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"How have you been?" Mildred asked.

"Fine," he answered as he continued surveying his lavish surroundings.

"I'm sorry about the unpleasantness last time…"

"It was my fault," Danny said. "I thought you were teasing me. And I'm sorry about breaking the cup. It was a beautiful one."

Mildred smiled. "That's all right. Most of the set has been broken for years."

Danny noticed that the limousine was heading away from town. He asked where they were going.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Mildred said. "I forgot to ask you if you wanted to go with me on an errand. I have to take some things to Jane Seymore's in Dobstown. Just some junk I promised her for the museum there. You're not in a hurry to get home, are you?"

"No," Danny said reluctantly.

He knew he should insist that Mildred drop him off. Hanging around with her would get him in deep trouble with Beth. But he couldn't resist going for a ride. The splendor of the chauffeur-driven limousine was too much to give up. But he promised himself he would merely let Mildred take him for a ride. Then he would have her drop him off near his house, and he would tell her he couldn't see her again.

For most of the ride, Mildred and Danny were silent. They stared out the tinted windows at the rolling countryside.

As they neared Dobstown, though, Mildred said, "Danny, I'd like to have you meet Jane Seymore. But she's a fussy old hen, and you're not exactly dressed for the occasion. Let me buy you a jacket to wear. It'll be my way of apologizing for the other night."

"No, you don't have to apologize," Danny said. "And I don't want you to buy me anything!"

Danny felt himself sinking. Mildred was going to capture him like a butterfly if he weren't careful.

"Please. I'd feel so much better if you let me get you something. Please let me," she said sweetly. "George, see if you can find a good men's shop in town."

Danny didn't argue. There didn't seem to be much point. Mildred was going to have her way, as usual.

"Does this store seem suitable, Madam?" George, the chauffeur, asked as he pulled up to a clothing store. "I think it's the finest in Dobstown."

"Wonderful!" Mildred said. "Come, Danny." She led him into the store. She helped him choose a tweed sport coat. Mildred paid for it, and they were back in the car before Danny knew what happened.

Then George drove down a tree-lined avenue.

Danny knew the area pretty well. But he had never seen this road before. As they drove up to a huge mansion, Danny realized they had been driving on a private road for the past several miles.

They went to the door. A butler greeted them and led them into a beautiful room lined with old books and antiques. There was an enormous grand piano with a vase full of red roses on it. Every where Danny looked there were treasures.

"Mildred, my dear," a high-pitched voice said. "How very nice to see you."

Danny hadn't even noticed the little woman sitting in the corner. She had snowy white hair, was wrapped in a shawl, and had a white cat curled up on her lap.

Mildred introduced Danny. Then they took seats near the old woman and chatted. Not that Danny had much to say. But Mrs. Seymore made him feel at home. Tea was brought in along with some funny little cookies.

Finally, Mildred took a batch of envelopes from her purse and gave them to Mrs. Seymore.

"How can I ever thank you?" Mrs. Seymore asked. "These will be so valuable in our archives."

Soon, Danny and Mildred were in the Rolls again, heading back toward Rocky Creek. But Danny was dazed. He had lived all his life in Rocky Creek but he'd never even dreamed of things he'd seen since he met Mildred.

"I could tell that Jane Seymore was taken with you," Mildred said. "She has a scholarship fund, you know. You should apply. I'll bet you could get a scholarship, especially now that she knows you."

It seemed incredible. Danny had never even thought of going to college. How could he have afforded to? Now, after meeting one old lady, it seemed he could go to college for free.

"Would you like to have dinner with me?" Mildred asked.

Danny felt himself drawn to Mildred and the life she could show him. But he resisted with all his might. He hated to feel controlled by anyone, even a fascinating woman as Mildred. Besides, he had to call Beth. So he declined Mildred's invitation.

"Maybe some other time then," she said. "But there is one thing you can do for me, if you will. George."

Suddenly, from the front seat, a window began to rise. It went up to the roof of the car, sealing off the back seat like a little private room. The window was tinted so darkly that hardly any light shone through it.

"We have time," Mildred said. "Kiss me."

Danny didn't know what to do. His body was screaming for the pleasure Mildred was offering. But Danny wanted to be true to Beth.

"I have a girl friend," Danny said.

"The girl I saw you with the other night?" Mildred asked. "She's very pretty. I hope she appreciates you."

"I like her a lot," Danny said.

Mildred had unbuttoned the top of her dress. She was wearing a black dress, but one with a high collar. Now, though, the softness of the tops of her tits showed.

"Oh, Danny," Mildred said. "I wouldn't dream of coming between you and your girl friend. But I do feel slightly jealous."

Mildred crossed her legs, making her dress slip up over her knees. Danny stared at her beautiful legs. They were so long and thin and well-shaped!

"At least give me a kiss," Mildred said. "Just a little one."

He moved across the soft scat to Mildred's side. Putting an arm around her shoulders, he fitted her slender body to his side. She lay her head back and closed her eyes.

Danny kissed her. He felt her lips part. Her lips felt so soft!

The delicate odor of Mildred's perfume excited Danny. She didn't smell like the other women he knew – his teachers at school for instance. But he couldn't have known about perfume that costs over a hundred dollars an ounce.

As Danny stuck out his tongue, Mildred's mouth opened to accept it. Mildred put her hand on Danny's thigh. But she didn't grip it tight, nor did she hug him to her. She had only asked for a kiss, and she was going to stick by her word.

Of course, a sophisticated woman like Mildred knew a boy's weaknesses. She didn't have to clutch him, throw herself at him. One kiss was all a young man needed to be ensnared in a hopeless net of lust.

There didn't seem to be any reason not to grab Mildred's tits! So Danny filled his hand again with her pliant tit.

By unbuttoning a few more buttons, Mildred was able to bare her tits. Danny slouched down in the luxuriant leather seat and buried his face in smothering tit-flesh.

"Suck me!" Mildred whispered. "Harder! Yeahhhhh!"

Danny reached under her dress. The silk crotch of her panties was wet. His fingers crept beneath her panties at her pussy. A tangle of soaking hair slipped around his fingers as Danny dipped into her flowing cunt.

"Ohhhhhh!" Mildred cried.

Danny continued sucking her tits as he reached her cunt.

It was exciting to have his hand up Mildred's dress amid her garters and underwear – even more exciting than finger-fucking her when she was naked.

Mildred arched her back and cried like a cat in heat. The more she writhed and moaned, the harder Danny bit down on her tit and the higher he reached up her cunt.

With his middle finger up her pussy, Danny put his thumb on her clit. Then he wiggled his finger and thumb vigorously. Mildred went wild!

"Eeeeeee!" she wailed.

As he stirred her pussy, Danny's ring finger seemed to have made a discovery. It was touching Mildred's asshole! He tried to move it away, but with his middle finger up her cunt, it was impossible. So he let his ring finger remain there. And the longer it remained, the more interested Danny got in her asshole.