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“Go? Where?” He smiled to himself.

“No, I mean, please, sir, may I go?”

“You really must be clear, Emily.”

He could hear the exasperation in her voice. “Sir, may I please go to the bathroom?”

“Yes, you may. But don’t touch yourself.”

“No, no sir.”

At lunchtime, Edward left his office and stood by Emily’s desk. She looked up, fear warring with lust in her eyes.

“Give me your skirt,” he said.

“Sir! Please, not again!”

“Are you arguing with me? That will cost you.”

“But sir, it’s so embarrassing!”

He sighed. She wasn’t doing very well.

“Come into my office.”

She followed him inside. He shut the door behind her. “Take off your clothes.”

She may have expected a quick spanking, but what he did next clearly surprised her. He picked up her skirt and blouse and stuffed them into his briefcase. He added her pile of undergarments from his desk drawer. Before she could protest, he left, closing the door behind him. He imagined her standing there naked, wondering if someone might come by to drop off something. Edward left, whistling to himself.

When he returned, forty minutes later, he came in to find Emily hiding behind his desk. He guessed she had been there the entire time, using the desk as a shield in case someone came by. When she saw him, she bolted to her feet, a look of relief on her face.

He raised a finger. “Oh, that’s right,” he said as if he had completely forgotten about her. He put his briefcase on the desk and opened it. There was nothing inside but papers.

“Oh, I’m sorry—I must’ve left them in my car. I’ll get them later.”

Her expression was priceless. “But sir!”

He went around and sat down. Emily moved aside, covering herself with her hands. “But sir!” she repeated.


“I can’t work like this!”

“No, I guess you can’t.” He opened his calendar on the computer and began entering appointments for later.

“Sir, what am I supposed to do?”

“I suggest when your boss gives you an order, you should obey it.”

Emily stood there, mouth opening and closing, still trying to hide behind her hands. When Edward continued to ignore her, she sidled over to sit on the edge of the chair. When he glanced up a few minutes later, she was hunched over, her face red.

For the next hour, he pretended to ignore her as he made phone calls and tapped on his keyboard. At one point, Edward tossed some old files into the trash can by his desk. She never moved and her eyes never left his face, although he wouldn’t acknowledge her. Finally, she spoke up.

“Sir. Uh...”

“Yes, Emily?”

“I, uh, have to go again.”

“Is that how you’ve been taught to ask?”

“No, sir. May I go to the bathroom?”

“Of course you may, dear.” He turned back to his computer.

“But sir! I need my clothes!”

“Yes, I can see that. But I’m busy now—I don’t have time to fetch your clothes.” He picked up his empty coffee cup. “I suppose I have to get my own coffee now, too, huh?”

He rose and moved past her toward the door. She gave a tiny screech when he opened it and he turned to find she had scrambled behind the side of the desk. He took his cup and left, leaving the door ajar behind him.

He took his time getting coffee. He smiled and chatted with a few other employees, some of whom seemed surprised to find Caustic Caudry chatting them up. When Mrs. Dowd came in, he made a point of asking her about her day.

“Oh, it’s just fine, Mr. Caudry,” she said, caught off guard at his friendly demeanor. “And you?”

“I’m having a good week, Doris.”

“Well, good.” She paused. “Uh, how’s that new administrative assistant working out?”

From her expression, Edward guessed she was expecting another bad review, which would mean she’d have to find another poor victim for him.

“I am cautiously optimistic,” he said, surprising her. “But it’s still too early to tell.”

“Oh, that’s good! I’m so glad. It’s been hard—” She stopped, realizing how that might sound. “I mean, the balance of personalities is always critical to a successful relationship.”

“Yes, quite.” He nodded and refilled his cup. Waving goodbye, he headed back to his office. The door was still ajar—she hadn’t mustered up the nerve to close it. He sat at her desk for a few minutes, making another appointment. He knew she could hear him out there and it must’ve been torturous.

When he finally came in, she was huddled down by his desk, a look of desperation on her face. “Please, Mr. Caudry! I can’t hold it anymore.”

He found an empty vase on a shelf and handed it to her. She took it, eyes growing wide. “Here.” He sat down and started making phone calls. Pitching his company’s products often took a long time, for he had to chat up the client, asking about their work and families, before he could get to the nitty-gritty about why they should buy from him. Emily didn’t dare interrupt. The longer he talked, the greener she became.

When she suddenly squatted down in front of his desk, he stood, the phone still pressed to his ear, and watched as she peed noisily into the vase, holding the wide mouth up carefully to catch every drop. He felt his cock grow hard at once.

“Yes, next Tuesday would be fine,” he said to the client. “Say two p.m.? Great.” He hung up.

Emily was bright red. She caught him looking at her and couldn’t bear it. She was still hunched over, the last drops of pee dribbling into the vase. She looked around and didn’t find anything to wipe with, so she just stood, holding the vase in one hand, a stunned expression on her face.

Edward watched her, saying nothing. She stared back, not able to speak. For a long time, they were frozen in an erotic tableau. Finally, he reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a tissue and handed it over. She accepted it, her face red. He watched as she dabbed at herself and tossed the tissue into the trash.

“I want a blowjob,” Edward said. He sat down again.

Emily carefully put the vase down on a counter and came to him. She didn’t complain as she took out his cock and he was pleased. She seemed to have broken through a barrier. For several minutes, he enjoyed her ministrations before erupting into her mouth.

“Thank you,” he said as he zipped up. “That will be all.”


“Oh, right.” He glanced at his watch. It was after three. “Very well. You’ll be all right here until I get back?”

“Please hurry, sir!”

He got up and took his briefcase with him. He went down to the parking lot and began putting Emily’s clothes into his case when he paused. A wicked thought occurred to him. He slipped behind the wheel of his car and fired it up. He turned off his cell phone before he reached the street and took the long way home, driving over the bridge across the bay, enjoying the scenery.

Once home, his phone rang several times, but he didn’t answer it. He imagined Emily hunched down in his office, naked and terrified, and it made him feel powerful. But as the hours went on, doubts crept in.

How was this supposed to make her obedient, when she can’t trust him?

Won’t this make her simply afraid of him?

And finally: What if something were to happen to her?

“Aw, shit,” he said and grabbed his car keys. Driving back to the office, he checked his watch. Six-thirty. She had been alone for three hours or so. He turned on his cell phone and noticed he had four messages. All were from Emily and all were about the same: “Sir! I’m trapped in your office! Help me! Please pick up! Please come back!”

He felt like a jerk and he increased his speed. It’s not easy being a Dom, he thought. There’s too much temptation to take things too far. She could be in real trouble! He parked at a meter in front of the building and raced inside, past the startled security guard.

“Mr. Caudry? Is everything all right?”