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He slipped out of her and untied her. Climbing up onto the bed, he held her face in his lap, stroking her hair and telling her how good she had been. She smiled and lay limp, unable to move.

At last, the strength returned to her body and she groaned.

“Hurts, huh?”

“Yeah.” She reached back and just barely touched her ass and winced.

“I’ve got something to put on it.” He went into the bathroom and found the tube of ointment. When he spread it on, she jerked once and settled in.

“Is that better?”

“Yessss,” she moaned. “Much.”

He left her there and went to make them new drinks. She took hers gratefully and propped herself up on one elbow and sipped at it. For several minutes, nothing was said. She was still naked, he was still dressed only in his shirt, but neither one was embarrassed.

The color returned to her cheeks and he took the empty glass and set it on the nightstand.

“I trust we’ll have no more mistakes, hmmm?” He smiled and winked.

“Oh, no sir,” she said at once.

“Good. Then I’ll see you Monday morning, bright and early?”

“Yes sir.” She eased herself off the bed and went into the living room. She found her clothes and began putting them on. He watched from the hallway, sipping the rest of his cocktail.

When she was finished, she turned and looked at him. He realized she needed some reassurance. He raised his glass. “You are, by far, my favorite secretary.”

She smiled shyly and disappeared into the night.

Edward sat down heavily onto his chair. He pressed the cold glass against his forehead.

“That went well,” he breathed.


Monday morning, Emily was in her place by his door, waiting. He nodded at her as he went by and she followed him into his office. He put his briefcase down and turned toward her.

“Good morning,” he said and raised an eyebrow at her.

Emily lifted her skirt at once, showing him a pair of sexy bikini panties. He nodded. “Very nice. Please remove them.”

Her eyes went wide for a moment before she obeyed. Her skirt dropped and she reached underneath to pull her panties down. She handed them over but he just pointed to the corner of the desk. She saw her red thong panties were still there from last week. Her fingers opened and she added her new panties to the pile.

Edward smiled. She was beginning to get the picture.

“Show me your ass.”

She lifted her skirt and turned around. The welts had faded but were still faintly visible. Just looking at them made him hard.

“I’d like some coffee, please.”

She dropped her skirt and left at once. He began whistling as he fired up his computer. He checked his email and looked up a few minutes later when Emily returned, a coffee mug in hand. She placed it in front of him and waited.

“That will be all.”

Emily left, confusion on her face. He smiled, knowing she was wondering why he didn’t want his morning blowjob. He had other plans. It was time to make her realize just how much control he had over her life.

Edward spent the next half-hour answering emails and setting up appointments. Finally, he rose and went out to Emily’s desk and stood close. She looked up, expectantly.

“Your skirt. Give it to me.”

She blanched white. Her eyes went to the cubicle farm just beyond her area, separated only by her desk and that small section of plywood. He could see her mind working—if she lost her skirt, she would be trapped at her desk, unable to move.

“I don’t have all day, Miss Robinson,” he barked.

Her hands went to her waist and she fumbled for the button. It wasn’t easy for her to unzip it and wiggle it off her hips, but she did it quickly. She thrust the garment into his hands. He took it and went back into his office and shut it into his briefcase. He wished he could see her expression as she sat there, naked from the waist down. He could bet her legs were tightly closed and she was scooted all the way up against the edge.

Edward had a luncheon appointment out of the office, so he worked until eleven-thirty before he went out into Emily’s station. She was flush with embarrassment and her eyes pleaded with him.

“I have to go out for a while. Will you be all right until I get back?”

“Sir! No, please,” she whispered. “I ... I...”

“I’ll only be gone an hour, maybe an hour-and-a-half.”

“Please, sir! I have to go to the bathroom!” she whispered urgently.

“Oh. I don’t suppose you could hold it?”

“No! Please, sir!”

“Does this mean I can expect excellent work from now on?”

“Yes, sir! I promise!”

“Very well.” He opened his briefcase and dumped her skirt onto her desk. Without another word, he left.

When he returned, she was typing up a letter. He nodded at her and she followed him inside. “I’d like that blowjob now,” he said.

She dropped to her knees in by his chair.

“No, I’d like you to be naked. It stimulates me.”

Emily made no complaint. She rose quickly and stripped off her clothes. Edward leaned back in his chair and watched how eagerly she obeyed. She clearly didn’t want another session like she had experienced that morning!

Just having her naked body so close to him make him want to fuck her all over again. But that wouldn’t be proper in the workplace. He laughed to himself even as he thought it. Like what they were doing was!

Her technique had improved over the last few days. Or maybe it was just that she was so anxious to please him. Either way, she soon had his seed boiling and he grabbed her head and erupted into her throat. She swallowed quickly and smiled as she zipped him up.

She stood and picked up her skirt.

“Wait,” he said and she stopped, her eyes questioning him.

“Come here.”

He could see she thought he was going to fuck her, although he was quite satisfied. He made her straddle his knees. He held her close and stroked her back, feeling her shiver under his touch. With his other hand, he rubbed her wet pussy until she was gasping before he pulled away. She stood, her hips shaking and waited for him to continue, but when he didn’t, she stepped back and picked up her bra.

“Put the bra on the desk.”

Her eyes went wide but she obeyed. Her little pile of undergarments was growing. The blouse wasn’t see-through, but her darker nipples did show through. She looked down at herself and blushed once more.

“Sir...” she began.

“That will be all, Emily.”

She pulled up her skirt and left, her head hanging low.

She returned an hour later with some letters. He made her stand by his desk and he reached under her skirt and stroked her bare bottom while he read them. Occasionally, his fingers would stray to her pussy and note how wet she was. She gasped and moved her legs apart, encouraging him, but he didn’t allow her to come.

“Excellent,” he said at last. “Not a single mistake.”

“Yes, sir.”

“That will be all.”

She left, clearly frustrated.

By five, he could tell she was anxious to unlock the secret that would allow her release. He could imagine her thinking she had done everything he had asked—so why wouldn’t he let her come?


“Yes, Emily?”

“Uh, I was wondering...”

“Yes?” he said impatiently.

She paled at his stern demeanor. “Well, sir, I wanted to ask if I may ... uh...”

“Spit it out, please, I have to go.”

“Come,” she said, her face reddening.

“Come?” He pretended not to understand.

“Uh, I’ve been on edge all day! Usually you let me come ... you know...”

“Ah, I see.” He snapped his briefcase closed. “Not today, Emily. Consider it a lesson. When you make deliberate mistakes just to get attention, you must understand how much that disappoints me.”

“But you punished me already!”

“Did I? I never said I was finished.” He paused. “However, if you obey me now and don’t come all night, we can start fresh tomorrow. All right?”