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We enter the third bedroom that I’ve converted into my studio. The black drop cloth I put up yesterday should make their bodies pop even more. Todd and Gia sit on the ground while I set up all the camera and lighting. This is my second time shooting them together, and I notice they’re starting to become more comfortable with one another.

“Todd, can you put these on Gia?” I hold out a pair of rhinestone-studded handcuffs.

His lips spread wide, revealing those perfect white teeth. His eyebrows flick up, and I swear, his dirty thoughts take over my artistic ones.

“Just do it.” I roll my eyes.

Once Todd has Gia’s arms raised in the air with the handcuffs, I instruct Todd to slide next to her, concealing his manhood and her right breast. I place my camera down and position his hand over her left breast. With my hands on Gia’s hips, I twist her to mold into him. Her tall height is a perfect fit for Todd. They’re impeccably beautiful together, and the pictures show it.

Going back, I pick up my camera. “Nudge your butt out a little more, Gia,” I say.

She does so flawlessly.


I place Todd and Gia in a few more shots, some solo and some together. I put Todd in the handcuffs and instruct Gia to act like a dominatrix, just for fun. From the gleam in Todd’s eyes, it’s his favorite part. The photo shoot is a complete success, and I almost want to cancel my date with Davis just to start working on the pictures.

“These are going to be great. Thank you both.” I lay my camera on the table.

Gia quickly covers herself up with her robe. “I can’t wait to see them, Amelia. That last shoot, my boyfriend choked on his beer when I showed him the photos.”

“I’ll send you a few once I’ve downloaded them.” I smile, and I’m thrown back when she wraps her arms around my neck.

“You’re awesome, Amelia. Thank you.” Her voice lowers. “Can you send me the solo ones, not the ones with Todd? You know my boyfriend—”

“Say no more. Done.”

She squeezes me tighter before releasing me and scrambles out of the room.

“You never told me she had a boyfriend.” Todd sits down on the stool by my computer, his long, muscled legs peeking out of his robe.

“I didn’t know either until just now.” I glance up then back down to my computer. “Why? Were you hoping she’d be your next conquest?”

“No, she’s not my type.”

“I didn’t know you had a type. I assumed, as long as she was breathing, she was good to go.”

I laugh at my own joke, and he slides off the stool.

“I have a type.” Without another word, he disappears from the room.

“Todd?” I quickly call out to stop him.

By the time I follow him to the family room, Gia’s sitting on the couch, sliding her heels on. Todd strips off his robe, and her eyes fly to him then to me as her mouth hangs open from surprise.

“Bye, guys.” She double-times it to the door and grabs her purse from the entryway table.

“Bye, Gia,” I barely squeak out before the door shuts behind her.

I break the distance between Todd and me. He slides into his jeans with his shirt still open, and then he steadily flees toward the door.


“Just forget it, Amelia. I’m just tired.” He buttons up his pants, never looking up at me.

“I didn’t mean to offend you. I’m sorry.”

He completely disregards me, fisting his keys from the table.

“Todd!” I yell. “You honestly can’t be this angry with me over a dig.”

He flips around, and uncertainty swims in his eyes. “I’m just exhausted. That’s all. You’re right. I go out with a lot of women.”

His sad eyes lure me to him. I’m inches away from wrapping my arms around him and not letting go until I find out what’s tormenting him, but he doesn’t give me the time. Instead, he opens the door and steps into the hallway.

He stands on the other side of the door with his eyes cast down to the floor. He finally looks at me, and his hands grip my shoulders. “Have fun today.” I can’t say anything before he’s at the top of the staircase.

“Todd?” I scream down the hall.

“I’ll call you tonight.” He raises his hand in good-bye.

I shake my head. Then, I watch Davis climbing up the steps, his vision fixed on the numbers on the doors. His timing couldn’t be worse.

Todd breezes past him, and Davis stops.

“Hey, Todd.”

Todd plows down the steps. “Hey, Davis. Have fun.” His hand waves in the air again, and then he vanishes.

Davis’s head bobs back and forth between the staircase and me in the doorway. My teeth nibble on my lip, and I contemplate canceling this date with Davis to run after Todd. Something’s off with him. He’s been working long shifts during the last few days, but I know there’s something more.

I smile to Davis as he approaches my door. “Hey, beautiful.”

“Hi, Davis.” I look over his shoulder at the empty stairwell. My feet shuffle before concentrating on Davis.

He’s as gorgeous as a GQ model. With his dark jeans and black V-neck shirt, he could have stepped right off the cover.

He rubs his stubbled cheek with his palm. “He okay?”

My shoulders fall. “I don’t know. We had a photo shoot this morning.”

Davis stops in front of me in the doorway. I startle when his hand lands on my shoulder.

“Maybe we should reschedule?” he asks.

My eyes gradually rise to his. I contemplate what I should do. Todd assured me he’d call tonight, right?

“No, it’s fine. Let me change really quick.”

I step back into the apartment, and Davis follows me.

“This is a really nice place. You sure you need the job at CHOPs?”

I weave around the coffee table and watch his eyes ping to every surface. Tatiana’s parents bought us the furniture as a thank-you to my grandma letting us live in her rent-controlled apartment.

“Like I already told you, this says nothing about me.”

I grab my phone from the counter, and my screen lights up.

Tatiana: How did the shoot go?

“Hold on one sec, Davis.” I hold my finger in the air, not bothering to see what he’s doing.

Me: Oh, I need to talk to you. Off to go on a date with Davis.

Tatiana: What’s wrong?

Me: I don’t really know. I’ll explain later.

Tatiana: Have fun with Davis.

Me: Talk to you later.

After I change and put on some makeup, Davis and I walk through the lobby of my apartment building. The memory of our kiss last night flutters to mind, and my lips tingle with want to relive it. He glances at his watch then opens the door for me.

“I have to know, are you ever on time?”

“No, never. I was even a week past my due date when I was born. It’s a gene, I guess.” I shrug and laugh.

“Maybe you should set your clocks forward?”

“Tried. My mind does the math.”

The sun beats down on my shoulders when we step into the chilled air. Fall is coming sooner than expected.

Davis tugs on my wrist, and I turn around.

His lips brush along my cheek. “Good afternoon,” he says, giving me a proper hello.

All that nonsense about my lateness washes away.

“Good afternoon,” I murmur.

Davis leads us to his car parked along the street, and the car lights flicker, signaling it’s unlocked.

“Nuh-uh.” I shake my head.

His head pulls back in confusion.

“We’re taking the train.” My steps increase speed, and I leave him standing next to his car in complete disbelief.

“The train?”

I giggle from his shocked expression. “Yep, let’s go.” I step back toward him and grab his hand to pull him forward.