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“As for me,” Welker continued, “you yourself have seen what I’ve been reduced to. I had to move from my house to the bank, and I haven’t been allowed to take a single step on my own. Then you showed up, and I managed to draw you into all this with the tale of the silent partner. In Gregor’s view, your investigation would hardly pose a threat; not to mention that he was worried that you’d grow suspicious if he threw you out. I didn’t hire you because of this idiotic silent partner. I was hoping all along that you’d realize what was going on at my bank and that you’d be at hand when the time came. But you weren’t.”

I looked at him blankly.

“No, no, I’m not reproaching you; far from it. I’d only hoped you might notice what was going on. I’d hoped it might be a sign to you that something wasn’t right at the bank when Gregor wouldn’t let me call you, when he didn’t give a damn about what I said, or that time when he exploded and ordered me to believe what he says, or when the attaché case was so important to him while I didn’t show any interest in it. I’d also hoped you’d come earlier today. But I’d hoped, too, that the children would stay longer. I wanted to get out of Gregor’s grip with your help while the children were visiting some friends of mine in Zurich. Do you see what he’s done? He has gotten himself double insurance: if the children elude his grip he still has me, and if I elude his grip-for instance, at a business meeting or social occasion, where he cannot intervene in what I say-then he’s got the children. While they were at my friends’ place in Zurich, he lost them. Now he’s got them again.”

“We should go to the police.”

“Are you out of your mind? They’ve got my kids. They’ll kill them if I go to the police.” He stared at his hands. “The only place I can go is back to the bank. That’s the only place I can go.” This time he cried like a child, sobbing pitifully, his shoulders shaking.

3 No longer my kind of world

I assured Welker that there was no reason he couldn’t wait a few hours before going back. Nothing would happen to the children as long as Samarin couldn’t get in touch with him. The children would be of no use to Samarin if they were dead; he needed them in order to threaten Welker. And he could only do that if he managed to talk to Welker.

“How is waiting going to do any good?”

“A few hours without Gregor Samarin-isn’t that something? I’d like to have a word with an old friend of mine, a retired police officer. I know you don’t want to hear of the police being involved. But things can’t go on this way, neither for the children nor for you. Something has to give. And we can do with all the help we can get.”

“Well, go ahead.”

I called Nägelsbach and then Philipp. I asked Philipp if we could use his apartment as a meeting place, since Gregor’s men knew where I lived and probably had already followed me to Nägelsbach’s and Brigitte’s. Avoiding the autobahn, we meandered over Plankstadt, Grenzhof, Friedrichsfeld, and Rheinau to Philipp’s apartment at the Waldparkdamm. There was no blue Mercedes anywhere to be seen, nor a black or green one, and there were no young men in dark suits. On the Stephanienufer promenade along the Rhine, couples who had already had lunch were pushing baby strollers while barges chugged along the river.

Welker was wary. Nägelsbach brought his wife, and Philipp insisted, if we were going to get together at his place, on being present and listening in. Welker looked from one of us to another and then glanced at Philipp’s bedroom door, which stood ajar, revealing the mirror on the ceiling above the water bed. He turned to me and said, “Are you sure that…”

I nodded and began to tell his story. From time to time he added something, finally taking over himself. In the end, he began to cry again. Frau Nägelsbach got up, sat on the armrest of his chair, and hugged him.

“No longer my kind of world,” Nägelsbach said, shaking his head sadly. “Not that everything in my world was right-I wouldn’t have become a policeman if it had been. But money was money, a bank was a bank, and a crime was a crime. Murder was driven by passion, jealousy, or desperation, and if it was driven by greed, it was burning greed. Calculated murder, laundering millions, a bank that’s a madhouse in which the insane have locked up the doctors and nurses-all that is foreign to me.”

“Oh, that’s enough,” Frau Nägelsbach said irritably. “You’ve been talking like this for weeks now. Can’t you forget being grouchy about your retirement and come to grips with it and tell this poor fellow and your friends something that might be useful to them? You were a good policeman. I was always proud of you and want to continue being proud.”

Philipp stepped in. “I understand him. It’s no longer my kind of world, either. I’m not quite sure why: the end of the Cold War, capitalism, globalization, the Internet? Or is it that people no longer have morals?” I must have been staring at him nonplussed. He stared back coolly. “You seem to think that morality isn’t my thing? The fact that I have loved many women doesn’t mean I don’t have any morals. Let’s not forget that wherever money’s being laundered, women are being exploited, too. No, I’m not prepared to give up my world without a fight, and I hope the rest of you aren’t, either.”

Somewhat taken aback, I looked at Philipp, and then at Nägelsbach.

“Without a fight?” Frau Nägelsbach said, shaking her head. “You don’t have to prove to the world that you’re not yet ready for the scrapheap or that you can still show the younger generation a thing or two. Call the police! See to it that they don’t rattle Samarin! You know the right people, Rudi. If Samarin catches on that the game is up, he won’t be stupid enough to harm the children.”

“I don’t think he’d do anything to them, either. But as for being sure-no, I’m not sure. Are you? A culprit might see reason when the game’s up, but he might also lose his reason. So far I haven’t seen Samarin lose his cool. But recently he almost did, and I’m afraid that if he does in fact explode he’d be capable of anything,” I said.

“Of one thing you can be certain,” Welker cut in. “He’s quite capable of exploding. He’s quite capable of murder, too. No, going to the police is not an option. Thank you very much, but I-” Welker stood up.

“Sit down, please,” I said. “We must use what we have: a doctor, an ambulance.”

Philipp nodded.

“A policeman in uniform.”

Nägelsbach laughed. “If I still can squeeze into my uniform-I haven’t worn it in years.”

“We also have the choice of the meeting place. Herr Welker, you need to give a convincing performance over the phone-you must sound so panic-stricken that Samarin will be ready to meet with you wherever you want rather than having you flip out completely. Can you manage that?”

Philipp grinned. “Don’t worry. I can get Herr Welker there.”

“We’ll tell Samarin to come to the Mannheim Water Tower,” Nägelsbach said, sliding an ashtray to the center of the table to represent the water tower. He put a newspaper in front of it to represent the Kaiserring and pointed at it with his pen. “Needless to say, Samarin will position his men around the water tower. If he has four cars, he’ll have them wait by the four streets leading away from the tower. But he can’t have all his men waiting in the cars, and if he…”

Nägelsbach explained his plan, answered questions, and weighed objections, and the venture took shape. Frau Nägelsbach looked at him with pride. I, too, was proud of my friends. I was particularly amazed at Philipp’s calm concentration and authority. Did he plan his surgical operations this way? Did he prepare his colleagues for their roles on the surgical team the way he was preparing Welker for his role on the phone? He talked at him, cross-examined him, ridiculed him, reassured him, and yelled at him, and soon enough he had shaken him so thoroughly that when Welker called Samarin he was on the verge of losing it.