leontis's change of shape, but the other companions had been too busy battling the shadowclaws to notice. Good, Diran thought. The last thing the others needed as they fought for their lives was to be distracted by the realization that they had a werewolf in their midst.

Tresslar knelt on the ground near Solus. The psiforged stood immobile, the psionic crystals that covered his body pulsing with multicolored light. Solus grabbed hold of the shadowclaws in his vicinity with his telekinetic powers and flung them into the air to slam into tree trunks or, just as often, each other. It was as if the creatures were being tossed about by a gale that could neither be seen nor felt.

Tresslar's revealer lay on the ground, and the artificer was furiously working on it with a pair of tools that looked something like lockpicks formed from shimmering light. Diran had no idea what Tresslar was doing, but he had no doubt it was important, so the priest sprinted over to the artificer's side to stand guard over him. Tresslar didn't look up from his work as Diran began slicing at shadowclaws as they attacked, but he said, "Thanks, Diran. If you can just buy me a few more moments…"

"That may be about all I can do," Diran muttered.