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As his orgasm was triggered, Danny felt all of his passion explode.

Danny drained his jism into the woman's cunt as she clutched him to her flattened tits. She rocked him in the cradle of her uplifted thighs.

When he was lying still on top of her, a warm glow of satisfaction filled the void left by his squandered lust.

"No one's ever fucked me like you do!" she whispered. "At least not since… uh, not for a long time."

Why did the woman have to be so mysterious? But, if she weren't weird, she wouldn't be fucking a boy young enough to be her son. So Danny forgave her strange words and behavior.

After lying in a sweaty embrace for a long time, the woman got up. She wrapped herself in a robe.

"How about that tea now?" she asked. "No thanks," Danny said dreamily, still woozy from his climax.

"You should have some. It's good for you. Besides, tea is a very civilized beverage. You should develop a taste for it."

Denny watched the woman make tea. Then she brought a silver but tarnished pot and two cups to the bed on a silver tray. She poured the tea and handed Danny one cup.

Danny looked closely at the china even though he had never paid attention to things like that before.

"So, you like my china. You're obviously a boy of refined taste."

Denny lowered the cup and saucer to his lap. He hated to be teased. But he wasn't even sure if the weird chick was teasing him or not.


"Hey is for horses," the woman interrupted. "My name is Mildred Chase. You may call me Mildred."

"You may call me Danny," Danny said with a silly falsetto voice.

Danny hadn't meant to mock the woman. But that's the way his words sounded, he knew.

"Look here, young man," Mildred said. "While a guest in my home, you will treat me with respect!"

"What do you think this is, school?" Danny asked. "Do you think you're my teacher or something?"

Danny couldn't help himself. It always happened like this when he thought he was being teased. Several times at school he'd gotten into fights, when kids called him a hick, or when he thought they were teasing him for being the son of a failing farmer and dumpy mother.

"If I were your teacher, you would be a much more civil young man," Mildred said dryly. "If you can't be civil, you'd better leave."

"Gladly," Danny said.

He put his cup and saucer down so fast he missed the tray. They fell to the floor and broke with a musical clink. Danny jumped off the bed and began dressing as fast as he could. Although he hated to leave, there was no choice now.

Mildred sat and sipped her tea, refusing to speak or look at Danny. As soon as he was dressed, he rushed out. He hopped over the fence and headed home.

He struggled to forget the unpleasant parts of his visit and concentrate on the wonderful fucking. When he licked his lips, he could taste dried cunt juice. The odor of Mildred's perfume lingered in his nostrils, too. But the whole thing was over-shadowed by the fight they'd had.

Worst of all, Danny had cut off his supply of sex.


Danny was miserable for days after his visit with Mildred. But eventually, he felt better as the memory of eating and fucking her replaced the memory of their fight. He was still sorry for what he'd done. It was obvious he had acted badly. But it had been a good lesson. Danny was wiser now. And he had increased his knowledge of sexual possibilities.

One evening as he and some friends hung around in front of the drugstore, watching the chicks pass by, Mildred's Rolls-Royce drove past.

"There goes that Chase broad," Mel said. "I know a guy who got a Corvette from her by eating her cunt."

"Yeah," Bob said. "She's bought about a dozen guys 'vettes. She gets them wholesale."

"Who says?" Danny asked, surprised and skep tical.

"It's true," Jimmy said. "My brother knows the guy who sells cars. He sold her about five Corvettes."

"Maybe she uses the 'vettes to jerk off with," Mel said. "She probably stuffs them up her twat."

"Yeah, with the wheels spinning," Henry laughed.

The guys laughed as they joked. But Danny didn't think it was so funny. First, he still felt bad about their fight. Second, he hadn't gotten so much as a red wagon for fucking her.

Danny hadn't told anyone of his secret. Now he knew he never would.

"Some guy killed himself because of her," Mel said. "My old man told me."

"Yeah?" Danny asked. "Who?"

"One of the Murphy brothers," Mel said. "You know Sam, the barber. Well, he had a younger brother, and he got mixed up with that Chase bitch, and he killed himself."

"I heard about that, too," Henry said. "The guy went berserk and wrecked a bar or something. They threw him in jail, and he hung himself in his cell."

The boys forgot about Mildred as the subject of their talk changed. But Danny couldn't forget about her. Only when he saw Beth and Carla coming down the street did he put Mildred on a back burner of his brain.

Danny hadn't seen Beth since the night she jerked him off. And thoughts of Mildred had kept his mind off the younger girl. But now Danny's interest turned toward Beth again.

"Hey, look what's coming!" Mel said. "The hottest chicks in town."

Mel said that loud enough for the girls to hear. The girls, though, pretended not to hear. They kept talking to each other as they approached the group of boys.

"Boop ba-boop, ba-boop," Henry said, providing sound to the rhythm of Beth's bouncing tits.

"Hi, Beth. Hi, Carla," the boys said as the girls walked up to them.

The girls stopped and talked with the boys, as they usually did. Once in a while, one of boys could talk a girl into going with him to the park where they would neck. But the kids usually saved their necking for Saturdays at the movies.

Now, though, Danny decided to try to get Beth to go with him to the park. Being so close to the girl who had jerked him off was making him crazy with passion.

"How are you, Beth?" he said. "Haven't seen you around."

"You could have called me," Beth said.

Of course he could have, Danny realized, sadly, yet he was encouraged. Beth was interested in him, it was obvious. Maybe she liked jerking him off so much she wanted to do it again!

Danny tried to conjure up that jaunty attitude he had the last time he talked to Beth. But without beer, it wasn't easy. He couldn't think of anything to say. So Danny gave up on the idea of talking. Action was the best policy.

Danny maneuvered his way to Beth's side. Then he took her hand. Beth was surprised. She quickly turned her head to look at Danny – there was a smile on her face. Since Danny was standing so close to her, none of the other kids noticed what, he'd done.

Slowly, Danny moved Beth away from the others. Then he leaned closer and whispered in her ear.

"Let's go for a walk."

"But I'm with Carla," Beth whispered.

"She's a big girl," Danny said as he began leading Beth away. "She can take care of herself."

Danny and Beth were half a block away before anyone noticed they had gone. "Where are we going?" Beth asked with exaggerated innocence.

"I don't know," Danny said. "Just for a walk, I guess."

But the park was nearby, and they both knew they were going there.

Danny still held Beth's hand. Just having her hand in contact with his own fueled his lust. Although he kept his eyes facing forward, Danny saw from the corner of his eye bow Beth's big tits rose and fell heavily.

Maybe he could show her what Mildred had taught him, Danny hoped with swelling passion. At least he would get another hand-job! It wasn't normal for a chick to refuse to do what she had done before. It was getting them to advance to the next stage that could be difficult.