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“Now, don’t get me wrong. Montclair is a terrific house, and it’s had its share of visitors over the years. A lot of people who stopped off in Crofton on their way to the Peak District would come through, and its parkland has always been used by the locals. As long as everyone behaved themselves, the Laceys didn’t mind visitors. But with Chatsworth and the spa at Matlock so close, most people bypassed Montclair, excepting people like yourself who went looking for it because they believed the Darcys had lived there.”

Because of the late hour, Jack drove me directly to the train station. On the way, I asked him about Will and Elizabeth’s children.

“There were four children: twins Christopher and Francine, Laurence, and Phoebe. The impression I got from reading the letters and diaries was that Laurence was a little slow out of the gate. Eventually, he was sent to work in a mercantile house owned by the Binghams in Livorno, Italy, or Leghorn, as the British called it, where Laurence fell in love with a contessa. After they married, I don’t know if he put in another day’s work for the rest of his life.

“Franny never married and lived at Montclair for all of her life. Her twin brother’s first wife died in childbirth, and she ran the house for her brother even after Christopher married a woman who was a first cousin of his deceased wife. They did stuff like that back then. After his second wife’s death, Christopher spent most of his time in London and got married for a third time to an actress who loved to entertain. From all accounts, they were happy together.

“The younger girl, Phoebe, made her debut during the Regency Era, when it was a great time to be young. She got into a lot of mischief, and Franny, her older sister, wrote about it in her diary. The one story I remember is that the whole family were in Brussels on the eve of the Battle of Waterloo, and Will was anxious to get everyone back to England. But the Duchess of Richmond was having a ball for the Duke of Wellington, and Phoebe gave her father the slip and went to the ball without him. You need to talk to Violet Alcott, Beth’s cousin, who lives in Holland Park in London. Violet and her brother, Geoff, are about the same age as James and Michael, and they spent a lot of time with us when we were all in India together. She’s a delightful chatterbox, and I know she wrote a school paper on Franny.”

Checking his watch to make sure that I wouldn’t miss my train, Jack said, “Next time you come, we’ll have to go to Melton Mowbray for a pork pie. I was there the day the town welcomed back the 4th Parachute Brigade. After their big fight at the bridge at Arnhem in Holland in ’44, the boys all wanted their pork pies.”

By that time, we had arrived at the station. There was still so much that I wanted to know. But there was time. I was sure I would see the Crowells again.

Chapter 7

With the holidays approaching, the Crowells invited me to spend Christmas with them at Crofton Wood, but between a hectic work schedule and fighting a cold, I decided to stay in London. However, Jack and Beth continued to write letters to keep up my interest. In the next letter, I was to learn all about Anne Desmet, Pride and Prejudice’s Miss Anne de Bourgh.

21 December 1947

Dear Maggie,

Jack is insisting I write this letter, accusing me of leaving out important facts from the stories we have told you, especially concerning Anne Desmet and her mother. So under Jack’s supervision, I will tie up some loose ends.

The Devereauxs were a wealthy Norman family. Like Anne Devereaux Lacey, Will’s mother, Lady Sylvia, received a large dowry when she married Lord Lewis Desmet. There was a considerable age difference between the bride and groom, and it seems that Lord Desmet preferred to spend most of his time in town while Lady Sylvia’s preference was to remain in the country at Desmet Park. However, they did get together at least once because Lady Sylvia became pregnant with Anne in her late thirties, and six years after her birth, Lord Desmet died.

Although it was Lady Sylvia’s desire that her daughter marry Will Lacey, it was never Anne’s. She had been at Montclair when Will’s mother had died as a result of a miscarriage about five years after Georgiana was born — probably from septicemia. Because of her poor health, it was Anne’s declared intention never to marry. Anne and Will were very fond of each other, and they would often visit in Anne’s sitting room after Lady Sylvia retired for the evening. Anne had Will’s complete confidence. He not only shared with her his growing interest in Elizabeth Garrison, but her rejection of him. I think you will find the enclosed letter to be quite interesting.

The closing paragraphs of  Pride and Prejudice differ greatly from what really happened. If anyone should be congratulated for bringing Elizabeth and Will together, it is Anne Desmet. But that tale is woven into Elizabeth and Will’s love story, so we’ll hold off on that one.

Jack and I were sorry you did not come to Crofton Wood for Christmas. It would have been our pleasure to introduce you to our son, James, and his family. We received a letter from Michael (and he wishes you happy holidays) in which he said that all eyes are on Germany because of the breakdown in relations between the Western Allies and the Soviet Union. Fortunately, his enlistment ends in November. However, for the sake of everyone’s children, it is imperative that nations find ways to resolve their differences without going to war.  For our part, my family has contributed more than their share for King and Country.

Please write and let us hear of what goes on in town.

Happy Christmas,


P.S. As a child, my parents took their four children up to London to Harrods during the holidays to do our Christmas shopping so that we could ride the escalator. I remember my mother hesitating because, at that time, women still wore ankle-length dresses. Nervous customers were provided with brandy at the top! Of course, my brothers decided it would be even more fun for them to walk up the down escalator.

I eagerly opened the envelope Beth had enclosed and recognized the stationery and handwriting from Will Lacey’s earlier letter to his cousin.

9 April 1792

Dear Anne,

As mentioned in my last post, Charles Bingham is much taken with Miss Jane Garrison of Bennets End, Hertfordshire. I consider his preference for the lady to be very marked, but as you know, Bingham has often been in love. I am unable to judge how Miss Garrison receives his attentions, as she is a passive creature. However, her sister, Elizabeth, is Miss Garrison’s opposite in every way. The elder sister is fair, with flaxen hair and blue eyes, while Miss Elizabeth has dark brown hair and dark, expressive eyes that show a hint of mischief.

I accompanied Bingham to the home of Miss Garrison’s aunt for an evening of cards. I was sitting next to Miss Elizabeth when she said I was very fortunate in that her aunt’s house was too small to permit dancing. However, she enquired as to what stratagems I would use in order to avoid conversation, an obvious reference to my remarks, which she had overheard at the assembly. When I told her I chose carefully the people whom I sat next to, she responded by saying I had chosen unwisely, as she loved a good conversation. I noted that she also liked to tease people. ‘But never with malice,’ she said. I believe my remarks at the assembly wounded her. In my defence, my words were not malicious but were the result of fatigue after a difficult journey.