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Emily felt two sensations at once. Dread from being so helpless and vulnerable and that damned throbbing in her pussy that told her she wanted it, needed it.

“Thanks. You’ve, uh, helped.”



They both sipped their wine and thought their private thoughts.


Wednesday morning, Emily realized with a sudden horror she had still failed to buy new underwear. Cursing, she rinsed out her new blue ones, the only ones Mr. Caudry had liked, and tossed them in the dryer for a few minutes. When she got out of the shower, they were still damp, but she had run out of time. She put them on, grimacing at the coolness and hurried to work.

When he showed up, she was already rising, ready to do her duty. She followed him inside and found herself lifting her skirt before he even asked her to. He studied her panties and nodded. She started to lower her skirt.


She stopped at once, her skirt still up. He came forward and she wanted to say something, anything to drown out the roaring in her ears.

“Sir...” she whispered.

“Shhh,” he said. His hand touched the front of her panties and she knew he could feel the dampness. “They’re wet.”

“I had to rinse them. There was nothing else clean.” Her voice was barely audible.

“Damp panties are unacceptable.”

In that moment, Emily realized he wasn’t talking about simply dampness from the wash. He was now controlling her very arousal. And he would find her aroused often—she couldn’t help it. More excuses for spankings, she thought.

“You know what to do.”

“Please, sir...”

“That’s two.”

She moved into position, her body trembling. She watched him retrieve the ruler and heard the radio go on. Immediately, her pussy grew wet and swollen. Emily felt him tuck her skirt under her waist. She waited for her punishment like an obedient subject. But when she felt his fingers tugging at the sides of her panties, she rebelled.

“Sir! What are you doing?”

“That’s three. You know that as you continue to disobey, the punishments increase. From now on, you must be punished on your bare bottom.”

“Ohhhh,” she moaned, feeling her panties being removed from her. He made her lift her legs one at a time so he could free them and she obeyed meekly. He placed them on the desk in front of her, so she could see her humiliation.

“Since we’re up to eight, and you made three mistakes, that’s twenty-four swats with the ruler,” he informed her.

Twenty-four! She could never endure that. “Please, sir...”

“That’s four.”

She groaned. Now it was thirty-two? She began to cry.

“There, there,” he said softly, one hand on her ass, stroking her. “I’m willing to make another deal with you to reduce your punishment.”

“Yes, sir?” There was some hope after all. But at what price?

He reached around her and tugged gently on her public hair. “You can have thirty-two swats on your bottom, or ten swats on your pussy.”

Emily thought her knees would give out completely. She sagged against the desktop, her mind in complete turmoil. Her pussy!? He wanted to spank her pussy? That’s ... that’s awful. So very, very wrong.

But compared to thirty-two swats, what choice did she have? It never occurred to her to call the whole thing off, to quit or to report him. She could no longer think in those terms.

“M-my p-pussy, sir.”

“Very well. Get up on the desk on your back.”

Now he would see everything. Her body’s most intimate part would be exposed. She wished he had asked to see her breasts instead! But her pussy! It represented the very core of her. Groaning, she climbed up on the desk and rolled over. She kept her legs together as long as she dared before allowing him to open her up, pressing her knees down on the desk to either side. She felt like she was being butterflied.

“You must hold your legs in position.”

Tears clouded her eyes as she obeyed. She could only imagine what he saw—a pretty young woman, naked from the waist down, sobbing quietly as she was completely exposed.

He wasted no time.


The ruler was wielded carefully, not nearly as hard as when she was spanked on her ass, but it still stung. She jerked and started to snap her legs together before her mind overruled her body and she remained in place.

He struck her again and the pain flashed briefly, followed by heat spreading throughout her loins, making her aware that she could easily climax from this punishment. How could that be? How could a woman react to such torture by experiencing pleasure?


She groaned and Mr. Caudry paused. She was grateful for the break. But he only stopped long enough to tie the silk scarf around her head as a gag. She could taste the material and hoped it could keep her quiet.

When he struck her again, she knew the orgasm was coming now and there was nothing she could do to stop it. She could only hope she could hang on long enough so he would be finished first.


“That’s five,” he told her and she shook her head from side to side. Only five! She despaired.

When he slapped the ruler down again, her legs snapped together as a thunderous orgasm rocked her. She keened into her gag and lay on her side as the sensations short-circuited her brain. It felt like it went on forever. Finally she came back to her senses and looked up to see Mr. Caudry standing there, holding the ruler, smiling down at her.

“Only four more to go,” he said.

She shook her head, pleading with him, but it did no good. She was made to lie back and spread open once more.


The blows were softer now, she noticed at once. He was being gentle and it pleased her.


She shuddered and felt another orgasm out there. Could it be?


Her hips shook and she could feel it growing within her.


The final blow brought her right to the brink—so close! Without thinking, she reached her hand down and rubbed herself to a shuddering climax. She no longer cared that her boss was watching her, she had to come!

When she came down from her high, a wave of embarrassment washed over her when she realized what she had done.

“I’m sorry,” she squeaked.

“Don’t be. That’s going to be a new rule.”


“From now on, you are not allowed to climax in the bathroom. And don’t think you can sneak around, because it’s obvious to me when you have come.”

“But ... but ... where...”

“You’ll come in here and have an orgasm in front of me.”

Emily shook her head. She was getting in deeper and deeper. Julie had been right—Mr. Caudry knew no limits—at least as far as she could see.

He frowned at her resistance. “Or,” he said, leaning down close and giving her damp pussy a kiss. “You can let me do it. Either way, the only time you can come is in front of me.”

Watching her boss kiss her pussy woke her up and she rolled off the desk, snatched up her panties and yanked them into place. With a wild look at Mr. Caudry, she fled. He said nothing to stop her.

She paused outside, not sure what to do. She spotted a few curious looks among the other workers and tried to pretend everything was all right. But it was far from all right. He was moving too fast and she didn’t know how to stop him. She gathered up her purse and left, not sure what she should do.

Emily drove straight home and locked her door. She sat on the couch and tried not to think about what had just happened. He had kissed her pussy!

Let me get this straight, that naughty voice said to her sarcastically. You thought it was okay to get ten swats on your bare pussy and come twice, but when he kissed your pussy afterwards, you freaked out?

Well, yeah, she responded to herself. It did sound silly, the way her inner voice put it. But still, none of it was right. I don’t care if I climaxed. It’s just not right!