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Edward was winging it. He knew anything he did carried a risk and he told himself to go slow. But she was with him and obeying his directives, so he decided to push a little bit, just to see her reaction.

After they slid into the booth, facing each other, Edward noted how the tablecloth helped cover her legs. He leaned forward and said in a firm but soft voice. “Emily, I’d like you to sit with your bare bottom directly on the seat.”

She looked up, startled.

He waited a beat, staring at her. He gave her a small smile to show he was still the nice friendly Dom she remembered. But he was in control and she needed to know it.

She leaned forward and moved her skirt out of the way and sat back down. He breathed a silent sigh of relief even as he widened his smile and nodded.

They made small talk while looking over the menus. When the waiter arrived, Edward made a point of ordering for both of them: A sandwich for him and a salad for her, dressing on the side. Emily said nothing but her eyes seemed to take it all in.

He purposely didn’t push her much after that. They ate their lunch and he paid the bill. He brought her back to her apartment and told her to pack a few things.


“Pack just enough for overnight.” He pretended to be exasperated. “You can’t very well expect me to stay in this flea-bag, can you?” Her mouth came open. “I didn’t think so,” he continued. “We’ll stay in a nice hotel for the night.”

Her expression was priceless, caught between shock and delight. Finally she nodded and hurried off into the bedroom. Edward smiled and silently thanked Paul once more.

She returned with a small valise and he made her carry it to the car. She was still wearing her skirt and he told her to move it out of the way when she sat down. Emily took a quick look around to make sure she wasn’t being watched before she obeyed. He caught a glimpse of her smooth haunches and wondered if she was still smooth between her legs. He would have to check that out.

He drove downtown, where he knew there would be several nice hotels. He turned to Emily. “Did you get on birth control pills like I asked?”

She turned toward him, eyes wide. “Uh...”


“Yes, sir,” she said in a small voice.

“Good,” he said, quite pleased. It told him a lot about her anticipation of this event. Perhaps she had dreamed that her macho boss would come rescue her from squalor.

He found a nice-looking hotel and parked in front. “Bring your bag.” He went around and retrieved his from the trunk and together they went inside. He handed his keys to a valet and checked them both in. It was expensive and Edward slipped a glance over at Emily as she took everything in. He could tell she was impressed.

Good, he thought. Let her see what it might be like to stay with him.

The bellhop took their bags and they rode up to the sixth floor. The room was luxurious—even Edward was impressed. The suite was large, with a king-sized bed and comfortable furniture. The bellhop swept the window curtains aside, showing them a nice view of the downtown skyline. As soon as Edward saw Emily’s reaction, he knew she was feeling much more comfortable with him.

He tipped the bellhop and closed the door, leaving them alone once again.

“What do you think?”

“It’s wonderful!” she replied, twirling around. “It’s beautiful!”

“Glad you like it. Consider this your employee incentive.”

She stopped and gazed at him. He thought for a moment he had pressed too far, but then she tipped her head and smiled. “It’s very nice. I’ll bet none of your other secretaries got this!”

He chuckled. “No, they didn’t.”

She went into the bathroom and he could hear her marveling about the tub. He followed her in and noted it was large enough for two easily. The spout poured from the center and it had a spray attachment—perfect for some couples’ fun.

“I’ve never seen such a large tub!”

He reached down and turned on the taps. “In that case, we shall have a bath.”

She looked up. “You mean, together?”

“Of course.”

He turned away, ignoring her surprised expression. Did she really think they would not be naked and have sex tonight? He didn’t want her to think too much about it. She had to learn just to go along with his wishes. She would find it would be quite rewarding.

He purposely did not allude to any punishments she had already chalked up—hesitating before changing her clothes or lifting her skirt to sit bare-assed—but he fully intended to bring them up eventually. Just take it slow, he told himself. Make her miss you and miss the lifestyle. Above all, relieve her of fear. She would have to learn to trust him all over again.

He twisted the taps and the water thundered out. He found some bubble bath salts among the hotel supplies and poured them in. Emily laughed when she saw the bubbles begin to fill the tub. They stood for a few minutes and watched the water rise. Edward bent down and adjusted the temperature until it was hot and steaming.

“Take off your clothes,” he said nonchalantly. He began to strip.

Emily hesitated only for a moment before stripping down. He noted she did turn away from him, which seemed odd since he had seen her naked so many times before. He ignored her and slipped into the tub, sighing aloud at how relaxing it felt.

She stepped in and Edward could see she her pubic hair had started to grow in. He pointed. “That will have to go,” he said before she could sit down.

She glanced down and quickly sat, hiding herself among the bubbles. He watched as she bit her lip, but she didn’t say anything.

They washed and talked casually, as if they were having a drink in the living room, not naked in a tub together. Edward found it delightfully sexy and he could tell Emily did too. He realized being a master meant more than just ordering a submissive around—it also meant being playful at times. He had been caught up in the game so much, he had lost sight of how much fun it can be—for both parties. Of course it had been fun for him, but he needed to think more about her needs—and fears.

Edward felt he had reached a better understanding of what it was to be a Dom. From that point on, he decided he would be more relaxed about his efforts to learn the lifestyle. He’d been pushing, trying to force her into his image of what a perfect sub should be. He vowed to listen to her needs as well in order to make sure she felt loved and cared for.

“Turn around, I’ll wash your back,” he said.

She smiled and obeyed. He took the washcloth and rubbed her back, enjoying the intimacy. She seemed to purr under his hands.

“Here, lean back—I’ll wash your hair.”

She almost gasped her surprise. But she leaned against his upraised knees and he used the spray nozzle to wet her hair. Taking the small bottle of shampoo the hotel provided, he poured in a handful and began working it in.

“Hmmm,” Emily breathed.

Edward felt her body relax against him.

“See how much better this is?”

“You’re being very nice,” she admitted.

“I hated to lose you. Everything was going so well.” He caught himself before he apologized again, remembering Paul’s words. “I’m sure we can get back there again.”

She didn’t speak. He washed her hair and rinsed it and turned her around to wash her breasts, even though they were already clean. He liked the feel of her nipples in his hand and from her expression, he could tell she did too. Emily returned the favor, washing his back, although he insisted in washing his own hair.

“Come on, let’s get out.”

Edward helped her step from the tub and used a big towel to dry her off. She stood naked, her eyes half closed, enjoying being ministered to. As he dried himself off, he pointed to the downy hair on her pussy. “Shave that. You can use my razor.”