table 6.1. (continued)
Code name | Personal data |
with assignments, but first results were disappointing. Personal issue: too easy-going with the ships’ crews, unable to elicit useful information. Resolved by political and moral reeducation, helping her to gain confidence of ships’ officers. Served 3 years 9 months to date of report, January 1962. | |
Nevskii | Russian male, born 1931, higher education, multilingual, port dispatcher in Klaipéda. Komsomol member. Recruited by consent, April September 1957, to report on foreign shipping. Complied fully with assignments, but first results were disappointing. Personal issue: off-putting manner (brash, talkative). Resolved by personal reeducation. Served 4 years 4 months to date of report, January 1962. |
Petrauskas | Lithuanian male. Compromised by past nationalism and violent record (sentenced 1948 to 25 years, released after 15). Thought to regret his past. Personal issue: was his conversion genuine? Resolved by prolonged discussion. Recruited by consent, September 1963, to report on nationalists. Complied fully with assignments. Served 10 months to date of report, August 1964. |
Rimkus | Lithuanian male, born 1908, secondary education, formerly a journalist, now farm technician (“agronomist”) in Klaipéda rural district. Compromised by record under enemy occupation; sentenced 1945 (5 years). Attracted KGB interest by complaints about misappropriation of farm property. Thought to have knowledge of nationalists living locally under cover, possibly regretful of past association with nationalists. Recruited by consent September 1961, to report on nationalists locally and in the diaspora. Followed by regret. Personal issue: fear of exposure. Resolved by discussion and assurances. After this, complied fully with assignments. Served 4 months to date of report, January 1962. |
Code name | Personal data |
Ruta | Lithuanian male, born 1937. Compromised by engagement in nationalist resistance; sentenced and released. Regretting past, hoped to wipe the slate clean. Recruited by consent (volunteer) during 1960s to report on nationalists. Complied fully with assignments at first, then dropped out. Personal issues: psychological isolation, low-wage employment, lack of status. Resolved by befriending, life coaching, help with new residence and employment. Served around ten years to date of report, September 1975. |
Sadovskii | Lithuanian male resident of Kaunas. Recruited by consent in 1964 to report on nationalists. Compliance with assignments being verified. Served a few months to date of report, August 1964. |
Stanislav | Male railway employee on the Vilnius-Kuznica (Poland) main line. Recruited by consent (“on ideological basis”), December 1958, to report on foreign contacts. Thought to be fully compliant with assignments, but he failed to report a smuggling racket. Resolved by moral and political reeducation. Now complying fully. Served 2 years 4 months by date of report. |
Surikov | Lithuanian male factory worker. Compromised by record of nationalist activity, sentenced in 1951. Thought to have changed views. Recruited by consent in 1961 to report on nationalists. Served a few months to date of report, January 1962. |
Valdas | Lithuanian male born 1939, student of Vilnius State University. Recruited by consent November 1961 to report on nationalist students. Complied enthusiastically with assignments. Self-described fan of KGB. Served 2 months to date of report, January 1962. |
* Agents chose their own code names, and could by accident prefer the same one, in this case “Berzas.” |
TABLE 6.1. (continued)
Sources: Agent Algis: Hoover/LYA, K-l/10/323, 24-27 (Report by operative commissioner of the Kaunas city KGB second department Capt. Sidorov, 27 August 1964). Agent Berzas-1: Hoover/LYA, K-l/10/300, 34-35 (Report by consultant of the Soviet Lithuania KGB chairman’s group Maj. Gomyranov, March 1961). Agent Berzas-2: Hoover/LYA, K-l/10/323, 34-36 (Report by operative commissioner of the Kaunas city KGB second department Capt. Balkus, August 1964). Agent Genys: Hoover/ LYA, K-l/10/311, 22-24 (Report by senior consultant of the Soviet Lithuania KGB chairman’s group Lt. Col. Tumantsev, 26 January 1962). Agent Gobis: Hoover/LYA, K-l/10/300, 