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"It was fun," Beth said. "Uh, do you have a handkerchief?"

Danny bent down to his pants which were draped around his ankles. He pulled out his handkerchief and gave it to the girl.

"I could do the same for you," Danny offered. "Would you like that?"

"Oh, no. No thanks," she said nervously as she mopped up the cream from her hand.

"Don't you like to have your pussy played with?" Danny asked. "Don't you ever play with it yourself?"

"We'd better get out of here before someone finds us," Beth said as she handed back the handkerchief. She started to rise.

"Will you wipe me up?" Danny asked. Beth sat dawn again. Carefully, she wiped the jism from Danny's belly and prick. His cock had begun to deflate. But now it rose again.

With Beth's tits still exposed and her hand guiding the handkerchief over his cock and balls, Danny was soon as horny as ever. But he knew there was no point in trying to get more from Beth. But some day, Danny told himself, he would fuck her all night long – and all day too!

"Come on, Danny!" Beth said as she threw his wet handkerchief on his stomach.

She pulled her jersey on. Danny had no choice but to dress.


The next day, right after school, Danny went to the Chase Museum. The carriage house in the rear, where that weird woman was living, was off limits to the public, though.

So Danny stood at the fence and peered at the old building. There were no signs of life. The windows were dark and outlined with dirt. He couldn't see into the lower floor where the Rolls would be kept.

Danny went into the museum. It was an ancient mansion – the ancestral home of the Chase's.

From the second floor of the museum, in the room full of antiques, Danny could look out at the carriage house. Now he could see into one of the rooms. But there wasn't much to see. Some old furniture, a shelf with books, a table covered with a litter of papers. Nothing he saw indicated that anyone lived there now.

Danny looked at the dusty exhibits. He'd seen them all before, of course – there wasn't much to do in Rocky Creek but go to the library or the museum. But now, as Danny shuffled from room to room, he felt a new emotion. He'd never thought about the Chases. Now, though, he wondered what that strange woman had been like as a little girl and as a teenager.

There were pictures of the Chases. Danny found several of the woman at different ages. In one picture, she was about his age. And although the outfit she wore hid every curve of her body, Danny found it sexy and exciting.

Alone there on the second floor of the mansion, he couldn't resist the urge to pullout his hard cock. He imagined that the girl in the picture could see him as he grabbed his prick.

Right there in the middle of the room, he jerked off until he came.

Something about jerking off in a public place excited him.

Danny didn't go back to the museum again. But whenever he passed by, he looked at the dim windows of the carriage house. And each time he hoped to see the old lady looking out at him. Would she invite him in? Would she fuck him?

One evening as Danny was coming home he passed the museum. He had to go out of his way to go by it. But the few extra blocks was nothing compared to the thrill of hope he felt every time he looked up at the carriage house.

A light shone from one of the windows! Denny stood at the fence and stared for a long time. Would it be possible to get closer? The thought of climbing the fence excited Danny. If the woman was there, she would be upstairs in the living quarters. The downstairs was only a garage.

Then it occurred to him that he could see if her car was there. That would be a clue, at least.

So, after looking up and down the street to make sure the coast was clear, Danny climbed quickly over the fence. He crouched low so he was hidden by the overgrown rose bushes.

Like a cat, he trotted to the side of the carriage house. He moved through the shadows to a window and peered in. There wasn't much light, only what the distant streetlights sent through the windows. But that was enough to show the boy the Rolls. Its big radiator glistened in the gloom.

So, she was there!

But now he felt disappointed. Now that he knew she was there, however, she seemed remote. After all, she very likely wouldn't want to fuck him again. The first time she was daydreaming about some old boy friend. It had been the right time and the right place. He had been lucky.

Danny decided to leave. There was no more he could do now.

But when he turned around, there was a dark figure standing a few feet away. He almost died of fright!

"I thought it might be you when I saw you climb over the fence," she said.

Danny tried to catch his breath. It had been quite a scare finding the woman standing right behind him as he turned around. She didn't sound angry, though.

"Uh, hello," he said, stalling for time to think. "I just wondered if your car was here, that's all."

"Why? Did you want to steal it?"

"No! No, of course not," he replied. "I just thought if your car was here, then so would…"

"How did you know who I was?" she interrupted. "I suppose people are talking. Well let them. Let them talk all they want. I don't care."

"Well, I guess I'd better be going," Danny said as he slid past her.

"Why were you looking for me?" she asked. Danny wanted to tell her. He wanted to say he'd been thinking about her since he fucked her, that he thought about little else. He wanted to beg her to fuck him again. But he couldn't speak.

"Would you like to come inside, I'll make you some tea," she offered. "I always have a cup of tea about this time, after my walk in the garden."

She didn't wait for an answer, but merely walked to the door and entered. Danny followed just as he had in the Murphy house – like a puppy.

They went up a curving staircase. Right before his eyes, the woman's trim ass switched back and forth in that same black dress or one just like it. Her perfume was the same too. Its exotic odor brought back the excitement of their last meeting.

Danny's prick swelled. He had to yank the front of his pants to make room for his cock so he wouldn't have to limp. He managed to get his cock adjusted before they reached the top of the stairs. There, the woman stepped aside and let Danny go ahead of her.

He found himself in the room he'd peeked into from the museum. But he hadn't been able to see the mess it was in then. Now he was amazed at the dirty cups on the floor by the couch, the plates full of crumbs everywhere, and the carpet covered with newspapers and magazines.

On one side of the room was a small alcove which contained a kitchen. A bed was near the opposite wail. The rest of the room was furnished like a living room.

"Do you really want tea?" she asked.

Day looked her up and down. The dress fit her tightly, showing off what was underneath. As Danny stared at the tops or her tits that bulged above her low neckline, his eyes widened noticeably.

"No," he said. "I don't really like tea."

"Why did you climb over the fence? Why did you want to know if I was here?" She came closer to him.

Danny still couldn't tell her of his lust. Even when he saw her glance at the bulge in his pants, he couldn't say it.

"Tell me. Please," she begged. "I want you to tell me!"

Danny realized his words would flatter the woman. And he thought she might actually fuck him again if he spoke. So he opened his mouth and forced out the words.

"I wanted to fuck you again!" he said. "I've been thinking about fucking you again every day."

As he spoke, she stepped up to him. As soon as she was within reach, they grabbed each other. Their bodies crashed together, then their mouths met.

Since the last time they were together. Danny had forgotten how desperately, almost violently, the woman kissed. She ran her hands up and down Danny's back. Her crotch arched forward, pressing against Danny's hard-on.