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That was, until the day Keri’s dad had a script couriered over to me with a role for Walker that was unlike him at all in real life. It was an action flick, with Walker’s character a single dad fighting for his daughter. Apparently he blew them away at the audition. I hadn’t attended…by choice. Agents didn’t normally accompany their clients on auditions, and I wanted to keep that line clear. Our professional relationship was already muddled enough.

“So, the contract looks pretty standard,” I told him. “You’re getting a really nice flat-rate paycheck with a bonus if the movie grosses a certain dollar amount upon release. There are also a couple of other bonus provisions based on DVD sales and such. Before the film is released, you have to keep quiet about the details of the story and only reveal things about your character that have been approved by the producer or director.” I pushed the stack of papers toward him. “You just have to sign all the pages I’ve flagged.”

Walker grinned and accepted the pen I offered. His hand scribbled furiously from page to page, each signature more illegible than the last. He looked up. “That’s it?”

“That’s it. I’ll courier these back to Mr. Sampson’s office, and will get in touch with your manager with regard to your schedule. They plan to film for six weeks straight, but things don’t always go smoothly, so I’d plan for extra time. And then there will be a press junket afterward, both domestic and international. You shouldn’t schedule another tour yet.”

Walker laughed. “Another tour? I need to get in the studio and record all the new songs I’ve been writing first.”

“Yeah, you do. You’re such a slacker.” I laughed at my own joke, knowing how untrue my words were.

Walker never stopped. His head constantly churned with new melodies and lyrics. He carried a notepad in his pocket everywhere we went, and he utilized the voice record feature on his cell phone more than anyone I’d ever known—humming, beat boxing, and singing chords into it at all hours of the day and night.

And I loved it. His dedication, determination, and work ethic only made me love and respect him more.

“Well,” he said. “I’ll let you get back to work. I might stop by the studio on the way home and lay down some tracks. Text me before you leave to see where I am, okay?”


Walker leaned across my desk and gave me a soft kiss. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

As he headed out of my office, I watched his backside until he suddenly stopped. He turned around, catching my gaze on his ass, and said, “Oh, Madison. I almost forgot.”

I cocked my head to the side and waited.

“I got you a gift to celebrate our first movie contract.”

“A gift? Walker,” I started to object, realizing I’d never get used to the way he spoiled me.

He pulled a small jewelry box from his baggy jeans pocket and my heart started to pound, completely out of control. It was way too soon for this, no matter how right it all felt. He opened the box to reveal a simple ring, a line of diamonds channeled within a solid band of platinum.

“I know it’s too soon to get engaged, even though I’d marry your sweet ass tomorrow if you’d let me, Sparkles.” His smile grew wider as I giggled at the nickname. “But I wanted to get you something to show you that I don’t plan on going anywhere. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.”

I reached for the ring and read the words etched inside the band.

2day. 2morrow. 4ever. Walker + Madison

My eyes filled with tears as I looked up at him, my heart feeling too full for my chest. “It’s beautiful. Thank you.”

“Put it on. And never take it off.”

When Walker slid the cool metal band onto the ring finger of my right hand, I felt a little tremor run through me. I knew without a doubt that I’d never spend another day without this man by my side.

We were good apart, but together we were unstoppable.

Thank You

I hope if you read and enjoyed this story that you know it’s just the beginning. This book was meant to be an introduction into the celebrity world we all know and love (or love to hate). More stories are coming and I hope you’re ready for the fun-filled ride! :)

Thank you to all my readers for their support, love, and for telling me insane things like, “I’d buy your grocery list if you wrote it.” I know you wouldn’t really buy my grocery list, but it’s funny comments like those that keep me going! I have the best readers in the world…thank you for interacting with me on Facebook and in our TPGC group. I love my Kittens!

Thank you to Pam Berehulke for her superb editing skills (and for having fun with this one!), and Michelle Warren for putting up with my constant cover changes (and then designing something more than I could have ever imagined). Thank you both for being so amazing to me. I’m blessed to have you in my corner.

And to my girlfriends a.k.a. real-life author friends…thank you for existing. Jillian Dodd, Samantha Towle, Tara Sivec, Rebecca Donovan, Kyla Linde…where would I be without you ladies to turn to? Probably on Drake’s lap. LOL

And to my son, Blake, who insisted I thank him because he went to the Drake concert with me. As if sitting there in the seventh row wasn’t heaven enough? LIKE HE WAS TORTURED TO BE THERE! HA! But he’s right; that concert inspired this entire book. If it weren’t for that night, this book probably wouldn’t have happened, so thanks, Drake. You know, for existing and for being hot.

And now this just got creepy. LOL

Coming Soon

Be on the lookout for Paige Lockwood’s story, coming next in The Celebrity Series by J. Sterling.

About the Author

Jenn Sterling is a Southern California native who loves writing stories from the heart. Every story she tells has pieces of her truth in it, as well as her life experience. She has her bachelor’s degree in Radio/TV/Film and has worked in the entertainment industry the majority of her life.

Jenn loves hearing from her readers and can be found online at:

Blog & Website:








If you enjoyed this book, please consider writing a spoiler-free review on the site from which you purchased it. And thank you so much for helping me spread the word about my books, and for allowing me to continue telling the stories I love to tell. I appreciate you.

Also by J. Sterling

In Dreams

Chance Encounters

The Game Series:

The Perfect Game

The Game Changer

The Sweetest Game

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