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Raven’s Roost — Shipboard nickname for the Intelligence Systems bay. Because of their stealth capacity, the Cunningham-class destroyers have been given an enhanced capability to perform “Raven” missions — i. e., to act as a Sigint (Signal Intelligence) and Elint (Electronic Intelligence) gathering platform.

SAH-66 Sea Comanche LAMPS (Light Airborne Multipurpose System) — The original SAH-66 Comanche was intended as an Army scout/gunship helicopter utilizing low-radar-observability technology. The SAH-66 Sea Comanche is a naval variant produced to complement the stealth capacity of the Cunningham-class guided-missile destroyer.

Intended for ASW and surface search/recon operations, the Sea Comanche mounts a powerful APG 65 radar in its nose.

It can also be equipped with a number of different pod mounted sensor systems, including dunking sonars, Magnetic Abnormality Detectors, and the Shearwater AEW system. In addition, the SAH-66 can be armed with a broad spectrum of torpedoes, missiles, depth charges, and gun pods.

SCM (Stealth Cruise Missile) — The follow-on to the Tomahawk sea-launched cruise missile, SCM is a sophisticated, long-range strike weapon incorporating low radar visibility in its design. A multimode weapon, it can be configured for either antishipping or land attack.

Sea SLAM — A ground-attack variant of the Harpoon antishipping missile. Utilizing an infrared, electro-optical targeting system developed for the Maverick air-to-surface missile, it is a sea-launched weapon, primarily intended for precision strikes against land targets.

Sigint (Signal Intelligence) — The collection of battlefield intelligence via the interception and antidecryption of enemy radio and landline communications.

Standard HARM (Homing AntiRadiation Missile) — A derivative of the Standard surface-to-air missile. The Standard HARM is designed to seek out and destroy enemy land and sea-based radio and radar systems by homing in on their EM emissions. The missile is equipped with a memory system that allows it to prosecute the kill even if the target transmitter is shut down.

Tomahawk Cruise Missile — A currently existent and battle proven long-range strike weapon for use against land and sea targets. Turbojet powered and launchable from surface ships, submarines, and aircraft, the Tomahawk is undergoing a continuing evolution of systems improvements that will keep it viable for many years to come.

UDFC — The United Democratic Forces of China.

Xia — Like the majority of the other major nuclear powers, Red China has divided its strategic nuclear arsenal among a triad of different delivery systems: bomber aircraft, plus land and sea-based ballistic missiles. The Xia-class nuclear ballistic-missile submarine makes up the seagoing leg of their triad. Resembling the early-model American Polaris SSBN, the prototype Xia carried twelve solid-fuel Ju Lang 1 IRBMs. The later Block II variants had this battery stretched out to sixteen of the more potent Ju Lang II.