Somerville was not enthusiastic about his chances. He knew that the Japanese were masters of naval air operations involving carriers, and that their planes were in many ways superior to those on his own ships. He had a small outpost at Port Blair on Andaman Island that he hoped to use as a trip wire to alert him to the Japanese attack when it came. When communications were suddenly lost with that outpost, he knew the storm was coming, and gave the order for his squadron to assemble in two flotillas, one fast and one slow.
The fleet footed carriers would be his sword, and the lumbering battleships his shield. He gave some thought to simply sending those battleships west out of harm’s way, to Addu, but discarded it thinking he would need every ship he could get his hands on. If Prince of Wales had met her fate off Malaya as it did in Fedorov’s history, he might have thought twice about sending his fleet out to face the Japanese naval aviators.
But that had never happened….
Chapter 50
That meeting with Yamamoto at Truk had occurred on the 30th of June, and Takami lingered there for several more weeks. Taiho was commissioned, but still cutting her teeth in the waters off the Philippines, working in the new equipment, pilots and planes During this period, Takami sortied once with Carrier Division 1 to help cover a supply run to Fiji. Fukada had hoped they might encounter the Americans, but that operation was unopposed. On the 15th of August, Admiral Hara informed Yamamoto that he was now prepared to head south to rendezvous with the remainder of his new 3rd Carrier Division and other fleet units.
Takami departed for Singapore, arriving there on September 15th after a stop at Davao. They tried to be discreet. Anchoring several kilometers off the island, but the local commander, the irascible General Nishimura, took a personal interest. He had a launch approach the ship, and a message was delivered, inviting the ship’s Captain and Executive Officer to dinner ashore in Singapore. To decline such an invitation would be a serious affront, and knowing that Yamamoto was relying on Nishimura to provide troops for the Ceylon Operation, Harada agreed.
“Sit down, gentlemen,” said Nishimura. “Please excuse the gloomy weather. Yet the cooler summer caused by all that ash and soot in the sky has at least given us some relief from the heat.”
“Thank you, General, you are most gracious.”
“I had hoped to see Admiral Hara at this dinner, but it seems he is still rounding up carriers and battleships. I understand that he will have our newest carrier, Taiho.”
“Yes sir. At least we were told that by Admiral Yamamoto.”
“You spoke with him personally?”
“He was kind enough to brief us and relay our orders.”
“I see… Tell me, Captain, is it true that the Siberians have invaded Karafuto?”
“Yes sir, they have.”
“Most astounding. I’m sure that will be on Yamashita’s plate soon. Let us hope he does a better job than he did during this campaign.”
“Taking all of Malaya in five weeks wasn’t good enough?” Harada smiled. There was something about this man that he did not like, but he kept those feelings as opaque as possible.
“Singapore is part of Malaya, is it not?” said Nishimura. “In fact, it was the only part that really mattered. I took that for the Empire after Yamashita failed. It was no surprise to me when he was relieved here, and I was given command in his place. Now the city is well in hand. I have rooted out most of the undesirables, particularly the Chinese, and things are running smoothly again.”
“Things seemed to be in order,” said Harada, his smile a bit thinner.
“I have also heard you have a most unusual ship.”
“Oh? Not really. It is a prototype heavy destroyer, with our very best new radar sets.”
“And more,” said Nishimura. “Don’t think I have not heard all the talk about rocketry.”
“Yes, those are prototype weapons as well, but if you will excuse me, we are not permitted to discuss them. I’m sure you will understand.”
“Of course.” It was enough for Nishimura that the existence of such weapons was confirmed. Now he wanted to see what this operation would require of him. “Good that you were in the right place at the right time to rescue general Imamura. He still speaks highly of you. Now I understand you will be heading into the Indian Ocean—a very good idea. There isn’t much threat the British can pose now, not with the Air Force posting strike planes here on my airfields. Yet the British cannot be left to ripen out west. Soon the stench will begin to blow this way. It is about time Yamamoto decided to go and prune the tree.”
“Yes sir,” said Harada.
“Then you will attack their bases on Ceylon?”
“Sir, Admiral Hara will have been fully briefed on this operation, and he will have orders for us when he arrives here. I am only a Captain.” Harada thought he had better say as little as possible.
“Well, I am a General,” said Nishimura. “You see, the Navy needs me to provide troops for this operation, and so I already know a good deal.”
“Probably more than we know, sir. Care to enlighten us?”
Nishimura smiled. “Attacking Ceylon is certainly the mission. What else? So I will provide two regiments of my 5th Infantry Division, and hold a regiment of my Imperial Guards in reserve. They were the heroes of Singapore, under my personal command, I might add.”
“Most extraordinary, sir. A lot has been said about them.”
“Oh? What is going around?”
“Why, in the operations up north, the troops of the 7th Division were told to remember what happened here, and how your troops crushed the last of the enemy resistance.” Harada was, of course, buttering the General’s bread, even if none was being served that evening.
“Indeed? Well that is very true.” This one is sly, thought Nishimura. He is clearly trying to say as little as possible about this ship, the Takami, or so I am told. No one seems to have heard anything about such a ship before it appeared. Most interesting. It seems Yamamoto keeps a few flowers hidden in his garden these days. After the loss of so many carriers, he has every need to be cautious.
“So the newest carrier, and your ship, will join our two newest battleships. I was told to expect Satsuma and Hiraga here in three days. Yamamoto must be very serious about this campaign. There is only one thing I cannot seem to understand. Your ship was up north with those battleships, neh? And I believe there were two fleet carriers out to sea with you as well. How is it nothing came of that?”
Harada had no idea where this man was getting his information, or what he might have heard. “I don’t understand,” he said. “We were to cover the transfer of reserve units to Karafuto, and that mission was completed.”
“Yes, but not without incident. Didn’t Hiraga take damage in that operation?”
“If I may, sir, how is it that an Army General knows so many things about naval operations?”
Nishimura inclined his head. That skirted the border of impertinence. “It may interest you to know that I am being considered for a higher position on the Imperial General Headquarters. I must therefore keep abreast of more things than the number of Chinese heads I take here each day.” He smiled, but behind it was the tension of a look that said ‘don’t question me like that again.’
“Of course,” said Harada.
“May I ask if you have heard anything concerning this rogue Siberian vessel in the north. The name Mizuchi is being spoken even here, and in fearful whispers.”