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All that had occurred on Tuesday. She had been at her new job exactly seven days and she had somehow allowed herself to be manipulated into being a little whore for her boss. She had no doubt that her torment would continue. He would demand more and she would give in. Why? Because she like the orgasms?

There was more to it that than, wasn’t there? Did she see a future with this man? Was she really in love with him? If so, how could that be? Hadn’t she learned her lesson from her experience with Adam?

Despite her reservations, she now felt she needed to talk to Julie. She could give a perspective on the matter. Emily wouldn’t tell her everything, just enough to get a reaction from her friend. She called her at once and told her she had “a situation” at work and could she come over?

Julie was there within twenty minutes, her face eager.

“What? What’s happening? You look flushed. Are you all right?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Here, I’ve poured us some wine. I need it.” Julie sat on the couch and Emily sat next to her, grimacing slightly from the pain she felt.

“Well, spill it, girl! You sounded so mysterious on the phone.”

“Um. Okay. My boss at work, er, he’s taking advantage of me.”

Julie reared back, her face indignant. “No! Well, report him! Women don’t have to put up with that kind of crap anymore.”

“No, it’s not like that.” She suddenly felt acutely embarrassed and wondered if this was such a good idea.

“What’s it like then? What’s he doing?”

How could she say it? “Uh, well, let’s just say what he’s doing is turning me on. It shouldn’t, but it is.”

Julie’s eyes went wide. “What? What’s he doing? Come on, you can tell me!”

Emily looked down. She knew she had to say something. “He swats me. Playfully,” she lied. “I know it’s inappropriate and all, but I kinda like it.”

Julie took a big sip and put her glass down. She leaned forward and tipped up Emily’s face so she could see into her eyes. “You like it? You mean that?”

She nodded, feeling her eyes fill up with tears. “I know it’s wrong and all. But I find it strangely sexy. I’m not sure what to do about it.”

“Wow.” Julie was silent for a while as she soaked it all in. “That’s all? Just swats you? In what way, ‘Atta girl’ or ‘You need to be punished, you bad girl’?”

Emily stared at her shoes and Julie had her answer. “Punishment? You get off on that?”

“Don’t make me sound like a freak! I’m so embarrassed, I didn’t know who else to turn to!”

“Hey, it’s okay. You can always talk to me.”

Emily nodded. “I was hoping you could explain it all to me so I know what to do. In some ways it reminds me of Adam and that scares me.” Julie had heard all about Emily’s disastrous relationship with her almost fiancé.

“Well, let me ask you some questions.” She ticked them off on her fingers. “One, do you like this guy? I mean, could you see yourself having a relationship with him if he wasn’t your boss?”

Good question, Emily thought. Hard to answer. “I don’t know. At first, I hated him because he was so mean. Kind of a sourpuss, you know. But after this started, I started looking at him differently. I don’t know if I could ever consider him a boyfriend, though. He’s much older than I am.”

“How much older?”

“I don’t know for sure, but I’d say he’s almost forty.”

“That’s not old! That’s only eight-nine years. Ten at the most.” She shook her head. “Okay, two: How did this start? What prompted it?”

“Uh, I made some mistakes and he said he’d have to let me go. I begged him for another chance and he said he’d spank me instead. So that’s how it started.”

“And now he spanks you for every mistake, right?”

Emily nodded. “Right.”

“Through your skirt?”

“Yeah,” she lied, too embarrassed to admit how far she had gone.

“He uses his hand?”

“Mostly. Sometimes a ruler.” God, she was lying through her teeth.

“So it doesn’t really hurt then?”

“No, not really. But it makes me feel really funny inside. You know.”

“What do you do about that feeling?”

“Uh. God, I’m so embarrassed!”

“Come on, Em! You called me. I’m trying to help.”

“Well, often I have to go into the rest room and, uh, you know...”

Julie’s faced registered her surprise. “Right there at work? Wow, you got it bad, girl.”

“You’re not making me feel any better!”

“Okay,” she laughed and then suppressed it. “Sorry. All right. Three: Do you feel you should report him?”

“Well, that’s the thing. I’m a lowly secretary and he’s a top salesman, so if someone were to be let go, it would be me.”

“That’s no excuse for that kind of behavior! You could sue!”

Emily held up her hand. “No, I can’t blame him alone. It’s also ... Well, like I said, I get really turned on. More so than I ever have before. I’m torn, you see. It feels good and yet...”

“You never felt this way with Adam, did you? I mean, back when it was good?”

Emily bit her lip. “Uh, no.”

“Yeah. Okay. Let’s review. So you kinda like this guy but he acts like a boss, not a boyfriend, right?”

Emily nodded.

“And you find yourself really turned on by his actions, even though you know they’re wrong.”

“Yes. So what should I do?”

Julie smiled. “Girl, you gotta marry this guy.”


“Come on! No employee in her right mind would put up with that unless she really, really liked it. Which you admit that you do. Face it, girl, you like a strong man like your boss.”

Emily already knew that, but it sounded good coming from Julie. “You think? What does that make me, some kind of doormat?”

“Hell no. You’re submissive. Oh, don’t look so shocked. Some women just are. Nothing wrong with it.”

Is that what I am? she thought. A submissive? “What about you?”

“Me? Nah. I like to be in charge. Which might explain why I’m still single!”

“So it’s a bad thing or not? I’m confused.”

“No, it’s not a bad thing. You just get off on letting a guy, um, control you. Or whatever. You find it incredibly sexy.”

“But that’s the thing—Adam wanted to control me and that was a disaster!”

“Oh, honey, this guy’s got it all over Adam. He was nothing but an abuser. Your Mr. Caudry sounds like a true dom.”


“Dominant. Jeez, girl, don’t you ever look online?”

“No, I guess I don’t. Maybe I should, huh?”

“Yeah,” Julie said. “So you know what’s going on.”

“Does this mean Mr. Caudry won’t turn out like Adam?”

“No, it usually doesn’t. I mean, sure, some Doms go too far. But mostly, they pay careful attention to their subs, so they can give them what they want. And girl, you admitted he’s already doing that.”

“Yeah, I guess so.” She paused. “What do you mean, too far?”

“Oh, I don’t know. Depends on the guy. But it could mean whips and chains, body piercings, tattoos, dungeons...”

Emily looked horrified. “No!” She couldn’t imagine Mr. Caudry doing anything like that. He always seemed to be in complete control. And yet, how far might he go if she didn’t stop him?

Julie shrugged. “I’m just saying. That’s worst case scenario. Then again, you might like it.” She winked.

“I’m not that bad!”

“You never know until you try. The key thing here is trust. I mean, if you’re both into it, fine. But if he’s into it and you’re not and you find yourself going along with it despite your better judgment, then it can become a problem.”

“So I should find out just how far this might go before I get in over my head.”

“Exactly. You don’t want to wake up one day to find yourself gagged and tied to a cross while a guy whips you and you can’t stop him.”