Durk said, “You will if you intend to remain in the Realm’s Navy.”
Matt looked at Durk and said, “I believe that I am the one who will make that decision, General.”
Durk bowed and said, “Yes, Your Grace.”
Twig thought to Matt, “You must find a way to do it.”
“Why is it so important to do it now?”
Melanie asked, “Do what? What are you talking about?”
Anglo Gardner looked at Melanie and said, “All will be explained at the right time. Hold your questions for now.”
Melanie looked at the Baron and said, “Yes, Your Grace.”
Twig thought, “We have traced the links in the ship and have determined that the two chairs are linked with huge connections. We believe that to wait until you take your places in them to form a mental link could be disastrous for both of you.”
Matt was shaking his head, “I’m sorry, I just can’t do it.”
Melanie looked at Matt and said, “It would be a betrayal, wouldn’t it?”
Matt looked up sharply at her, stared for a long moment, and then said, “Yes.”
“May I suggest something, Your Grace?”
“What if roles were reversed? What if you died and left Angel behind. Will you consider just writing her a letter saying what you would want her to know if that had happened; I think it might help you.”
“Why is that?”
Melanie cocked her head to the right and said, “Because you have forgotten how much she loved you and it would help you remember.”
Matt hung his head and stood there saying nothing. “Alright, everyone, the Prince needs some time. We will contact you soon and let you know what his decision will be,” Al announced.
Melanie looked over at the control panel and then turned to Durk and said, “I for one wish to respect his privacy. Will you please take me back to my ship?”
Anglo looked at her and said, “He will take you back to your ship, however, you will not participate in any attacks from this moment on without my direct consent.” Melanie tried hard not to show her disappointment at missing the next attack.
Sprig looked at Twig and thought, “General, if you don’t mind, I would like to take the Searcher to another ship first. I will then take her to her ship.”
“As you wish, Elder,” General Durk responded and he then disappeared from the bridge.
Sprig and Twig moved to each side of Melanie and they disappeared. Anglo walked to Matt and placed his hand on Matt’s shoulder, “Write the letter, Cousin. Angel see’s your suffering.” Anglo stepped back and pushed his wrist unit and disappeared.
Matt was left alone on the bridge and could not get his lost love’s face out of his mind. “Magic, write the letter,” Al said.
Matt moved to his chair and sat down and thought about all that had happened. He remained still for more than four hours and Al remained silent while he meditated.
Matt activated his display on the chair arm and cleared the screen. He thought;
“Dear Angel,
I am so sorry I’ve left you alone. I know how much you hurt and I am hurt even more for causing you to suffer so much. I have loved you for so long and now I’m not going to be there to hold you and care for you at the times you most need me. Seeing you in such pain hurts my soul so deeply. I didn’t plan for this to happen and if I knew it was coming I would have told you every day how much you meant to me and would have shown you the depth of my love in every remaining moment.”
Matt felt his tears falling but the next lines seemed to write themselves:
“I want you to find happiness, Angel. I will suffer as long as you endure the pain. You must find happiness in what life you have remaining. Only remember the happy moments we shared feeling our love for each other and let the pain go. I know you will always love me and you have to know that I want you to find peace and happiness again. I will be in misery if you live your life in sorrow. I cannot rest until you let me go and only remember what happiness I have given you. Love me, Angel, and live.”
“You know that’s exactly how she would want it, Magic?”
Matt jerked his head up. “She is as much a part of me as the ship I find myself in and, like you, I miss her so much.”
“Fly Girl, I miss her so much that there are moments I want to die.”
“Would you want her to feel the same way if you were the one that died?”
Matt took a shaking deep breath and said, “No.”
“Neither would she, Magic.”
“How do we go on, Fly Girl?”
“One day at a time taking one step after another until we only feel the joy she brought us. Choosing to live is the only way we can best honor who she was and I know I must do it for her.”
“What are you going to do now?”
“I am going to make friends with that Searcher that just visited you. She is absolutely ga ga over Al. I suspect I will bring a new level of excitement for her.”
“Can you link to her mind after Angel?”
“I need to link to her mind to bring me back into the world of the living. You know that I would have eventually lost Angel anyway.”
“Because I would live longer, Magic, and I know that she would insist that my life after her be the best it could be. Do you think she would wish less for you?”
Matt hung his head and thought about what she said.
“Thank you for coming, Fly Girl”
“Al, I was as lost as he is until I read his letter. He helped me see what I couldn’t see. I know what I must do now.”
“Fly Girl, I love you.”
“I know, Al; and I love you as well. I have felt you during my reconstruction and it was your love that kept me from giving up.”
‘I wish you were going to be on the new ship with us.”
“Fly Girl sighed, “I will always be near you, Al, never forget that.”
“I won’t.”
Matt continued to sit in his chair and stare at the display.
Chapter 13
“Yes, Magic”
“Call everyone.”
“Do you want to clean up first; you pointed out how inappropriate our Searcher was dressed.”
Matt looked at his uniform and saw all the wrinkles. He smiled briefly and said, “Tell them to be here in an hour.”
“Messages have been sent.”
Thanks, Al. Thank you for bringing Fly Girl.”
“She wanted to be here, Magic.”
Matt stood and went back to his quarters to clean up.
Matt was sitting in his command chair when the group arrived together. Matt could see their apprehension and the young Searcher appeared to be more nervous than the rest. He looked at them and said, “I have reached a decision and I want to discuss it with you; but first I have a question for you,” and he looked at Melanie.
Melanie was dressed in regulation uniform and Matt thought that the baggy uniform really didn’t do her justice. Even her hair that was combed perfectly coming out from under her hat was unexpected. She had to have just piled it up under it the previous day. She came to attention and bowed, “Yes, Your Grace.”
“Why did you ask me to write that letter?”
Melanie just stared at Matt. Then she heard in her mind, “I really think that it is time to be honest and tell the truth here, Searcher.”
Melanie flinched then said, “I saw your pain and I knew that she did not have a chance to say goodbye. Anyone can see how much she meant to you and I believe that she loved you just as much; if either of you had left the other one behind it would be unbearable for the one that died to see the suffering of the one living. They would not want that and I felt that you could only see it by thinking about your love for her if the roles were reversed, Your Grace.”
Matt stared at Melanie and thought about what this said about her. He looked at Sprig, “Did you show her the ship?”
“Yes, I did.”