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On the raised platform outside the post office the postman was playing a game of draughts with a friend. He had a ball-point pen behind his ear. They squatted on either side of the grid drawn on the cement in charcoal and pulled greedily on their cigarettes. They were using tops of two different brands of soda bottles as counters. Despite the smoke from the cigarettes there was a cloud of winged insects above their heads; and from time to time one of them would clap his hands violently above his head, momentarily resembling a Hindu idol. When they saw Maulana Hafeez appear round the corner both men quickly stubbed their cigarettes across the grid, scattering the bottle tops; and straightening up, pretended to be chatting innocently. The cleric was walking towards the post office.

Across the street men were beginning to gather for the evening outside the laundryman’s shop. They lounged on a broken-down rope cot and pulled on a freshly kindled hookah. The owner of the shop was arguing with someone; no doubt, Maulana Hafeez reflected, the argument was over a lost shirt.

Maulana Hafeez entered the post office. The postmaster and his wife sat behind the desk in the centre of the room, making envelopes. The postmaster folded each oblong piece of paper along identical lines and passed it to his wife who ran a deft finger dipped in flour paste over the edges. The woman was pregnant and breathed with difficulty.

She greeted the cleric, then shamefacedly covering her protruding belly went to the door at the back of the office; it gave on to the room where the couple lived.

Maulana Hafeez seated himself in the vacant chair. All around the office were calico bags and parcels and packets. Diagonal rays of the westering sun entered through the window. Set by the hatch through which customers were served was a small balance and several coin-sized weights. The floor was strewn with paper, like the fake rubbish created for a railway station on a film set. The telephone, one of the five sets in town and the only one in public use, was on the shelf by the window; the shelf also held the telegraphing equipment.

Maulana Hafeez looked around him uncomfortably and made a few noises at the back of his throat, as though unsure how to proceed. Then he said, ‘I’m sure you’ve heard about Gul-kalam by now.’

The postmaster looked at him in surprise. But he seemed to recover, and said, ‘Yes, Maulana-ji, I have heard.’

Maulana Hafeez, head bowed, became aware of the younger man looking at him carefully and some of his earlier awkwardness returned. Eventually however he said, ‘I was talking to Mujeeb Ali and—’

‘Forgive me, Maulana-ji,’ the postmaster interrupted politely, ‘but I think I know why you’re here. Maulana Dawood too was around earlier. I’m afraid my answer is no.’

And for a while he stared at the table, lips tight; Maulana Hafeez’s head remained bowed; neither spoke. Then Maulana Hafeez said, ‘It will benefit the whole town if those letters were examined before being sent out. We must do whatever we can to prevent another tragedy.’

The postmaster smiled. ‘It’s not the whole town, Maulana-ji. It’s just the rich people that seem worried. If Mujeeb Ali has sent you here, then does that mean he’s confessing at least to the crimes he committed nineteen years ago?’

Maulana Hafeez touched his arm. ‘You’re being unreasonable and refusing to see reason simply because of your personal feelings towards Mujeeb Ali. And, from the little I know about these matters, those feelings are in any case ill-founded. Mujeeb had nothing to do with what happened to you during those elections. Everything was done on the orders of the old deputy commissioner.’ And, after a pause, he added: ‘You must understand that the Alis suffered just as much under the last government. Land was taken away from them and their mills were nationalised.’

‘I’m not a child, Maulana-ji. I know who prevented me from filing my nomination paper. But I also know what Mujeeb Ali’s henchmen did to the candidates of my party in other towns. I was lucky in a way that the deputy commissioner prevented me from submitting my application, otherwise your Mujeeb Ali would have had the same things done to me. I know how people were prevented from casting their votes here and how the polling agents were made to sign the rigged results at gunpoint.’

‘All that was a long time ago,’ Maulana Hafeez said quietly. ‘The ideal memory is one which only retains others’ good deeds while forgetting those of our own.’

The postmaster said, ‘This martial law has been an answer to Mujeeb Ali’s prayers. The expropriated lands were returned, and the mills. His brother has become a minister, and they even have a deputy commissioner of their choice.’ He sank deep into the chair.

For several minutes no one spoke. Then Maulana Hafeez said, ‘So, the answer is no? You are turning me away?’

The postmaster continued to look at Maulana Hafeez. The conversation had called up the memory of old disappointments. He became quiet and reflective. ‘To be honest with you, Maulana-ji,’ he said with a sigh, ‘I think that had the Mazdoor-Kisan party come to power it would have been a great failure. It assumed that people are good, that they would want to share their money and possessions, that greed doesn’t exist.’

Maulana Hafeez began to say something but the postmaster continued: ‘In a way, Maulana-ji, what I believe in and what you preach are not that different from each other. Though you wouldn’t agree with me here, of course. We both want to believe that people are basically good while the fact of the matter is that people are born selfish. It’s being kind and generous that we have to learn.’

Maulana Hafeez shook his head. ‘No. It’s the other way round,’ he said. ‘You mustn’t let such dark thoughts enter your head. Come to the mosque one of these days.’

Outside the streetlights were coming on one by one; and in the deep-blue patch of evening sky visible through the window birds were returning to their nests. Three blocks away Maulana Dawood began the call for evening prayers. Maulana Hafeez stood up. ‘It’ll be Magrib in twenty minutes. I must go.’

The postmaster switched on the light. And almost immediately there were moths in the room, manically circling the naked bulb.

Maulana Hafeez turned around at the door. ‘Wouldn’t you at least think about it? We’ve already had one death.’ He seemed to be pleading. ‘You’re committing the sin of rebellion.’

The postmaster gave a small laugh, wheezing in almost silence.

Maulana Hafeez turned to leave. The postmaster watched him as he descended the three steps to street level. He came to the door and said, ‘And, Maulana-ji, tell Mujeeb Ali that I don’t have the letters yet. So there’s no need to break into the post office tonight. The delivery isn’t till Wednesday. They’ll arrive either tomorrow or the day after.’

In Maulana Hafeez’s absence two servant girls, their charges on their hips, had gone into the mosque. They had been to see the tree split by lightning the night before. One of the girls held both infants against her burgeoning breasts while her friend went to the toilet. Maulana Hafeez returned to find the girl standing in the centre of the courtyard.

Fear clouded her eyes when she saw the cleric. ‘The baby has …’ her voice trailed away. She nodded at her feet: there was a small puddle of urine.

‘A child’s,’ Maulana Hafeez smiled.

The other girl emerged on to the courtyard, swinging her braids.

‘Your baby has done something on the mosque floor,’ her friend told her.

The second girl immediately rolled up her sleeves. ‘We’ll wash the floor, Maulana-ji,’ she sang out.

Maulana Hafeez dropped his eyelids. ‘You shouldn’t be out at this time, kurio.’ He pointed the crook of his index finger up at the darkening sky. A few of the nearer stars were becoming visible.