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"My champion speaks well, Vuron. Her words are true. I must have the Final Key, and so I must agree to the contest Iggwilv has decided upon. I do not forgive her, nor do I forget the slightest injury. I bide My time. Opportunity will come… What you must do now, Vuron, is to assist in assuring My victory in the coming struggle. Thereafter, We will consider what course to take, and then you may again counsel as you choose. Now, give Me your mind as I direct!"

Vuron calmly bowed, accepting the order with no show of emotion. "Yes, lord. I think thus. Witch and cambion will use all of their power to see that the weaker of the contestants gains the prize. Obmi will thus be favored. Then, once the dwarf has gained the Final Key, those two will have traps and snares ready to take him and relieve the fool of the Theorpart, if possible. If they fail in that, they will allow Zuggtmoy to have it – nay, help her as if faithful to a bargain they have surely struck with her. If that occurs, and Zuggtmoy is deceived, she will assist in warfare against the Scarlet Brotherhood and their diabolical helpers. At such point, I can not ascertain which faction will prevail – Zuggtmoy, or Iggwilv and Iuz – in actually gaining the Initial Key. There will be dissension between witch and cambion, between Zuggtmoy and Szhublox – that I know. Unless they fall to bickering immediately, My liege, they cannot fail to take the Initial Key, for they will wield the powers of two parts against a single one."

"You are agitated, Vuron," Graz'zt said as he observed the albino demon closely.

"I am. My king. If two parts are played against one, I think that the powers will enmesh and draw the three into a whole!"

The statement just spoken made Eclavdra shudder, but the dark elf concealed this and said, "Yet if My lord king has two of the keys, he need not fight for the third! Let the Scarlet slaves of the Hells piddle with it – all the more discomfiture for Iggwilv and the wretched cambion she bore!"

"How do you propose that King Graz'zt gain two keys?" Vuron's question was the challenge Eclavdra had been waiting for.

"Quite simply, Lord Vuron," the drow female replied, making the honorific seem somehow insulting through her inflection. "I will gain the Final Key for My liege. Then Iggwilv and Iuz will need to beg his aid in getting the one held by the Brotherhood – ostensibly for the horrid Zuggtmoy, but of course actually for themselves. Possession of the Final Key will free My lord king from the confines of this plane! To dupe or take by force from the two that which they hold will be a slight matter for one so powerful as King Graz'zt."

"Excellent!" Graz'zt cackled. He placed his massive, six-fingered hand on Eclavdra's silver-haired head and said, "I commend you, champion. Succeed, and I shall elevate you to My nobility and accord you status as First Concubine as well!"

"My liege is too generous…"

Vuron, seeing that his words would no longer fall upon hearing ears, turned to practical matters. "How may I assist in assuring the victory falls to your champion, lord?"

Graz'zt didn't seem to notice how Vuron avoided giving any honor to Eclavdra, but the dark elven high priestess did. Another cause, she thought, for which I shall exact full payment from this pale worm when My time comes. Instead of showing her anger at the slight, however, Eclavdra smiled most charmingly at Vuron, making sure that Graz'zt saw her display. Then she said, "Yes, wise lord steward, please give the benefit of your thinking. All that assists me in succeeding as champion only helps us all to better serve our king."

Again Graz'zt beamed. The albino demon barely raised a snow-white eyebrow at the spectacle, though. "I will meditate and study the whole matter constantly, My liege, so as to be prepared to intelligence your champion when she departs… Will that be soon?"

Without waiting for a reply, Vuron added, "I also have at hand certain things which she will find helpful when venturing forth on Oerth. From My own store I offer cusps – shields to protect her eyes from the burning radiation of the sun." As he said this, Vuron closed both his eyes tight for a second, as if he felt the very brightness he spoke of.

"What else, lord steward?" Graz'zt asked with a tone that conveyed his dissatisfaction with so paltry a provision. Eclavdra was quite pleased at that, although she too thought more must be given, for the contest was no easy matter, and her victory was by no means assured despite her boasts. Let this Vuron provide more means for her to displace him!

"There is more, of course, King Graz'zt," the albino steward said with a ring of hurt in his voice.

"Oh, please tell me what, noble Vuron!" Eclavdra said with pleading in her tone, casting a look of anxious need toward the albino demon.

Vuron saw Graz'zt's expression as well as that of the high priestess. "Amongst the many ideas I have are protections, weapons, and more. I beg My liege lord's pardon for not detailing each at this time. You have charged me with My best efforts, and I crave a bit more time to deliver to your ultimate satisfaction."

"Be certain you do deliver!" Graz'zt admonished in his deep, commanding voice. "You have Our permission to leave Us now, steward. Report to Us daily on your progress. It will not do to delay the departure of Eclavdra much longer."

The snow-skinned demon left the private chamber with dignity, as Graz'zt turned his attention to the dark elf. She had launched into an explanation of her plans to emerge victorious in the coming contest, and the demon king was listening to her speech with pleasure.

The king's daily checks with Vuron produced no results, and the monarch grew more and more agitated. Many days later, Graz'zt angrily summoned Vuron to another audience in the shielded little place. This delay is unconscionable, steward!" the black demon thundered. "Explain yourself to Us, or there will be punishment meted out!"

"May it please your Abyssal majesty," the Lord Steward intoned formally to Graz'zt as he bowed from the waist. The demon king nodded but made no suggestion that Vuron be seated. Eclavdra observed the exchange from her own divan next to the royal one. After a short pause, Vuron stood straight and spoke.

"After great thought and most careful planning, My liege, I have just this day finished devising a plan which will meet your majesty's needs. It is very simple, yet very complex. In all, My lord king, it will give you the advantage over the others."

"Advantage? What of surety?"

"Surety, King Graz'zt, must be bestowed by one far more powerful than I. The advantage of surprise, that of precaution, and those of special equipment I can offer… but no more."

Instead of flying into a rage as he seemed about to do, Graz'zt glared at the albino demon for a moment. Then he relaxed and smiled. "Your words, Vuron, bring sense into mind as usual. We take your meaning and appreciate it. Relate your plan."

"Eclavdra, well cloaked and protected, will depart from the free city of Dyvers. There is a temple of yours, lord king, in that city, and it will be possible to transport your high priestess to the catacombs beneath that place without arousing undue suspicion. Even the risk to her is slight, for those who opposed you are not concerned – pardon, lord – with your leaving your plane."

Graz'zt scowled at this, and Eclavdra openly sneered. That will put me many days behind that toad, Obmi!" she snapped. "Spies report that he rode from Molag a week ago!"

Ignoring her outburst, Vuron went on calmly. "With her will be an escort of half-drow able to tolerate the sunlight they will be exposed to for so long a period of time as the journey will take. Her lieutenants will be two able cavaliers with high skill in the art of dweomercraefting. The six additional guards will be half-drow also – an assassin of dire prowess, a thief with fighting skill, and four with only warrior training, but doughty nonetheless."