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Jesus, Lucas, youre bleeding, Sherrill said.

Get me some toilet paper or something, Lucas said, watching Audrey McDonald as her struggles subsided.

Gonna ruin your shirt, Sherrill said, coming back with a box of tissues. She pulled out a wad and pressed it against his neck.

Worth it, he said, watching Glass wrestle Audrey McDonald back toward the TV room. He looked around. Are we about done here?

Another hour, if we really think that glass cutter is here somewhere, Del said.

Keep looking, Lucas said. Im gonna take off.

I better come along, Sherrill said. Youre pretty cut up.

All right, Lucas said. To Dell, You and Sloan figure it out from here.

You going home? Del asked.

Lucas could feel the blood seeping through the tissue. No. Im gonna go talk to that fucking sister of hers.

HELEN AND CONNIE BELL WERE WATCHING TELEVISION when Lucas and Sherrill arrived. Helen opened the door, smiled at Lucas, nodded at Sherrill, then frowned andsaid, Good God, what happened to you? Are you hurt?

Um… your sister scratched me. Sort of blew up.

Why? Well… come in. Why were you talking to Audrey?

Connie Bell turned backward on an easy chair to listen to the conversation: Lucas, Sherrill, and Helen were standing in the entryway, and Lucas said, Ive got some fairly bad news, I think. Uh, maybe youd rather get it in a more formal way…

No-no-no, tell me.

Lucas nodded. We think its possible that, uh, your sister may have committed some of the murders you listed in your letter to me.

Helen took a step back, one hand going to her throat. Audrey? Oh, no.

Could we, uh, could we sit down, I just have a couple of things, Lucas said.

The couch.

They stepped into the front room, and Lucas and Sherrill sat on the couch while Helen leaned against the chair where Connie was sitting. Lucas said, If you want Connie to go do homework or something

No way, Connie said. To her mother: Im old enough to stay.

Her mother looked at her for a moment, then nodded. You can stay.

Lucas looked at Sherrill, and then asked, When you were younger, was there ever anything… Did you think anything was odd about the way your father died? Or your mother?

Helen looked at them in stunned silence, then said, My father was an evil man. We dont talk about him.

We know about, uh… we know about Audrey, Lucas said.

What about Audrey? Connie asked.

Lucas looked at Helen, who blinked rapidly, shook her head, then turned to Connie and said, My father molested us when we were children. Audrey mostly, but I got someof it too. He never made me do anything with him, like he did with Audrey, but it was coming. Hed.. . handle me. But Audrey was four years older and that protected me.

Jeez, Connie said.

Do you remember the night your father died? Lucas asked.

Again, Helen seemed stunned. Then she nodded, slowly. I didnt know what was going on until the sheriff came Mom wouldnt let me get out of bed. But I knew my father was sick, thats what they said up the stairs to me, Mom and Audrey.

Was he sick for a while, or was it a sudden attack? Lucas asked.

He was sick for a long time, I think, more than a week… I dont know, exactly, I was only ten… but for a long time. Then the night that he died… God, it was cold, it was already snowing up there, thats one thing I remember about it. The wind used to whistle through that old farmhouse. It was a bad place. And I heard him having a terrible argument with Audrey, before I went to bed. We slept in the same bedroom, Audrey and I… Then, I dont think anybody went to bed. I heard him groaning, and in the bathroom, thats the last thing I remember about him being in the bathroom. Then he was quiet, and then I think I went to sleep, and the next thing I knew, people were banging around and cars were coming, and he was dead.

Had Audrey ever come up to bed?

Helen looked down at her daughter, then at Lucas. I dont think so. I dont think she ever came upstairs that night. She was downstairs, I think, taking care of him…

Huh. Okay. What about your mother?

Mother was… ruined… by my father. It was like there was no person left. I used to think, this is what a slave would be like, after they beat all the resistance out of him. Do this, Yes, master, Do that, Yes, master. She was like a rag.

And she died… Was Audrey there when she died?

Yes. We both were. I think she had the flu, she wassick to her stomach, and sometimes shed start vomiting, and Audrey would keep her in bed and spoon-feed her. And then one night she passed out, and Audrey called the hospital. She died on the way.

Your mother and father were both cremated, Lucas said. Was that Audreys idea?


You didnt keep the ashes, by any chance.

No… Mom used to walk over to a park that was a mile or so from our house, down here in Lakeville, and we didnt know any cemeteries, so Audrey just said it would be nice to sprinkle her around the trees in the park, shed be there forever as part of the trees.

After a moment of silence, she said, You think she killed them? Poisoned them, or something?

Lucas nodded. I think its very possible. The insurance payments. ..

Helen shook her head: There wasnt any insurance, as far as I know.

Lucas said, Huh. Then, What happened after your mother died?

Well, we couldnt stay together. Audrey was barely eighteen, and so I went off to my aunts home until I was of age. She got a scholarship and went to college. I worked my way through a tech school, a business course… and then she married Wilson and everything.

Lucas said, I know this probably comes as a shock. But, if it would be possible… and I honest to God think you should do this. .. if I come over with a stenographer and an assistant county attorney, could we sit here some night this week and go over the whole thing? Your whole history? In a really detailed way.

Helen said, I cant believe that Audrey…

Yes, you can, said Connie. I told you, shes a mean old witch under all of that pretend stuff.

Connie… Her mother looked a warning at her.

But Connie said to Lucas, Whyd you want to know about Grandmas ashes?

Well, just a thing, Lucas said.

What thing? Connie persisted.

If your grandmother was poisoned, a lab analysis of ashes might turn something up.

Connie looked up at her mother, and Helen frowned at her and said, What?

How about that lock of hair on her picture? You said you cut it off the day she died.

Helen put her fingertips to her mouth. Oh, thats right. Id forgotten; completely. To Lucas: Would a lock of hair help?

Lucas shrugged. I dont know.

Sherrill, whod been sitting quietly, finally chipped in. The doc up in Oxford thought George Lamb was killed with arsenic. If Amelia was killed the same way, and it sounds pretty similar, then it would show up in hair. They all looked at her, and she said, I read about it.

Lucas turned back to Helen.

Could we have the hair?


AT TEN MINUTES AFTER MIDNIGHT, AUDREY WAS STILL packing. The cops had gone, taking a small box of miscellaneous junk with them. It wouldnt amount to anything, she thought. Tape? Everybody had tapethough she wished shed taken a minute to clean those doors after killing ODell. But shed never even thought of it.

On the bright side, shehadthrown away the glass cutter. It was lying somewhere on the shoulder of I-94, gone forever. On the down side, she hadnt thrown it away after she bombed the Bairds. Shed thrown it away after she hit Karkinnen, but only because she hadnt thought shed need it again. She hadntthoughtabout evidence.