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For the rest of the day, Emily typed carefully, fearful of making a mistake. Not because she feared a spanking or showing her panties to her boss—after all, he’d already seen them. No, it was because she couldn’t predict her own actions if that occurred. It was as if her body had electricity flowing through it.

So why, then, did she make a mistake on the last letter, the one she typed up ten minutes before quitting time? Was that her subconscious at work again? Or was she just tired after a long day? And it was such a simple mistake—a comma where a period should’ve gone. She never caught it before she brought the letter into her boss.

“Miss Robinson?”

The mechanical voice from her intercom chilled her. She knew at once what must’ve happened and she couldn’t believe it. She’d been so careful! Hadn’t she?

She went inside and closed the door behind her. “Y-y-yes, Mr. Caudry?”

“I’ve found a typo.” He almost seemed pleased to have caught her in an error.

“Oh! I’m sorry, sir.” She hung her head. In her mind, she felt shock, but in her loins, she felt a buzzing sensation.

“You know the rules by now, Miss Robinson.”

She did indeed. Emily went to his desk and propped herself up on her elbows. He placed the letter in front of her so she could see the comma circled in red ink. She closed her eyes and waited.

“We’re up to five strokes now, aren’t we?” She could hear him removing the ruler from the desk. She kept her eyes tightly closed.

“Yes, sir.”

She felt him move around behind her and a moment later, the radio went on. She shuddered as the music washed over her. Now her skirt was being raised up and tucked under at the top. Her new panties! He was staring at her sexy new panties! Then it hit her—is this what she wanted? Why would anyone want to be punished? Or was she somehow flirting with him?

Whack! The ruler bit into her left cheek and she gasped from the shock of it. Her clit seemed on fire and she feared she might come from this punishment. That wasn’t right—how could this be happening?

Whack! He was being more deliberate today, giving her time after each blow for the sensations to rock her and to anticipate the next one.

Whack! Now her right cheek was being assaulted. Her body moved forward and she felt her swollen clit bump the edge of the desk. She gasped aloud and pulled back, her mind spinning out of control.

Whack! Her clit seemed huge and all she could think about was, I want to come! I want to come! Yet she dare not in front of her boss! That would be horrible!

Whack! The final blow forced her forward again and she managed with the last ounce of her dignity to keep from rubbing her clit against the desk, which would surely cause her a powerful and embarrassing orgasm. But Mr. Caudry surprised her. He grabbed her hips and pushed her forward, causing her swollen clit to collide with the edge and she couldn’t help herself—she rubbed her clit against the hard surface, once, twice, and she shuddered with a huge climax, right there in front of him!

“Oh!” she squeaked, trying to disguise what had happened and knowing it was hopeless. He held her hips there as her body trembled from the power of it. Finally, he let go and she sank onto the desk, her mind awhirl.

Mr. Caudry went to a cabinet and she could hear the tinkle of glasses. He returned with a small glass of brandy and held it under her nose, rousing her.

“Here,” he said. “Drink this.”

Gratefully, she pulled herself to her feet and sipped at the smooth liquor. Her senses returned. All at once, Emily was overwhelmed with embarrassment. She turned her head away, a red flush washing over her neck and face.

“Oh no!”

She felt his hand on her upper arm and his voice in her ear was gentle. “Not to worry, Miss Robinson, not to worry. I think you are doing an excellent job as my secretary. In fact, I’m thinking of offering you a raise as soon as your thirty-day probationary period is up.”

She nodded, unable to look him in the eye. “T-thank you, s-sir.” A raise? Was he bribing her? Or was he simply just pleased, as he said?

He made her take another sip of brandy and her head cleared. Her bottom, however, burned like a brand, reminding her of her embarrassing lapse. She had climaxed in front of her boss! How could she ever live that down?

She dared not look at him. “I-I’d better go.”

“Yes, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She paused at the door. “Would you like me to make that correction before I leave, sir?”

“That won’t be necessary. Just fix it first thing in the morning.”

With effort, Emily gathered up her things and left, her ass burning and her mind in turmoil.


At home, Emily poured herself a big glass of wine and stood in the kitchen to drink it, leaning up against the counter. Her ass burned too much to sit down. She tried to make sense of what had happened. Surely Mr. Caudry knew what he was doing when he made her come. But he had not added to her embarrassment in any way. In fact, he had been a gentleman, bringing her brandy and telling her to let the correction go until morning. It was as if she’d seen a new side of him—a kind and gentle man.

And yet, at what cost! She had had a huge orgasm right there in his office! Would he now take advantage of her? Would he start demanding sex? Emily couldn’t get her mind around that. Of course that would be wrong and she should put a stop to it. And yet, she had never, in all her years, had orgasms like she’d been having in the last several days. It was as if her body were betraying her. Everything she had been raised to be seemed suddenly inside-out and upside-down. When she was naughty, she felt good and was rewarded by her boss. When she acted as a normal woman would, he seemed terse and displeased.

She took another gulp of wine and decided not to dwell on it too much. She needed the job, yes, but it had gone beyond that now. She was beginning to realize she needed more of what her body had been getting: orgasms that shook her to her very core. It was as if she had become addicted to the pleasures she’d never before experienced.

It wasn’t just the orgasms, she knew. It was Mr. Caudry himself. She liked the man, for reasons she couldn’t fully explain. He excited her like no other man she had ever met before. Was it so wrong to see where this might go?

She slept soundly that night, another indication that her body was telling her it was all right. If she felt so bad, why did she sleep so well? Her mind, which was abuzz with scolding opinions, didn’t keep her from dropping off as soon as her head hit the pillow.

The next morning, after her shower, Emily stood naked in front of her bedroom mirror, trying to decide what to wear. Her body was thrumming and she turned this way and that, looking at her rounded breasts and hips, the sparse hair between her legs. She knew she looked good, but she had always hidden away her charms . Since losing her virginity at age seventeen, she had had four lovers total, including Adam. None had made her feel like she did in Mr. Caudry’s presence. And he hadn’t made love to her!

Not yet, anyway.

Would he? She tried to visualize the stern man’s hands touching her breasts, her pussy. She used her own hands and shivered when she imagined his there. The marks on her ass had faded, but they were evidence of his control over her. Control—that was such a negative word. Adam had wanted to control her and it had been all wrong. Somehow when Mr. Caudry did it, everything seemed right.

“Oh, shit, get to work!” she told her reflection.

Looking through her underwear drawer, she knew at once which panties Mr. Caudry would reject—all the high cut and most of the French cut. Only the bikini panties would do and as she stood there, looking for something to wear, she realized two facts:

She was dressing to please her boss.

And she needed more underwear. Sexy underwear.

Emily found a pair of pink bikinis that fit her well and slipped them on. She wiggled her hips, enjoying how they snugged up against her pussy. Even now, her clit seemed aroused and she could feel it rub against the silky material.