213-18 (Report by senior operative commissioner of the Siauliai city KGB, Maj. Ostapenko, 26 September 1960). Agent Karklas: Hoover/LYA, K-l/10/300, 302-4 (Report by senior operative commissioner of the Siauliai city KGB Capt. Sar-palius, no date but 1961). Agent Komandulis: Hoover/LYA, K-l/10/311,28-29 (Report by senior consultant of the Soviet Lithuania KGB chairman’s group Lt. Col. Tumantsev, 22 January 1962). Agent Korabel’nik: Hoover/LYA, K-l/10/300,30-33 (Report by senior consultant of the Soviet Lithuania KGB chairman’s group Lt. Col. Tumantsev, 11 March 1961. Agent Maksim: Hoover/LYA, K-l/10/311, 19-21 (Report by chief of the Soviet Lithuania KGB group for study and dissemination of the experience of operative workers Lt. Col. Babintsev, no date but 1962). Agent Mindaugas: Hoover/ LYA, K-l/10/311, 42-43 (Report by senior consultant of the Soviet Lithuania KGB chairman’s group Lt. Col. Tumantsev, 23 January 1962). Agent Mir: Hoover/LYA, K-l/10/300, 38-40 (Report by consultant of the Soviet Lithuania KGB chairman’s group Maj. Gomyranov, 10 March 1961). Agent Neman: Hoover/LYA, K-l/10/300, 26-29 (Report by senior consultant of the Soviet Lithuania KGB chairman’s group Lt. Col. Tumantsev, March 1961). Agent Neris: Hoover/LYA, K-l/10/311, 17-18ob (Report by chief of the Soviet Lithuania KGB group for study and dissemination of the experience of operative workers Lt. Col. Babintsev, 22 January 1962). Agent Nevskii: Hoover/LYA, K-l/10/311, 34-35 (Report by chief of the Soviet Lithuania KGB group for study and dissemination of the experience of operative workers Lt. Col. Babintsev, no date but 1962). Agent Petrauskas: Hoover/LYA, K-l/10/323, 28-30 (Report by senior operative commissioner of the Kaunas city KGB second department Capt. Raudis, August 1964). Agent Rimkus: Hoover/LYA, K-l/10/311, 39-41 (senior consultant of the Soviet Lithuania KGB chairman’s group Lt. Col. Tumantsev, 23 January 1962). Agent Ruta: Hoover/LYA, K-l/10/440, 15-32 (Remarks of agent Ruta, recruited from a hostile environment, 30 September 1975). Agent Sa-dovskii: Hoover/LYA, K-l/10/323,31-33 (Report by senior operative commissioner of the Kaunas city KGB second department Maj. Troinin, 26 August 1964). Agent Stanislav: Hoover/LYA, K-l/10/300,36-37 (consultant of the Soviet Lithuania KGB chairman’s group Maj. Gomyranov (no date but March 1961). Agent Surikov: Hoover/ LYA, K-l/10/311,25-27 (Report by chief of the Soviet Lithuania KGB group for study and dissemination of the experience of operative workers Lt. Col. Babintsev, January 1962). Agent Valdas: Hoover/LYA, K-l/10/311,36-38 (senior consultant of the Soviet Lithuania KGB chairman’s group Lt. Col. Tumantsev, no date but 1962).
to raise the performance of the rest.[344] From that perspective, the agent stories we have do not help us much to understand the general quality of informer management or performance. What they show us is good practice as the KGB saw it at the time. Being rich in detail and widely varied, they allow important common features to emerge that can guide further investigation.
Hoover/LYA, K-1/10/300, 48-65 (Report on the status of agent-operative work in the apparatus of the Soviet Lithuania KGB administration for Trakai district by Maj. Gomyranov, consultant, February 1961); the words quoted in the text are on page 50. Also K-1/10/300, 65-81 (Report on the status of agentoperative work of the Akmené KGB apparatus on 5 February 1961, by Lt. Col. Tumantsev, senior consultant of the Soviet Lithuania KGB chairman’s group for generalization and study of operative work, 21 February 1961); 82-95 (Report on the status of agent-operative work in the apparatus of the Soviet Lithuania KGB commissioner in the town of Birzai, by Maj. Gomyranov, consultant of the Soviet Lithuania KGB group for generalization and study of operative work, March 1961); 97-108 (Report on the status of agent-operative work in the Taurag district apparatus ofthe KGB on 20 March 1961, by Maj. Snakin, operative officer of the Soviet Lithuania KGB second administration, March 1961); 111-64 (Report on the status of work in the Kaunas apparatus of the Soviet Lithuania KGB, by Col. Matulaitis, chief of the Soviet Lithuania KGB second administration, 25 April 1961).