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For a short while, student and teacher said nothing, each trying to catch their breaths. Alan was trying to understand the strange yet wonderful sensation still searing through his body. He had never thought that what had happened to him could be so wonderful. He had never thought that anything like that could be so wonderful. His teacher looked up from his limp cock and smiled at him.

"Are you glad you stayed after now?" she asked breathlessly.

"Oooooohhhh… yes, Miss Heller," he said, his eyes blinking rapidly as though he were trying to wake up from a deep sleep.

"Well, I think you can go home now. I trust I don't have to tell you that this will be our little secret."

"Noooooo… you don't have to tell me."

"That's a good boy," she said. Quickly, she helped him to his feet and pulled his pants up for him. In less than two minutes, Alan Ribner was outside, walking as though he had not a care in the world. Karen stood at the window and watched him skipping through the school grounds and down his street. All the while she watched him, she could think of nothing but the incredible luck she was having. To think, there wasn't another woman teacher in the entire school. She would have these precious children all to herself. Briefly, she allowed her memory to dwell on the innocent faces of the students she had spent less than an hour with. Some of them had looked at her in wonder… some of them had looked at her as though they didn't know what was expected of them with her. Well, she would teach them all. Each and every one of them. They were so darling and precious… so wanting and innocent. It would be better for them to learn about sex with her than out on the street where sex could be made something dirty and unwanted. She believed that an all boy school could turn repressed sexual passions into homosexuality. In any of her students turned out like that, that was their business, but she would feel guilty and lax in her duty as a teacher if she didn't do everything in her power to educate her class in everything the world had to offer… and if that meant getting fucked by and sucking all the beautiful young eight-year-olds in her class, well so be it!!


The morning and most of the afternoon passed quickly for the lovely red-headed teacher. After Alan had gone, Karen spent a little time going over her class roll, and then spent some time with the other teachers in the lounge. For the most part, they talked about how the first day had gone and how eager the children seemed to learn. Although she was the only woman at the meeting, she did not feel uncomfortable. In fact, she felt rather smug in the knowledge that she would be able to teach her students something that none of the men would even dream of teaching. She answered their polite questions about how she liked her first day, and while she politely answered, she knew better than to even consider mentioning the little after-school session she and Alan had. From what she could gather from listening to the faculty and staff, a teacher was pretty much left up to his or her own imagination, and that pleased her a great deal. As long as the children maintained their grades, the staff didn't care how the class room was run. There was a strong hint, though about not discussing such things as sexual education in the class room. Well, thought the shapely teacher, I don't intend on discussing it at all. I intend on experiencing it with my students.

After the meeting, Karen Heller went to her small, one-story house and outlined her lessons for the rest of the week. She was not exactly sure how she would go about fucking the children in her class. Perhaps she could go on a field trip while the weather was still nice. God knows there was enough money in the school fund for something like that. Anything to get her students away from the repressive atmosphere of the school building. The more she thought about that idea, the better it looked to her, and she decided that she would give it more thought… perhaps even talk to the class about it before she approached the staff.

Finally, as evening drew close, she felt the pangs of hunger, and she remembered that, in her excitement, she had forgotten to eat lunch. There was very little in her refrigerator, as she had only been living in the house for two weeks and had taken most of her meals out. When she got her first pay check, she thought, all that will change. Perhaps she could have her students over to her home when she finally felt settled in enough.

After searching through her cabinets she found that she had just enough to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and that thought hardly pleased her at all. It was time to go out again. Well, as long as she was going out, she thought, she might as well take a shower first. That little meeting with Alan had led her pretty sticky in the sultry Indian Summer air, and she wanted to look her best, just in case there were some nice men somewhere in the small town. She hadn't seen any yet, but it was never a good thing to give up so soon. Tonight might be her lucky night.

The shower hitting her lush, alabaster skin made he feel more relaxed, and she noticed that, although the shower stall was fairly small, it would hold her and almost any one of her precious students. That might be a very nice project for one of them, she thought. I wonder what they would think about taking a shower with their teacher. She smiled as she thought of what their parents would think. Finishing her shower and while she toweled down, a frown came to her pretty little face as she thought that it was really a shame that with the school being as free as it was, there was still the strong belief that sex was something which should not be enjoyed. She was glad that she had decided to stay at the school. She would make life better for her students than any other teacher there.

Then she thought she heard something knocking at her door. Straining her ears to listen through the house, she was certain of it. There was a faint knocking at her door, and she was hardly dressed. Well…

Wrapping the towel around her body, she quickly walked through the house and opened the door a small crack. On the other side, she saw a young boy carrying papers. She recognized him as one of her students, although she could not remember his name. She quickly glanced around and saw that he was alone, and she decided that she would give this young boy the same lesson she had given Alan. Opening the door fully, and making very little effort to keep her towel wrapped around her body, she said.

"Well, I remember you from my class this morning. Won't you come in?"

The young boy, upon seeing that she was wrapped in nothing more than a towel, hesitated. "I'm sorry, Miss Heller," he said, his eyes fixed on the jutting swell of her full rounded breasts which were almost exposed as the towel began to fall from them. "I didn't mean to come here while you were taking a shower."

"Nonsense. As a matter of fact, I was just thinking about you," Karen said, smiling as sweetly as she could. She held the door open, and the young boy, seeing that she really wanted him to come into her house despite how she was dressed, walked pass her into the living room, making an effort to not look at her scantily clad form. She closed the door behind him and leaned up against it. Running her eyes up and down his youthful body. He was larger than Alan, and seemed to be more sure of himself, although he was still only eight-years-old and slightly uncomfortable in her home.

"Now, what can I do for you?" she asked, making her voice show him that she was not angry he was here.

"Well… I'm the paper boy for this neighborhood, and when you moved in two weeks ago, I thought I might ask you if you wanted a paper. I never thought you were my teacher."

"I'm very sorry, but I don't remember your name," Karen said, bending her leg enough to make the towel ride up almost all the way to her cuntal hair. She could see that the young boy was looking at her vaginal region now, as though he was expecting to see something. Has he got a surprise coming, thought the curvaceous red-head.