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When society tries to put you in a box, knock the walls down.–Tati Green

“You have a pretty face” is such a back-handed compliment. It’s like telling me that my face is beautiful, but the rest of me is not.

Despite what society says, my curves are hot.

My love life, on the other hand, is not.

My mom says I’ll never find love because of my weight.

My sister says I’ll never find love because of my personality.

My almost-fiancé says I’ll never find love because I’m incapable of loving anyone.

My mom and sister are full of it, but my ex kind of has a point.

At twenty-seven years old, I’ve never been in love. I date a lot, yet sparks never fly. But when I experienced the heart-pounding, skin-tingling feeling for the first time, I didn’t think it would be caused by a guy I’ve never met. And I damn sure didn't think he would end up holding my future in his hands, in more ways than one.

Check out Michelle’s Love Surfaced, first chapter in the excerpt section.


Michelle Lynn is a USA Today Bestselling Author. She moved around the Midwest most of her life, transferring from school to school before settling down in the outskirts of Chicago ten years ago, where she now resides with her husband and two kids. She developed a love of reading at a young age, which helped lay the foundation for her passion to write. With the encouragement of her family, she finally sat down and wrote one of the many stories that have been floating around in her head. When she isn't reading or writing, she can be found playing with her kids, talking to her mom on the phone, or hanging out with her family and friends. But after shuffling around her twins, she always cherishes her relaxation time with her husband after putting the kids to bed.

Contact Michelle on the following social media:




Author Central



“Piper.” He hesitates before joining me down on the cement stoop. I question why he even searched me out, although it’s been his M.O. lately. Popping up wherever I am. He places his arm across my shoulders and pulls me into him, which only brings a ripple of warmth to the pit of my stomach. “Come here.” My head burrows in his strong chest and his hand soothingly roams up and down my back. I sink into him, the tension in my shoulders of placing fifth in my swim meet slowly releases with the comfort of his arms.

Refusing to let him make my mind race with his confusing affection, I sit up. Swiping the tears from my eyes, I honestly confess, “Tanner, it was my last shot.” He begins to shake his head, but I interrupt him, “No, I have to realize it, my dream of swimming in the Olympics is over.” I rise to my feet, and the heaviness in my chest sinks back into place now that I’m out of his embrace.

He follows me over to the oak tree, coming up behind me, and my pulse races into overdrive when his hot breathe tickles my neck. My body’s response only reminds me how bad I want him. Why does he keep leading me on? He continues to only toe the line between friendship and more, but never actually steps over it. Each time his hand brushes mine, or his eyes search me out, my heart stops beating for a moment, hoping this is it—until he crushes the fluttering butterflies and steps away. I close my eyes from the view of Michigan University’s football stadium because I need to calm my insides. “Why are you here?” He should be with my twin brother, preparing for their own meet. “You should be in warm-ups.” His hands land on my shoulders and he leans down, causing a tingling to spread across my body at our connection.

“I saw you leaving the pool house,” his voice cracks and I hear his deep intake of breath.

“That’s not what I’m asking, Tanner.” When I turn around, I almost collapse when I’m face to face with this gorgeous guy. Absolutely, one hundred percent, the perfect male. My perfect male. His brown hair is tucked away in his MU hat flipped backwards, his lips and cheeks are rosy from the early spring chill in the air. With only a sweatshirt and track pants on, he’s the epitome of a college student. His good looks remind me of the unbearable yearning that pulls me toward him.

His eyes are so transparent, I can see the torment of his inner turmoil from our situation, meaning nothing has changed for him. He’s as conflicted as ever because I’m his best friend’s sister.

“I don’t know.” His voice is soft, caressed with the sweetness he’s been with me the last few months. My stomach drops at his words. I want to grab his face with my hands and beg him to admit that the small seed of attraction has grown over the years and we can’t dodge around it any longer. But, I stand there, with my hands to my sides, silently pinning for the day he acknowledges our desire.

“Then that’s a problem.” My heart thumps as I side step him and weave through the clumps of snow that have yet to melt from the harsh winter. I hate seeing his genuine smile falter with my words, but I can’t idly stand around while he messes with my head any longer.

* * *

“Shit,” slurs out of my mouth as my foot misses the top step. I slide down the litter-covered staircase. Roars of laughter and murmurs of my name fade into background noise when I lock eyes on an emerald hue. “Tan—”

Falling into Tanner’s waiting arms, he grips me tight, and my eyes close as I smell the musky scent of his cologne. I’d never admit how many times I’ve taken a sample of the exact brand from the department store just so I could relive the moments when we’ve been this close.

“Thanks,” I mumble into his damp charcoal T-shirt.

The sweat is proof he’s been here for a while, and I half-wonder if he searched for me. My silly schoolgirl crush surfaces, wishing he felt the same as me.

“I’ll always catch you.”

His promise brings a flutter to my stomach.

“I mean, your brother would kick my ass otherwise.”

Then, my heart shrivels from his admission of consistently being there for me only to please my brother. When my head drops as I begin to pull away, his hand cradles my cheek, and he gently lifts my face up.

“What’s wrong, Piper?”

His concerned eyes searches mine, and I question my thoughts from seconds ago that he doesn’t have an interest in me as more than a friend.

“Nothing.” I bite my lip, afraid I’ll crack from the way his green eyes cling to my brown. If I don’t tear them away soon, I’ll confess the lurking love I’ve hidden for years.

A small smirk cracks his lips, and he shakes his head. “Okay.” He lets the fact that I’m lying go. “Well, let’s have some fun tonight then.”

His hand leaves my cheek and travels down my arm until his long fingers link with mine. I hold back my squeal of excitement and follow his broad-shouldered frame between the throng of drunken college students.

Tanner stops in the middle of the dance floor. Since I’ve never heard a song I didn’t shake my ass to, when my blood is filled with liquid courage, my hips swing, and my arms flail to the newest and hottest hip-hop song. I circle around, joining the blur of other bodies around me. Strong hands grip my waist, and I step into a hard chest. Leaning back, I bring one arm up to his neckline and Tanner’s light-brown strands of hair, tickle my fingers. His face nuzzles in the crook of my shoulder, and shivers run up my spine when I hear his deep inhale of breath.

A small smile graces my lips as I realize the hands tightening around my curves belong to the unattainable guy I might never have long-term. I hope tonight will be different since we’ve both been drinking, and our desire for one another appears to be in line.