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George was a trim and handsome man. His gray hair excited Beth. And when he was naked, she saw how dark his pubic hair was as it bristled around the root of his hard prick.

Beth ran to the bed and leaped onto it. She landed on her back and bounced on the mattress. Her tits bounced.

George followed Beth and jumped onto the bed too.

Sliding up to the young girl, George covered her mouth with his mouth and her tits with his hand.

As Danny watched, he felt a pang of jealousy. But it only lasted a moment. After all he'd been through jealousy was ridiculous.

Danny climbed onto the bed and caressed Beth from the side opposite from George. Beth turned her face to him and he kissed her. Then he took the tit on his side of Beth's body.

By this time, George had begun sucking Beth's other tit. Feeling slightly jealous again, Danny reached for Beth's pussy before George had a chance to.

With both men working on her, Beth was already seeping hot juice from her cunt. But George didn't let the presence of Danny's fingers in Beth's cunt keep him from grabbing her cunt, too.

At first, Danny felt that the older man was crowding him out of the rightful place that he'd claimed in Beth's cunt. But then he realized that George was merely helping him finger-fuck Beth. George held the girl's cunt-lips opened while Danny reached into her pussy.

Danny got used to sharing Beth's pussy with George, and he began to like their partnership. So he pulled his fingers out of Beth's cunt and left the way open for George. George fingered Beth's cunt now as Danny tickled her clit.

With all those lingers swarming in her cunt, and with one man kissing her and another sucking her tit, Beth was in heaven.

"Mmmmmmmm!" she moaned luxuriantly.

George soon abandoned Beth's cunt so that Danny could enter it again. Taking turns seemed so civilized and kinky, Danny thought.

This time, Danny put two fingers into Beth's cunt and stretched it. As he did, George took his hand from her cunt altogether. He reached around beneath her thigh and into her pussy from below.

"Uhhh!" Beth cried out.

Once again, Danny as sharing Beth's cunt with George. But now they each had a warm pit of their own as George stuck a finger up Beth's ass! Danny felt the man's finger as it burrowed up Beth's ass on the other side of the thin wall that separated her ass from her cunt.

Another wave of jealousy struck Danny as he wished he had gone after Beth's ass. But it wasn't important – there would be other chances for him.

Meanwhile, Beth was writhing and purring in passion.

Danny moved down to suck one of Beth's tits. Now she had a man at each of her swollen tits. She threw her head back and wailed in bliss.

Like a couple of puppies, the men sucked eagerly and roughly.

Danny put his thumb on Beth's clit as he kept his fingers swimming in her cunt. So before long, Beth's cries rose from notes of joy to notes of orgasmic ecstasy!

As the men sucked her tits and kept her orgasm raging by manipulating their fingers skillfully, they enjoyed the hair-raising sounds of Beth's orgasmic joy. But they were eager for orgasms of their own.

George lifted his head from Beth's tit when the girl stopped wailing.

"May I suggest something?" he asked. "It's something that Mildred especially loved."

"What?" Beth asked with expectation.

"Danny and I could both fuck you, one in the cunt, the other in the ass," George explained. "I would be glad to give Danny first choice."

"That sounds great!" Beth said.

"Let's do it!" Danny said. "I'll take Beth's ass, if you don't mind."

"Be my guest," George said. "Get up on your knees, my dear."

Beth rose to her knees with her thighs spread. Danny took his place behind her as George knelt in front of her.

"Maybe you'd better enter first," George said. "You'll have to stick your prick up her cunt to lubricate it."

Danny followed George's directions. When his prick was up Beth's cunt, it took willpower to pull it out. But he was eager to get it up Beth's ass. So he took his wet prick and placed the head of his cock on the girl's asshole.

Beth held onto George and stuck her ass out at Danny.

George reached around Beth's hips and spread her ass-cheeks for the boy. With all that help, it didn't take Danny long to slide his prick into the hot and narrow passage of Beth's ass. His pubic hair met the creamy surface of her ass. Then he held still, enjoying the tight hold that her ass had on his prick, while George threaded his prick into the girl's cunt.

"Ohhhh, this feels wonderful!" Beth said as she was sandwiched between the two men. Their big pricks in her cunt and ass gave her a thrilling sensation of being stuffed.

But when the men began fucking her with powerful thrusts, Beth knew a joy she'd never imagined. Her hips were batted back and forth.

Danny rested his face on one of Beth's shoulders as he fucked her up the ass. What an exciting way to get fucked, he thought.

His eyes turned up as he neared orgasm. She caught sight of the painting of Mildred over the fireplace. She seemed to be smiling at him. Danny smiled back as he filled Beth's ass with his jism.