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Shaking her head, she quickly got dressed in another skirt and blouse. Only this time, her skirt was a dark blue wrap-around that she had never dared to wear to work and the blouse was a white silk number that showed a hint of her lacy bra underneath. She stared at her reflection and nodded. She looked damn good.

At the office, she made sure to be standing when Mr. Caudry came in. She busied herself at the cabinet, turning to greet him as if it had been an accident. He flashed her a thin smile and nodded. “Good morning, Miss Robinson. Come into my office, please.”

She followed him inside, her nerves ajangle.

“Let’s see them.”

Just like that? No preamble? She found herself obeying again. She started to turn around, but Mr. Caudry stopped her. “No. Face me.”

That familiar flush crept up her neck and Emily felt her mouth go dry.

“Mr. Caudry!” she said.

He said nothing. He simply waited.

His power overcame her embarrassment. She licked her lips and her fingers reached down to her hem and began to pull it up. Her knees shook. His eyes were on her now and there was nowhere to hide.

Why am I doing this? she asked herself. There was no answer to that except the obvious one—she liked it, even as it scared her.

As her panties came into view, she felt her face grow redder. His eyes ate her up and she stood there, skirt up to her waist, revealing far too much to her boss.

“Very good,” he said and gave her a smile. And just as suddenly, she was dismissed. He sat down and turned to his computer.

She left, feeling oddly rejected. It didn’t make sense. She had been made to show her panties to her boss and afterwards, instead of feeling violated or harassed, she felt let down because he had dismissed her so quickly.

What else did she want him to do?

The possible answers to that made her shiver. She could almost feel his hands on her. Was she really falling for this strange man? She focused on the computer and got to work. As the day moved on and Emily churned out a steady stream of reports and letters, she realized just how much control she still had. On the surface, it seemed as if Mr. Caudry was treating her like his puppet, but if she never made another mistake, nothing would happen. She had the ultimate control.

But the mistakes she had made recently were silly ones, clearly due to carelessness. Or was something else going on? She decided to try an experiment. For the rest of the week, she would make no mistakes. Let’s see where this goes, she told herself.

Her grand experiment lasted exactly five hours. Right after lunch, she was called into his office. Emily couldn’t imagine that she’d made a mistake! She’d been so careful!

“Mrs. Dowd tells me that the report you turned in on Friday contained some errors,” he informed her when she was standing nervously in front of his desk.

Oh shit, she thought. My grand plan is being betrayed by old work!

“Uh, really? I don’t recall—”

“Let me show you,” he said, placing the reports on his blotter, turned so she could see them. She knew at once what that meant. She leaned over and rested on her elbows, her ass up. Studying the report, she couldn’t see anything wrong. There were no red marks on either page!

“But sir!” she said, even as she heard him turn on the radio and felt him lift up her skirt and tuck it into place. “There’s nothing here!”

“Check out the column one from the end,” he replied.

She felt his warm hand, for the first time, touch her panties and she shivered. She tried to concentrate and noticed, at last, that two of the numbers were out of alignment with the others in the columns. That was it?

“Sir, that’s barely a mis—”

Whack! Whack! She jumped and squealed with the suddenness of it.


More blows rained down, this time on her other cheek. Emily began moving her ass around to cool it off.

“Because there are two numbers out of alignment,” he said smoothly, “that’s twelve swats.”

Twelve! That was more than she had ever endured before! How could she sit afterward? She’d be ruined, or discovered! He couldn’t do this!


Whack! Whack!

“That’s six. Just six more.”

“Ohhhh.” Emily felt as if her body was on fire. Wiggling her bottom only caused her clit to bump against the desk and she was mortified at having another climax in front of him. How could she endure twelve strokes?

He struck her twice more. Emily pushed her ass back to give plenty of clearance so she wouldn’t accidentally bump the desk. She bit her lip and hung on, tears now clouding her vision.

Whack! Whack!

“Just two more.”

She nodded and braced herself. Her pussy seemed alive with sensations. Why did it like it so much? It wasn’t right, it wasn’t right, it wasn’t right...

Whack! Whack!

Emily shuddered and tried to deny her body’s release. Don’t bump the desk! she screamed in her head. Just a few more seconds and she’d be okay. Then she could retreat to the restroom to relieve her powerful itch. Just hold on!

Suddenly, she felt Mr. Caudry’s hands on her hips, pressing her forward, and she tried to fight it. Then one of his hands snaked around her hips and his fingers pressed hard against her clit and she was lost.

“Ohhhhhhh!” She groaned, a climax exploding through her. “Oh my god!” Her body shook and her vision blurred down to nothing for a few seconds as the sensations cascaded through her. She slumped down onto the desk, her legs too weak to support her.

She heard the clink of glasses and Mr. Caudry brought her another small brandy. She lifted herself up to sip it, grateful for a few more seconds before she had to face him. When she looked into his eyes, she could see an understanding.

“It’s all right. I made you do it,” he said.

She shook her head. “It was so wrong, so wrong.”

“But you needed it so badly. You were hovering there. I didn’t want you to waste it in the ladies restroom.”

Emily’s eyes opened in shock. “How did you...”

“Don’t worry—I don’t have any spies or cameras in there. I could just tell. The way you looked when you returned. It was obvious.”

She blushed anew and looked away. “Mr. Caudry, this violates so many workplace rules!”

He laughed and the sound startled her. She had never heard him laugh before. She glanced up and saw a full smile. It made her heart give a sudden leap.

“Oh, Miss Robinson, I think we’ve gone beyond workplace rules, don’t you?”

She wasn’t sure how she felt about it. It was wrong, yes, but it also made her feel so good. Her mother would’ve said, “Anything that feels that good is probably bad for you.” Maybe she was right.

“But I can’t be doing this! I could get into trouble.” She realized as soon as she said it how it could be taken the wrong way. “Trouble” could mean getting pregnant, which would tell him she was thinking someday they’d be having sex. But that wasn’t what she had meant. She worried that by giving in to this dark side, she might lose complete control of her own body. Mr. Caudry would become her master, her universe.

As if to underscore those fears, he said, “Not to worry. You just leave that to me.”

She found herself nodding. It was so easy to go along with this powerful man. His voice mesmerized her. And his touch! His touch sent her to the moon and back.

She rose and straightened out her skirt. “I’d better fix those mistakes,” she said and picked up the report.

“Don’t bother,” he said and she realized he had been looking for any excuse to punish her. And at that moment, she knew she had lost more control over her life. Even if she never made another mistake, Mr. Caudry would somehow find some reason to bring her in to spank her. And now that he’d broken down the barrier of touching her, what could be next? She shivered.