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But then something strange happened. The cobblestone streets shimmered and became coated with smooth metal. The buildings changed as well, stone and wood now overlaid with bluish-white until everything in Regalport gleamed with reflected moonlight. Throughout the city, the weresharks reacted in horror as they realized they were entirely surrounded by silver. Their feet burned from the silver cobblestones they stood upon, and the moonlight reflecting off the silver buildings seared their eyes. The weresharks panicked and ran blindly, following their instincts back toward the sea, and those few who were not slain by Regalport's defenders-none of whom saw the illusion that so terrified the weresharks-actually made it.

Solus's perceptions shifted back to the material plane in time to see Tresslar, once again in possession of his dragonwand, lower the magical device. The psiforged's fingers were still pressed to the head of Nerthatch's stone body, but he could no longer sense any evil power within the statue. He guessed that Tresslar had used the Amahau to absorb the statue's energy, but he felt confident that he had gotten his twin messages to the weresharks through the statue's link before Nerthatch's body was completely drained of magic. Solus lowered his hands from the statue's head and turned to see what further assistance he might render his friends. That's when he saw Haaken remove his hands from the statue's shoulders, and he realized that he hadn't dealt with all the weresharks in Regalport this night. He had failed to follow the link back through the statue to Haaken's mind.

Haaken didn't recover right away, however. He swayed on his feet as he struggled to shake off the effects of serving as a conduit for Nathifa's magic. Solus had witnessed the recuperative powers of lycanthropes enough times to know that it wouldn't take long for Haaken to recover, and the psiforged didn't intend to give him the chance. Solus concentrated on using his telekinetic power to grab hold of the wereshark and fling him far out into the bay, but nothing happened. Solus looked down at his chest and saw that his psionic crystals had gone dark. He'd expended his entire storehouse of psionic energy to resist the mental maelstrom he'd been caught in and then to deal with the weresharks. It would be quite some time before his crystals were able to restore themselves, and in the meantime, he was helpless.

No, he thought as he looked down at his hands. Not entirely.

The psiforged curled his stone fingers into a fist, stepped forward, and punched Haaken on the snout as hard as he could. Unfortunately, Solus hadn't been built for strength, and all he managed to accomplish with his blow was to clear Haaken's mind. The wereshark glared at Solus and lashed out with a vicious backhand strike, and suddenly the psiforged was the one who found himself flying off the dock and plunging into the bay.

Ghaji saw Haaken knock Solus into the water. The half-orc didn't know if the psiforged could swim, but since the construct didn't need to breathe, Ghaji decided the point was moot. He took a quick look around and tried to decide on his next move.

The weird greenish mist now covered the entire bay, and tendrils were just starting to curl up over the edges of the dock. Ghaji didn't know what the stuff was, but he knew it wasn't good. Tresslar still held the dragonwand, but something had happened to it. The Amahau and the wand it was attached to had both turned pure black. Ghaji was no artificer, but he doubted the wand was going to be of much use in the immediate future. Strangest of all, Nathifa had transformed into a mass of shadow tentacles approximately ten feet tall. Nathifa-or whatever she was now-had folded over on herself, as if she were a giant fist squeezing something tight within her grip. Ghaji had no idea what it could be, until he remembered seeing a small dark object streak into Nathifa's shadowy form right after he had cut the dragonwand free. Ghaji glanced in Diran's direction and saw his friend rising to his feet, silver arrowhead held in his right hand. There was no sign of Makala.

That's when Ghaji realized what Nathifa was squeezing within her shadowy grasp.

Diran dashed to the half-orc's side. "Makala's inside Nathifa! We have to do something before the lich destroys her!"

Ghaji wasn't sure what Diran was talking about, but it never occurred to him to question his friend.

"Let's do it," the half-orc said.

Together the two friends started toward the tentacled beast, Ghaji gripping his flaming axe tight, Diran raising his silver arrowhead, preparing to wield the holy object against the evil sorceress.

That's when Haaken grabbed them both by the neck and slammed their heads together.

Bright light flashed behind Ghaji's eyes, the world spun, and his vision went gray. When his eyes cleared, he found himself looking up at Haaken, and he realized that he was lying on his back. The wereshark must have dropped him and Diran to the dock after knocking them together. Ghaji tried to rise, but his head felt as if it had been shattered into a million pieces, and he was too dizzy to move. He turned to look at Diran, and though his friend was consciousness, he looked to be in just as bad a shape as Ghaji. Blood ran from both Diran's ears and nostrils. Not a good sign. Ghaji turned the other direction and saw his elemental axe lying on the dock several feet out of reach. Once out of his hand, its flames had extinguished. He supposed it didn't matter that he'd dropped the axe. He was too weak to lift it right now anyway.

Haaken looked down at them, grinning with a maw full of shark teeth. "You don't know how good it feels to finally have a chance to pay the two of you back for wrecking my ship and stranding me on Demothi Island. I suppose I should thank you, though. If it wasn't for you, I'd never have become the magnificent creature I am today. I did manage to extract a bit of revenge on Trebaz Sinara, though." The wereshark focused his gaze on Diran. "It was no accident that I threw your werewolf friend at Asenka. She was a pain in my rump back when I was human, and I was glad to end her life. Her bones made such lovely snapping sounds when the wolf hit her, didn't they?"

Haaken laughed then, the sound hideous coming from his inhuman throat.

Ghaji saw Diran struggle to rise, an expression of mingled sorrow and fury on his face, but the priest was too injured to get up and slumped back down onto the dock.

"I was just going to kill the two of you," Haaken continued, "but now that I think of it, that would be too easy. Instead, I'm to give you each a little love nip. Just enough to draw blood-and pass along my gift to you. I think you'll eventually come to enjoy being weresharks. I know I love it."

Haaken started forward, mouth open wide-

"Get away from them!"

Haaken paused and turned to look at Tresslar. The artificer held forth the blackened dragonwand, the Amahau pointed directly at the wereshark.

"Take another step and I destroy you!"

"Don't bluff, old man," Haaken growled. "If that thing still worked, you'd have used it already." The wereshark looked back down at Ghaji and Diran. "You two aren't going anywhere soon. I'll wet my appetite for you by slaying the old man first."

Haaken turned back to Tresslar and began to advance on the artificer. Tresslar held his ground, but Ghaji could see that the dragonwand was shaking in the artificer's hand. Tresslar had been bluffing, and now that Haaken had called his bluff, it appeared that the artificer had run out of tricks.

"I don't suppose you're going to give me a chance to say any last words?" Tresslar said, backing up slowly.

"Why should I?" Haaken snarled.

"Pity," Tresslar said. "Because if you did, I'd say, 'Look out.'"

Haaken scowled and spun just in time to see a strange creature-part wolf and part shark-leaping at him.

Diran watched as Leontis-at least, he assumed the hybrid monster was his old friend-tore into Haaken with a savage fury that was both wonderful and terrible to behold. Leontis knocked Haaken onto the dock and clawed at his chest with his hands, ripped at his belly with his feet, and ravaged his neck and face with his teeth. Haaken screamed as his blood fountained into the air and his viscera spilled onto the dock. Diran knew that Haaken was no longer a threat to them, so he turned his attention to Nathifa.