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Of the original ten Kilos purchased from the Russians, only three were left, and they all were scattered to the south. Four attack submarines — even if one was a nuclear-powered Akula — would not be sufficient to close the Strait of Formosa.

And yet, the day might yet be won, despite the black defeat of China's new submarine arm.

An American carrier! The message reported that an American carrier battle group, built around the supercarrier Stennis, was now approaching the southern tip of Taiwan. Hsing knew if he moved quickly, he could be in position to hit the carrier from ambush.

And there would be another encounter with the Sea-wolf. He was certain of that.

"Raise the captain of the Heilong on the radio," he said. "We have new orders."

Control Room
USS Seawolf
Southwest of the Pescadores Islands
2230 hours

"So, Skipper… why are we back here?" Ward asked.

"I think he just likes the deep water," Dougherty suggested.

Garrett smiled as he took a sip of coffee from his mug… the big, white one with the word captain above the name USS SEAWOLF across one side. "It is kind of nicer to have some water beneath our keel," he admitted. "But we're hunting for that Akula."

"The Akula?" Simms said, puzzled. "What makes you think he's on this side of the strait?"

"Because the Stennis battle group is coming through here pretty quick now. If you were skipper of an Akula, and you had a choice between an American sub and an aircraft carrier, which would you take?"

"Tough to say, really," Dougherty replied. "I mean, both a Seawolf and a supercarrier are pretty high-value targets."

"True. But the Akula skipper was running a wolf pack of at least four Kilos. He lost all four going after us. He might decide that a carrier is an easier target. And… it's a target with a much higher profile. Beijing is bound to figure that a CBG can do them more damage than one submarine, and pictures of the Stennis burning on CNN would be such a powerful moral boost to them, and such a blow to U.S. prestige. I know which one I'd choose."

"Conn, Sonar! Multiple targets, bearing one-zero-zero. I've got them in a convection zone… range about fifty miles."

"That, gentlemen, is our cue. If we can hear the Stennis, so can the enemy. Battle stations torpedo."

Control Room, PLA Submarine Changcheng
Southwest of the Pescadores Islands
2245 hours

"Multiple targets, Captain," the chief sonar officer reported. "We have identified two frigates…an oiler…and… "


"An aircraft carrier, sir! We have them!"

Hsing nodded. "There will be at least one, perhaps two Los Angeles-class submarines in advance of the squadron. We will let them pass, then move in concealed by their wakes. Our target is the carrier."

"A missile attack?" the weapons officer wanted to know.

"No. The American carrier possesses high-speed cannon as a defense against sea-skimming missiles. We will take her with torpedoes."

"Yes, sir."

"Do you wish to pass orders to the Heilong, Captain?"

He considered this. "No. We will do nothing to give away our presence. The Heilong will choose her own attack plan. Executive officer! You may sound battle stations."

Silently, the Great Wall crept into position.

Control Room
USS Seawolf
Southwest of the Pescadores Islands
2320 hours

"Conn, Sonar. I have an explosion, bearing two-seven-three, extreme range. Sounds like a torpedo detonation, sir."

"The carrier?"

"Negative, sir., I have the Stennis at twenty thousand yards, dead ahead. This is out in front of the CBG someplace."

Garrett nodded. "The battle group's sub escort," he said. "They've run into something."

"Maybe we won't get to play, you think, Skipper?" Dougherty said.

"Somehow, I don't think that Akula skipper is the type to charge a CBG head-on. My guess is that he's lying back in deep water, just like us, hoping to sneak in on the carrier's wake. If we—"

"Conn! Sonar!"

"Talk to me."

"I have torpedo tube doors opening, sir! Bearing two-five-nine. Range uncertain, but he's damned close!"

"Weapons! Give me a TMA on that target!"

"I need time for the TMA, sir. We don't have the range yet…."

"This is no time to polish the cannonball, dammit!" The expression was an old submariner's term, meaning to so work and rework a Time Motion Analysis that the shot was ruined. "Sonar! Go active! Nail that bastard!"

It was more important now that Seawolf know exactly where her adversary was than that she stay invisible. Seawolf's bow sonar, the most powerful in the world, sent out a high-pitched, ringing ping.

"Conn, Sonar! Range to Master Four-five is twenty-three hundred yards! Sir! He's fired! One torpedo in the water!"

"Weapons Systems! Match sonar bearings and shoot, Tubes One and Two, Master Four-five!"

"Firing Tubes One and Two," Ward said calmly. "Match sonar bearings and shoot, target Master Four-five, aye aye."

"A second torpedo in the water! Make that three… four… "

"Tubes One and Two fired electrically," Ward announced.

"What is the enemy's range to the Stennis?"

"Thirty thousand yards, sir. Running time eighteen minutes."

"Okay. We have time. Weapons, match sonar bearings and shoot, Tubes Three and Four, Master Four-five."

"Match sonar bearings and shoot, Tubes Three and Four, Master Four-five, aye. Tubes Three and Four fired electrically."

"Offset unit three thirty degrees left. Offset unit four thirty degrees right." He wanted a spread that would come down on the enemy boat like a charging stampede.

"Units one and two have acquired the target, Captain," Sonar reported. "Units three and four have acquired."

"Cut the wires and close the outer doors. Reload Tubes One, Two, Three, and Four. Helm! Come left ninety degrees. Maneuvering, make turns for forty knots!"

For a long thirty seconds nothing happened. Running time from Seawolf to the Akula was a minute and a half. It would be close….

Control Room, PLA Submarine Changcheng
Southwest of the Pescadores Islands
2321 hours

The sound of the enemy's active sonar pulse had rung through the Great Wall's hull like the clanging of a gong. "Enemy submarine!" the sonar officer cried. "Close to starboard! Range twenty-two hundred meters!"

Hsing Ma caught his lower lip between his teeth, his fast-dwindling store of options an agony of failing hope. He had four torpedoes running, targeting the American carrier, but it would be long minutes yet before they could acquire the target for themselves. If he changed course to avoid or attack the American, he would break the wires directing them.

"Four enemy torpedoes in the water to starboard!" the sonar officer called. "They are going active. They have a target lock… on us!"

There was no way around it. If the Great Wall was to have even the faintest hope of surviving this, Hsing had to jettison his own torpedoes.

"Cut the wires on all torpedoes!" he snapped. "Helm, come hard right, ninety degrees! Torpedo Room! Close outer doors on One through Four. Open outer doors on Tubes Five and Six and make ready to fire!"