Though she didn’t know what the meeting would entail, the strict sense of protocol didn’t come as a surprise to her. Everything about the group she’d seen or heard so far had been firmly structured. Perhaps that was partially why what had happened with Sasha shocked her so much. She’d not expected a Dom in this group to act out wildly.
After opening the meeting, Jeff nodded to Sasha. In a soft, but captivating voice, she recalled the events of the night she got hurt. Julie was proud of her; only once did she make her safe word signal with her hand. When she finished, Dena leaned close and whispered something to her, then patted her shoulder.
Jeff then asked Peter to recount the events of that night from his point of view, and Julie balled her hands so tightly, her nails dug into her palms. She’d never understood what attracted Sasha to him. He was the most nondescript guy she could imagine. Average height. Average build. Average appearance. When he started speaking, he sounded and looked resolved, but as he spoke, his voice lost that resolution. When he described Sasha’s unresponsive body, his voice broke.
He finished and sat down, head hanging down.
“Thank you, Sasha. Thank you, Peter,” Jeff said. He addressed the row Julie was sitting in. “Both parties have been questioned previously and we believe what they have told you tonight is a true and accurate representation of what occurred last week.”
Julie kept her eyes on Sasha. She looked okay, but Julie was glad Dena was beside her.
Jeff continued. “It’s been decided both parties will be allowed to remain as active members following their reprimand with these provisions: Peter, you will be reenrolled in the mentee program. We’ve assigned you to Master Greene.” He nodded to the man sitting at Julie’s right. “In addition, you are not to engage in play with a submissive in our group without an approved member present for a period of two years. Do you understand and accept?”
That’s it? Julie wanted to yell as Peter agreed. That was a slap on the wrist. She bit the side of her cheek so she wouldn’t say anything.
“Sasha,” Jeff said. “You will give a presentation at a future group meeting on safe words and why you should never play without one. Do you understand and accept?”
“Yes, Master Parks,” Sasha said.
Julie gave silent thanks Sasha would still be in the group and that all she had to do was give a presentation. She was still mulling over how unfair it was that Peter got off so easily when Jeff started speaking again.
“Peter, your required reprimand is thirty lashes with the bullwhip. You will be gagged to ensure your silence, as you silenced the submissive who gave you her trust. If you accept, Master Covington will administer tonight.”
Julie’s mouth dropped open and she shifted her gaze to Daniel. His expression was grave and she realized in that moment he’d known what would be required of Peter. What would be required of him. He’d probably tried to persuade her to stay away because he remembered her panic in the playroom. But because she insisted on coming to the meeting, she would have to witness her fear, her hard limit.
She swallowed a moan.
“Sasha,” Jeff said, and Julie straightened her back, scared anew for her friend. “It’s the agreement of all involved that you have suffered enough for your poor judgment. Your only additional requirement is that if Peter agrees to submit to the whip, you will watch.”
All the color drained from Sasha’s face, but she nodded.
“Do you need time to decide, Peter?” Jeff asked.
“No, sir,” Peter said, and Julie noted he’d turned as white as Sasha. “I’ll submit. But if I may, can I address Sasha privately?”
Daniel answered. “No. If she wants to talk, you can go to the far corner, but you’ll remain where you can be seen.”
Sasha didn’t look like she particularly wanted to talk with Peter, but she nodded as Dena whispered to her. “I’ll talk,” she said.
Julie didn’t miss the look that passed between Daniel and Dena. He didn’t seem overly pleased with the blonde, but Dena basically lifted her chin and gave him an I-couldn’t-care-less look.
He stood up and Julie thought he’d go scold Dena, but instead he walked toward her.
“Julie, I need to talk with you, in the playroom. Jeff, keep an eye on those two,” Daniel said with a nod at the corner where Peter was now talking quietly with Sasha. Sasha stood with arms crossed, shoulders slightly hunched.
“Will she be okay?” Julie asked.
“Yes, Jeff will ensure it.”
She nodded. The stern-looking Dominant appeared to have everything under control.
Daniel led her to the playroom. Again, her feelings upon entering this room were so different from what they had been before. The other times there had been excitement and desire between them. Walking into the playroom that Friday night, all she felt was empty.
He opened the door and she gasped as she entered. The whipping post was centered at the back of the room.
“You need to get it out of your system now so you can be strong for Sasha.”
She nodded. He knew how she’d react and he’d brought her in here so she would be prepared. “Thank you.”
His eyes were sad. “I care a great deal for you, Julie. I hope you know that.”
“I know.” She cared a great deal for him, too. That was why everything hurt so much.
He looked like he wanted to say something else, but instead he walked farther into the room. “Everyone will stand here. Peter and I will be in the back. I need space when working with a whip.”
Her knees wobbled. Fuck, she hoped she could do this.
“My entire concentration will have to be on what I’m doing,” he said. “I need to know you’ll be okay. Take deep breaths. Close your eyes. Leave if you have to.”
She filled her lungs and exhaled deeply. “I’ll be okay.”
He walked to his cabinets and took something out. Silently, he passed it to her.
“What’s this?” she asked. It looked like a diamond-shaped piece of Styrofoam.
“It’s part of how I practice. This was a rectangle earlier today.”
She traced her trembling finger down one neatly cut edge in awe of his strength and accuracy. “You did this with a whip?”
“I’m the single-tail expert of the group.”
“It’ll hurt him?”
His gaze was filled with questions when she looked up at him. Unfortunately, she had no answers. Not the ones he needed and not the ones she wanted. She handed the foam back to him. “Thank you for bringing me here.”
“If you want to leave, I’ll have Cole drive Sasha home,” he said. “You don’t have to stay.”
But she did. She had to stay for Sasha and for herself and, for a tiny part, for Daniel. “I’m okay.”
He brushed her cheek with the back of his hand. “My brave, brave girl.”
She closed her eyes, lost herself in his touch, and tried not to think about how it hurt he didn’t call her “kitten.”
“I’m not so brave,” she whispered.
“Look at me,” he said, capturing her face in his hands. “I never lie. You’re braver than you think. When you finally realize it for yourself, that’s when everything will make sense and you’ll lose that confused feeling.”
He tipped her head forward and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. “I need a few minutes to prepare and get in my headspace. Let me take you back to the group.”
He left after taking her back to the meeting room. From the corner of her eye, she saw Cole slip out as well. Glancing around the room, she noticed Sasha was no longer speaking with Peter, but stood surrounded by Dena and other submissives. Peter was in deep conversation with Master Greene.
She closed her eyes, still feeling the touch of Daniel’s lips on her forehead, and only opened them when Jeff instructed everyone to move into the next room. Dena caught her eye and motioned for her to join her. In unspoken agreement, they led the way with Sasha between them.