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Mildred had thought that she would get Beth between her legs, but she didn't think Beth would be such an avid cunt-lapper her first time out! The cute, blue-eyed blonde surprised her.

Even after Mildred's orgasmic quaking and crying had ceased, Beth kept licking her pussy. Mildred saw how much Beth enjoyed her newly learned perversion, so she let the young girl continue until she had a second climax.

But then Mildred stopped the fervent cunt-lapper.

"Okay, okay," Mildred said as she closed her thighs, clamping Beth's head and stopping her wild lapping. "My cunt can't take any more!"

When Beth stopped licking Mildred's pussy, she no longer knew what to do with herself. She didn't know how all this perversion had happened, and now she was embarrassed.

"Come, lie down," Mildred said as she held out her arms.

"Maybe I'd better be going," Beth said as she sat on the edge of the bed, wiping her mouth with her hands. "My mother will be expecting me."

"I'll drive you," Mildred said. "Would you like to wash first?"

But Beth was already putting on her clothes.

"No," Beth said. "I don't have time to wash. And I don't need a ride. It's not far."

Mildred wasn't surprised that the girl was eager to get away – they usually were. But she had to mention Danny. After all, she'd told the boy she would try to patch things up with him and Beth.

"Don't feel bad about what happened here," Mildred said. "I loved it. I'm glad it happened. It was just one of those wonderful unexpected things that make life so exciting."

"Yes." Beth said softly.

"And don't be too hard on Danny for letting the same sort of thing happen," Mildred said. "He liked you very much. I even think he's in love with you."

That caught Beth's attention. She looked at the woman. "D-do you really think so?"

"Absolutely," Mildred said. "Don't let me come between you two."

But then Beth noticed that Mildred was staring at her tits which were still visible beneath her unbuttoned blouse. Beth turned away and quickly buttoned it.

"Well, good-bye," Beth said without looking back at the naked woman on the bed.

"Good-bye, honey!" Mildred shouted. "Remember what I told you about Danny!"


The phone rang during dinner at Danny's house. He answered it, hoping it would be Mildred with good news. It was.

"Call Beth," Mildred said. "I think she'll forgive you now."

"Great! How did you do it?" Danny said happily.

"Never mind how," Mildred replied. "What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Going to school," Danny said.

"Why don't you take the day off? I'd like to take you to New York. I have to be there for a cocktail party in the evening, so I thought we'd make a day of it."

"New York?" Danny asked. "But it takes all day to drive there."

"We're going to fly, silly," she said. "There's an eight o'clock flight. Be at my house at seven."

"Sure, okay!" Danny said.

Danny had never been so excited. He had never been in an airplane, but he decided not to admit that to Mildred.

He was up almost all night. When his alarm rang at six, he leaped out of bed.

"I hate those puddle-jumpers that Hudson Airlines flies, don't you?" Mildred asked Danny on their way to the airport.

"Oh, they're all right, I guess," Danny said.

But when he saw the tiny plane the small airline company used, he knew what Mildred meant. There wasn't even standing headroom in the nine-passenger plane.

Danny loved the flight. He held Mildred's hand across the narrow aisle as he looked out the window at the ground below. When he got his first glimpse of New York, he gasped. He'd never been there before, but he would have recognized the sight from movies and television. In fact, he felt as though he were in a movie. His life certainly had changed since Mildred first stopped at his berry stand!

Soon they were speeding through the streets of Manhattan. Danny's eyeballs protruded and his head swiveled as he took in the incredible sights. He'd never seen so much traffic in his life. There were more cars on each block than in all of Rocky Creek. And the huge buildings made him dizzy as he craned his neck to gaze up at them.

Danny followed Mildred like a puppy as she led him into a restaurant for brunch, then into a men's store where she bought him a pair of slacks to go with his new jacket. Back into a taxi for a quick ride, then into a jewelry store where there was no jewelry on display. But when Mildred told the salesman she wanted a bracelet with sapphires, there suddenly appeared trays full of them. Danny watched in awe.

"Shall we go to the Met?" Mildred asked as they got into another cab.

"Sure," Danny said, although he had no idea what the Met was.

The cab let them off before a huge building with tall pillars and colorful banners waving in the warm breeze. It turned out to be an art museum, Danny found as they entered.

"Let's look at the Impressionists," Mildred said. "Don't you like them best?"

Again Danny agreed, without knowing what he was agreeing to. But the paintings were spectacular. The colors made Danny feel even happier than he already did.

"I wonder if Van Gogh painted that before he cut off his ear?" Mildred asked. "I would think he must have – It's such a joyful painting."

"Cut off his ear?" Danny asked.

Mildred told him the story of the artist cutting off his ear because he was in love with a woman who wouldn't have him. Then she told him about a lot of other artists and their paintings. Danny was fascinated.

"Let's go see the Greek art," Mildred suggested after a while.

This interested Danny. He'd always liked naked statues.

Unlike the Impressionist galleries, the Greek section was almost deserted. As they strolled among the marble men and women, the sound of their footsteps echoed loudly.

"Aren't they beautiful?" Mildred asked.

"Yeah!" This time Danny knew what he was talking about. Naked women in every posture looked down at him. Even if they were merely cold marble, his prick was stiffening.

"That looks like you," Mildred said as she pointed out a statue of a naked man holding a sword. "Of course, your prick is bigger."

"And that looks like you," Danny said, pointing to a statue.

"You flatter me!" Mildred laughed.

They strolled around the rooms full of statues, stopping to admire an ass here and a pair of tits there.

"I'm getting horny as hell," Mildred said. "How about you?"

"Yeah, these statues are getting to me," Danny said.

"I always get horny in museums," Mildred said. "I got horny in the Chase Museum just after I met you," Danny admitted. "I was looking at a picture of you as a young girl. I even jerked off."

Danny blushed. He didn't know why he admitted that to Mildred. But she liked hearing about it. She laughed heartily.

"I jerked off right in this museum a few times," she said. "In fact, once I jerked off right over there, looking at that gorgeous marble cock."

They looked at each other. A glint reflected back and forth between their laughing eyes.

"I've always wanted to fuck in a museum," Mildred said. "Do you think it would be possible?"

"I don't know," Danny replied. "What if we get caught?"

"Well, all they can do is throw us out." This was really insane, Danny knew. But they had gone too far to turn back now. Mildred had already reached for his crotch and was pressing the lump of his hard prick. So Danny grabbed one of her big tits and fondled it.

"We'll have to be careful," Mildred said as she tightened her grip on his bulging crotch. "The guards walk around with rubber shoes. But you can usually hear them squeaking."

They kissed. Their tongues dueled. Then a squeaking was heard, so they let go of each other just as a guard walked through the gallery. But as soon as he was gone, they threw themselves into another passionate kiss.