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When he returned to his office, he felt invigorated and powerful. He jerked his head at Emily. She jumped up to follow him inside.

“Strip,” he said and she did, a smile on her face. He sat in his chair and stared at her, a grin on his face. “I’d like my blowjob now,” he said.


Two months had passed since Edward’s meeting in Andrews’ office. His den had been remodeled to meet his specifications and his computer and phone had been tied into the company’s equipment. In many ways, it was like working at the office. With one major difference.

He turned and took in the sight of his secretary. Emily was naked, seated behind her small desk in the corner of his office. Her hands were tied in front of her and she bit her lower lip in concentration as she typed up a letter on the computer—Edward found the trait endearing. She still made mistakes—Edward had caught her in one just this morning— and he suspected she did it on purpose. He didn’t overreact to her errors, but he made sure she knew it was unacceptable. Her bottom was well marked from his ruler and she wore nipple clamps to “help her concentrate,” he had told her.

“I’m done, Mr. Caudry,” she said, looking up and catching him eyeing her. She blushed.

“Good. Let me see it.”

She printed out the letter and brought it over, placing it on his large desk, her bound hands making the effort more difficult to place it precisely. He left it there for a few seconds while he gazed at her beauty. Since moving into his office into his home, Emily seemed to glow. It was very freeing now that they were alone. There was no more talk now about finding her own place. She still had her room upstairs, although she rarely used it. Still, it was a retreat for her and occasionally, she would head up there when she needed a break from their little games.

He picked up the letter and read through it. Perfect. He nodded. “Excellent, my dear. You really have no excuse for making any mistakes, now that you know what I demand.”

“Yes, sir,” she said, eyes downcast. He caught a slight smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

“Turn around.”

She obeyed at once, showing him the red marks on her sexy bottom. He felt his cock stiffen in his pants and he bit his lip. “I hope you’ve learned your lesson, young lady.”

“Yes, sir, I have. I’m going to try really hard not to make mistakes,” she said, turning her head over her shoulder. He noticed the glint in her eye.

“Good to hear. You know I hate to keep having to punish you.”

“Oh, I know, sir.”

The phone rang and she rushed to answer it. She perched on the edge of her desk, holding the phone to her ear with her bound hands, wiggling her legs. Edward knew it was for his benefit and he couldn’t help but stare at her.

“Yes, Mr. Andrews, he’s right here. I’ll tell him.” She bent down and punched the hold button with one hand and held up the receiver, one eyebrow raised.

Edward’s ears perked up. His boss was calling! He punched the button on his phone. “Yes, Mr. Andrews, what can I do for you?”

“I’m just checking in to see how things are going over there at Bonham-West,” he said, chuckling at his own weak joke.

“Everything’s fine. I think it’s working out well for both of us, isn’t it?” He winked at Emily, who was still perched naked on her desk, watching him.

“Yes, I have to say, I’m very pleasantly surprised. I’m holding the latest sales figures—your totals have not dropped off a bit! I had my doubts, but you’ve proven to be right, so far.”

Edward knew that “so far” was a warning but he wasn’t worried. “Good to hear. How’s Determan enjoying my old office?”

“Oh, his totals have soared! He hit one-hundred-sixty percent of quota already! He’s a very happy camper.”

“That’s good to hear. Just think of how your sales will do when every salesman has his own office—or works out of his home!”

“Don’t give me ideas! It’s hard for an old-school guy like me to admit when he’s wrong. But I figure we can save a bloody fortune if we allow a few more to do what you’re doing and hold off on the expansion of the headquarters a couple more years.”

“That’s good news. I hope it works out for everyone.”

“We’ll see, Edward, we’ll see. Well, I’ll let you go. Just wanted to call and say, keep up the good work!”

“Thanks.” He hung up and felt a sudden urge hit him. Something about showing the boss he was right always made him horny. “Secretary,” he said, “I’d like my blowjob now.”

She pushed herself off her desk and came to him. “I thought you might. You always do after you talk to Andrews.”

She knelt down in front of him and freed his cock. Using her bound hands to stimulate him, she took him inside and soon had him groaning. God, he loved this woman! He came and she swallowed every drop.

Emily tucked his limp cock back into his pants and zipped him up. She returned to her desk, wiggling her hips at him enticingly. He followed her at once and pressed her up against the desk, his hand stealing between her legs. He rubbed her wetness, drawing a gasp from her. As usual, he only teased her. He liked her horny during the work hours so she could anticipate their love-making later.

Just before she toppled over the edge into her climax, he pulled back and she shook her body in frustration. “You’re killing me,” she whispered, but her voice teased.

“I know. Consider it discipline.”

He made her lick his fingers and returned to his desk. He picked up the phone and called another client. As he talked, he kept his eyes on Emily as she sat at her desk, typing quietly. When he hung up, he said, “How about a little bell, hanging between your legs?”

She looked up, startled. “What?”

“I was thinking, you could use a small clit ring, something gold and expensive. And I could hang a small bell from it. That way, I could hear you approach.”

Emily’s eyes glazed over. “Uh...”

“Good, then it’s all settled.” He returned to his computer.

Edward wasn’t sure if it was his promise to give her a clit ring, but something seemed to happen to her that evening, after work. She was much more attentive to him, more aroused, if possible. She sat close to him on the couch as they sipped cocktails. He had untied her so she could sip her drink comfortably. Her fingers would touch his thigh and it seemed she kept turning so her breasts would accidentally brush his upper arm. When he glanced between her legs, it was obvious she was wet with desire.

“I think you need a spanking,” he said, putting down his drink.

“What? Why?”

“Because I want to.”

He pulled her naked body over his knee and gave her ten swats with his bare hand. It seemed to inflame her more, which he had expected. “What’s gotten into you?” he teased when he eased her from his lap.

“I don’t know,” she said.

“Okay, let me guess.” He pretended to think deep thoughts for a moment, then said, “You are very excited about the idea of having jewelry. It will be like a mark of belonging. I think I’d like to have the clit ring engraved...” He studied her and her eyes took on that glazed look again. Her breathing became shallow.

“It would say, ‘My slave,’ or something like that. “No,” he said, snapping his fingers. “It will say, ‘Edward’s Secretary.’”

Her mouth came open. He reached out and touched a hard nipple and she leaned into his hand. “You will always belong to me, Emily. We were meant for each other, I hope you know that.”

She nodded.

“Good. I don’t want you to feel forced into anything.”

Emily shook her head. “No, I...” She seemed to have trouble finding the words. “You are an amazing man, Edward Caudry. Sometimes I worry that you might turn out like my former fiancé.” By now, Emily had told him all about Adam. “But that worry diminishes with each day. You are a completely different man. And I’m falling deeply in love with you.”