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Even at that speed,Picard thought, this part of the Geminus Gulf is still six days out of Federation space.

Picard wondered how long it would be before the Romulans abandoned this place, once they determined that their precious subspace singularity was beyond recovery. And if the Chiarosans would then ask him to return–not to help mediate their internal conflicts, but to inaugurate their entry into the Federation as a peaceful, unified people.

Hawk saw the shape silhouetted in the bedroom doorway and recognized it as his partner. He heard a tentative voice, whispering, “Sean?”

“I’m awake, Ranul,” he said, shifting backward to a seated position against the bed’s pillows. “I’ve just been taking some quiet time.”

The Trill sat down on the edge of the bed, tentatively. He had given Hawk his space during the last several days since their quarrel. Hawk knew it wasn’t fair to keep Ranul at a distance, physically or emotionally. He leaned forward and enfolded Ranul in his arms. “I’m sorry,” he whispered into his ear, feeling Keru’s beard tickling his cheek.

After a few minutes went by, Hawk leaned back again, but he took Ranul’s hand in his own.

“So, after saving the universe, defeating the Romulans, and escaping with all your limbs intact, what are you gonna do for an encore?” Ranul’s voice took a slightly higher tone, and Hawk knew that his lover was smiling at him in the dark.

Hawk snorted a laugh, and squeezed Ranul’s hand. It’s now or never,he thought. As jocularly as he could, he said, “I dunno. I was thinking about joining a rogue intelligence organization within Starfleet that goes around the rules to accomplish its goals.”

“What?” Even in the dim light, Hawk could sense the look of confusion on Ranul’s face.

Sighing heavily, Hawk leaned forward again, coming closer to his partner. “You know all that stuff I was talking to you about before? The classified stuff?”


“I need to make a decision about it.”

“What do you mean?” Keru asked.

“This needs to stay between us for now, Ranul.” Hawk saw Keru nod in the dark, and continued speaking. “I was approached by Ambassador Tabor to join a secret organization within Starfleet. They’re like Starfleet Intelligence, but more proactive. They respond to threats against the Federation by any means necessary, even if it means going around every law we have, even the Prime Directive. If I’m to believe what Tabor told me–and what Commander Zweller said later–this group is responsible for saving a lot of lives, and for keeping a sometimes toofragile peace when less decisive authorities refuse to act.”

Ranul put his other hand on top of Hawk’s. “Why do they want you?Would you have to . . . leave the Enterprise?”

“I think they want me because of my eidetic memory, but it could be because of my piloting skills, or something else entirely. And don’t worry. Nobody has asked me to leave the Enterprise.I’m assuming that I would be their agent on this ship.”

“A spy, in other words.”

Hawk was uncomfortable, but he didn’t sense that Ranul was prejudging him. “No . . . maybe. I think they feel that they need someone on this ship who can work for them– who is working withthem. You know as well as I do that the Enterprisegets itself caught in the middle of a lot of turmoil. And those sorts of situations are their specialty.”

“If this organization is so secret, and they want an ‘agent’ on board, how do we know there isn’t one here already?”

Hawk thought for a moment. That hadn’t occurred to him. “I guess we don’t,” he finally offered.

Keru opened his mouth to speak, then shut it again with a sigh. “You remember how I lost my family,” he said at last.

Hawk nodded. Keru’s father, stepmother, and teenage sister had been living in a settlement on Hakton VII, a planet in the Federation–Cardassian demilitarized zone. Then the Federation signed a treaty with Cardassia in 2370, effectively abandoning several Federation colonies to the Cardassian Union’s tender mercies. Many settlers had refused to relocate, not wanting to leave their homes and lands behind. A few months later, the Keru family was among those reported killed during an unprovoked raid on the settlement, following reports of anti‑Cardassian factions stockpiling weapons there.

Ranul continued speaking, his voice taking on a slightly bitter edge. “I think that the Federation was wrong in giving its citizens a choice between giving up their homes and accepting Cardassian rule. When they chose to stay, our government deserted those people, knowing that they probably wouldn’t survive.” He paused for a moment and ruffled the back of Hawk’s hair. “I don’t have to remind youwhat was lost in the conflict with Cardassia, Sean.”

Logan,Hawk thought glumly. And four other Academy classmates. Gone forever because the Cardassians breached the warp core on theBarbados.

Hawk put his hand up to his partner’s cheek, and felt a tear there. Ranul had been close to his family, and invoking their memories now must have struck him hard. But Hawk felt pain as well. Logan had been Hawk’s firstlove, and if their assignments out of the Academy hadn’t forced them apart–or if Logan had gotten his transfer before the destruction of the Barbados–they might still be together. And he never would have met Ranul.

So, perhaps some good has come from the pain?He had never considered it that way.

Ranul sniffed, and turned to look at Hawk. “Didn’t you once tell me that some of your ancestors fought in the Martian Revolution?”

Hawk nodded and smiled. “Native Martians prefer to call it the War for Martian Independence. And yes, I’m descended from some of the freedom fighters. They were New Reformationists–religious pacifists–so they were among the last people to join in the war. A few of them even fought at Gundersdotter’s Dome and helped turn the tide for Martian sovereignty.”

“So, you know what theydid,” Ranul said. “They set aside their stated principles in order to achieve a higher goal. Mars gained its independence, even if blood was spilled on both sides.”

“I’m not convinced that Section 31 is always working toward the higher goal though, Ranul.” Hawk looked his lover in the eyes, dark pools on the shadowed face.

“I guess if I were in your situation, I’d ask myself where this organization stands on situations of ethics and morality and honor. And if what you feel about Starfleet and its ideals is compatible with that answer.” Keru looked down, his voice barely louder than a whisper. “I know that Ithink the Federation made a mistake in the past. And that mistake cost me my family. Do I think that the Federation and Starfleet alwaysmake mistakes? No. Do I think Starfleet’s leaders and officers are fallible? You bet I do.”

He paused, and added, “But I’ve never worked under a leader who was acting against what he felt was ethical and honorable.”

Hawk leaned forward, and hugged Ranul tightly again, less sure than ever which way to proceed.

The door opened in front of Hawk, and he stepped inside. The officer standing near the console toward the center of the room stiffened slightly, looking at him. Hawk handed him a padd. “I need to speak with Commander Zweller. Here’s my authorization, from Commander Riker.”

The guard studied the padd’s screen for a moment, then gestured toward one of the recessed detention cells across the room. “He’s over there. Are you going to be long? You want a chair?”

“No. Actually, I’d prefer to talk to Zweller inside, if you don’t mind.”

The guard raised an eyebrow, glanced down at the padd again, and nodded. “Okay. If that’s what you want. I’ll keep an eye out for trouble.”