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As Mildred's pussy moved up and down, then forward and back on Danny's spurting cock, he felt Beth's pussy contracting on his tongue. Meanwhile, his own pleasure made his brain short-circuit with jolts of pure bliss!

Danny's orgasm ended before either of the women's. As he lay numb, Mildred kept bouncing and rocking on his prick. No longer was Danny able to keep his tongue wagging in Beth's cunt as he gasped for breath. Beth was forced to rub her spread pussy on Danny's nose, mouth and chin.

"Ohhhhhhh! Eeeeeee!" The women wailed as they clung to each other and trembled over Danny's rising and falling chest.

Now Danny was little more than furniture on which the women sat and rubbed their cunts as they sizzled with joyous fury. Of course, this piece of furniture could feel their crotches bearing down on it, could hear their wild cries of lust, could smell the heady odor of heated pussy crowd. And this piece of furniture loved its role as a couch for two spasming cunts!

It seemed as though the women kept coming and coming. Denny's prick was collapsing and he was suffocating as the pussy on his face cut off his air supply.

Finally, though, both women toppled off him. Still clinging to each other, they landed on the bed with their legs on top of Danny who still lay at the foot of the bed, covered with sweat and cunt-juice.

Danny crawled out from under the women's legs and moved between them. Accepting him in a warm embrace, they kissed his wet face as they lay their tits in his arms and chest. They each pressed their cunts to a side of his hips. As though he were a precious object, they poured affection on him.

"Oh, Danny!" Mildred purred. "That was so lovely!"

"Yeah, Danny," Beth gasped. "I was never so excited!"

A wide grin spread over Danny's face. "I never had such a wild time either!"

They lay like three logs in a fire until they were rested. Suddenly, a sob broke the silence. It was Mildred, crying.

"What's the matter?" Danny asked.

Mildred sat up at the edge of the bed. "Oh, it's nothing. I guess I'm just sad to be leaving."

"Leaving?" Beth asked. "Where are you going?"

"I'm not sure," Mildred said as she wiped her eyes. "Actually, I only came back to Rocky Creek to get all this junk straightened out. Some of it is going into the museum and the rest will be destroyed."

She waved her arm toward the piles of papers and books stacked on the floor in the middle of the room.

"Won't you ever come back?" Danny asked. "Oh, who knows?" she replied as she stood up. "Come on. You two can help me with this stuff. Danny, get dressed and go see if the boxes have been delivered yet. Beth, come on, give me a hand."

Mildred was dressing. Her tears were gone, and the kids rushed to help her.


"Terrible, terrible!" Danny's mother was saying as he came into the kitchen for breakfast.

"Figures," his father remarked. "She always was nuts, anyhow."

"Who's nuts?" Danny asked as he grabbed a piece of toast.

"That crazy Chase bitch," his father replied. "She shot herself over at the old Murphy place last night. It was just on the radio."

Danny stopped chewing on the toast. His mind spun. He got up from the table and tried to keep his emotions in check.

"Where you going?" his father called after him. But Danny couldn't answer. He had to get away by himself. He had to find out what was going on.

Rather than wait for the school bus, Danny hopped on his bicycle and sped to Beth's house. He caught her coming down the street toward school.

"Danny, did you hear?" she asked, sobbing. "Yeah," Danny said. "My parents were talking about it. All I know though is that Mildred was found at the Murphy place," Danny said. "Maybe George is there. Maybe he can tell us something."

Beth sat on the handlebars of Danny's bicycle, and he pedaled them to Mildred's. The place looked as shabby and empty as ever. They went to the door and knocked.

A sound overhead made them look up George stuck his head out the window. "I'll come down and let you in," he said.

When George opened the door, the kids saw that his eyes were red and his cheeks tear-stained.

Before the kids could enter, a car halted at the gate. A man jumped out.

"Mr. Chase?" the man called. "George Chase? I'm from the New York Times. Can I ask you a few questions about your wife?"

"Not now, please," George said. Then he hurried the kids inside and closed the door.

"Are you really Mr. Chase?" Danny asked in amazement. "Her husband?"

"Yes," George said as he sat down on the couch. "I've been married to Mildred for fifteen years. Oh, don't look so shocked. I know what's been going on between you two and Mildred. And there've been many others in the last fifteen years. I don't object. Mildred could never belong to one man or to one woman. But I loved her and had to be near her. So I became her chauffeur. It was enough for me to serve her that way."

"Why did she shoot herself?" Beth asked.

"She was ill," George said. "Very ill. She only had a few months to live anyway. And Mildred was never one to be pushed around by fate. No, she had to do things her own way. I expected it and I'm not surprised that she went to John Murphy's house to do it either. Strange, a woman with Mildred's needs. But she remained in love with that dead boy all these years. I wonder what would have happened if he had lived."

By this time, Danny and Beth were wiping tears away, too.

"But Mildred has provided for both of you," George said. "She drew up a new will just a few days ago. I daresay you will both be well taken care of."

A few days later Beth, Danny and George walked out of Mildred's attorney's office. Both Danny and Beth were still in shock. The lawyer's words were still echoing in their ears. Two million dollars apiece! It seemed like a joke, but knowing Mildred, anything was possible.

She also left the Rolls to Danny and the carriage house to Beth. George was left with half of Mildred's estate; the museum and charities got the rest.

Immediately he three of them were surrounded by reporters shouting questions. Besides becoming millionaires, they had become local celebrities. They answered some questions, sometimes with the truth and sometimes with a slight twisting of the truth.

When they reached the Rolls, Danny and Beth climbed into the back and George climbed in behind the wheel. He had already agreed to stay on and be the kids' chauffeur.

They drove to the carriage-house, struggled through another group of reporters, then went inside.

"Why don't I fix us all a nice drink?" Beth said. She made them each a martini just the way Mildred had once showed her how.

"I'd like to propose a toast," George said. "To Mildred. There's never been a woman like her before."

All three of them looked at the oil painting of Mildred that they'd brought over from the museum and hung over the stone fireplace. They sipped their martinis with tears in their eyes.

"May I ask you a question, George?" Beth asked. "A personal one."

"Sure," George replied. "I have no secrets from you."

"While Mildred was fucking so many people, didn't you get jealous?"

"No." George laughed. "I couldn't have satisfied Mildred's needs alone. No one could. Even though she had countless lovers, I still enjoyed her sexual skills. Sometimes she wore me out even while she was wearing out several other men too. Gee, I'll sure miss our fun in bed! Who else could fuck like Mildred?"

"I could," Beth said. "Can't I, Danny?"

"Yes, I think you can," Danny said.

"I'll prove it to you, George," she said. "I'll fuck you. Right now, if you'd like!"

"Oh, I'd like that very much!" George said.

"Good! Come on!" Beth jumped up and began pulling off her clothes. "Mildred would love this. Are you going to join us, Danny?"

"Sure!" he said. He put down his martini and stood up.