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As soon as he could, he called Beth.

"Oh, hello," she said in a cool voice.

A chill ran down Danny's back when he heard the sharp edge in Beth's voice. Something was wrong.

"I can't wait until tomorrow," Danny said.

"Danny, remember when that big limousine went by the other day?" Beth asked. "I asked you if you knew that woman."

Danny felt a lump grow in his throat. "Oh, yeah," he mumbled. "I do remember."

"Well, I just talked to Sally," Beth said. "She and Gloria saw you getting into that limousine after school today."

Danny tried to think. He was a truthful boy and not used to making up lies. "Yeah, as a matter of fact, I did get into her car. It really is a beautiful car. It has a bar and everything. There's a television and…"

"But why did she pick you up?" Beth asked. "You told me you didn't know her."

As Danny struggled to think clearly, his father came in. How could he explain things to Beth without letting his father know about his seeing Mildred?

"Hi, Danny," his father said. "Hey, where did you get that jacket? I'll bet it cost a fortune!"

His father began running his hand over the soft wool of his new jacket.

"Danny," Beth said into his ear. "What's going on?"

"Dad!" Danny said as he covered the phone with his hand. "Do you mind? I'm trying to talk on the phone!"

"Sorry, son," his father said, then left the room.

"Danny did that woman buy you a jacket?" Beth asked. "What's going on?"

"Look," Danny said. "I'll explain everything tomorrow, all right?"

"I don't like people lying to me," Beth said. "I think we'd better forget about tomorrow. Good bye, Danny."

She hung up. Danny put down the phone and went to his room. Things were happening so fast, he couldn't keep up with it all.


Danny tried to talk to Beth in school the next day but they ate lunch at different times and his classes and hers didn't allow them to cross paths in the hall. So Danny used the few minutes between each class to run all over the building trying to track down Beth.

He'd thought about Beth all night. He didn't want to lose her. Not only did he want mote blow jobs from her sweet mouth and still longed to fuck her, but he was in love with her. She was ten times more important to him that Mildred was. Finally, he caught up with Beth.

"Beth!" Danny called as he ran up to her. "You've got to let me explain."

"There's no time now," she said without looking at him. "I'll be late for algebra."

"Then promise to meet me outside after school at the corner," he exclaimed. "You've got to let me explain; it's only fair."

"Okay," she said. "I'll see you after school."

Danny hated to lie, but it seemed the only way out now. So when he met Beth after school, he told her that Mildred had merely stopped to ask him directions. When he told her how to get to Dobstown, she offered him a ride home. He couldn't refuse a ride in such a beautiful car. Besides, there was no reason not to accept her offer. Then, as they rode along, the woman said she had a jacket in the car's trunk that had belonged to someone she knew, but it hadn't fit him. So she made the jacket a gift to him for giving her directions.

"But that's Mildred Chase," Beth said. "She grew up right here in Rocky Creek. Why did she ask you how to get to Dobstown? It's only down the road a few miles. And then she would have to take you all the way back the other way to take you home."

"Yeah." Danny said, realizing he should have been more clever with his story. "I don't know why she didn't know where Dobstown is. And she said she had plenty of time and didn't mind driving me home."

Danny saw that Beth was not entirely convinced. But since she had nothing else to say, he hoped she would forget the whole thing.

But as they walked along, Danny saw Mildred's car at the curb. George got out and was coming toward him.

"There's that car again," Beth said, arching an eyebrow.

Danny could only hope George wouldn't say anything to ruin his story.

"Excuse me, sir," George said to Danny. "Mrs. Chase sent me to ask you to give me the jacket she bought for you. She wishes to take it back to Dobstown for alterations. She thought it was a bit too broad in the shoulders."

Danny looked at Beth. The girl looked as though she'd been slapped across the face. She suddenly turned and ran away.

Danny turned to George. "Leave me alone!" he yelled. "Stay away from me! Can't you mind your own business?"

"Sorry, sir," George said as he backed away. "If I've been indelicate, I offer my sincere apology."

"Just leave me alone!" Danny screamed.

George went back to the car. Danny turned and started walking home. Meeting Beth after school meant missing his bus, and it would be a long walk, a very long walk, considering how miserable he felt.

Danny's fling had been a short one, and it seemed to be over. At least he had broken the ice – he'd gotten laid and saw the other side of life. Maybe someday he would get another chance with Beth. She might forgive him someday.

That evening, his father called him to the phone. "Sounds like some hotsy-totsy dame," his father said. "May I speak to Daniel?" his father said in imitation of a cultured voice.

Whet could Mildred want now? Denny wandered. If she offered to see him again, he would accept gladly. Now that Beth was gone, Danny had nothing to lose.

"Danny," Mildred said, "I'm so sorry. George told me what happened. I should have warned him not to talk to you if you were with your girl friend. I've reprimanded him."

"Yeah, well that doesn't do me any good," Danny said. "I had to lie to her about you, and George screwed it all up!"

"Maybe I can fix things," Mildred said.

"What can you do now?" Danny asked with hope; after all, Mildred did seem to have certain powers.

"I'm not sure. But if I do patch up the situation, will you agree to see me again?"

"Okay, it's a deal," Danny said. "Uh, I'd like to see you in any case."

"Sure, now that your girl friend has left you, you want to see me," Mildred said. "Well, we'll see what happens."

The next day, Mildred's Rolls was cruising in front of the high school again. This time Mildred was behind the wheel. When Danny saw her, he hurried after her, hoping to flag her down.

Then Danny noticed that Beth was walking down the street in front of him. The Rolls pulled up beside the girl, then Beth stopped. Danny stopped too, watching.

Before long, the door to the car opened and Beth got in.

"The poor boy," Mildred said to Beth as she drove off. "He feels so bad about lying to you. And it was all my fault."

"My house is right down here," Beth said solemnly, pointing to the corner.

"Oh, dear," Mildred said, "I'm not going to have time to explain. I know. Come to my place. I'll make up some tea, and we can have a nice chat."

Beth was just as thrilled by Mildred and her fine car as Danny had been. After all, Mildred Chase was a famous woman in Rocky Creek. A chance to have tea and chat with her didn't come along every day. So Beth agreed.

They wet soon sipping tea in Mildred's run-down home. But Beth was fascinated by the strange combination of beauty and squalor. Mildred hadn't mentioned Danny since they were in the car, though. Rather, they talked about life in Rocky Creek today as compared to the time of Mildred's childhood. Beth was entranced by Mildred's tales.

"Let me show you some photos," Mildred said. "I'm going through them to see if any are historically significant. But a lot are fun to look at."

Mildred went to a cabinet and bent down. "Ow!" she cried suddenly. "What's the matter?" Beth asked as she jumped up and went to Mildred.

Mildred was bent over, reaching around to her back.

"Oh, it's just my back," Mildred said. "It happens all the time. I'll be all right. Just help me over to the bed."