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I was willing Caro to take it, but she turned to look at me doubtfully.

“Pajama party,” I mouthed.

She rolled her eyes and smiled. “Si, we’ll take the room. Grazie.”


Our room looked like it was last refurbished in the 1970s, but it was clean and had two beds pushed together, and that was all I cared about.

I threw myself down on the bed nearest to the window, smiling as it creaked slightly.

“Not as noisy as last night,” I said, raising one eyebrow.

“I don’t think that’s even possible,” Caro agreed mildly, ignoring my flirting.

I was honestly trying not to, but with her it just wasn’t possible. I counted to ten, then turned to our overnight bag and tossed her toiletry bag onto the other bed.

“Thanks for packing up my stuff,” I said, looking across at her. “I thought I’d probably seen the last of these shirts.”

“What a tragedy,” she said snidely. “You might have had to do something shocking, like buy t-shirts in different colors.”

I smiled, but didn’t reply. She was just pissed that she hadn’t gotten rid of me for the night. I was fucking ecstatic. All I needed was time, I was sure of it. Almost sure.

I pushed open the window and gazed down into the street, watching people enjoying the festival. I’d like to have been down there and take Caro dancing.

“Listen to that,” I teased her. “Sounds like being in Italy.”

She stood and listened for a moment, a small smile softening her expression of irritation. “Yes, it sounds … happy.”

Her words surprised me and I turned to look at her. “Are you happy, Caro?”

She nodded slowly. “Getting there.”


We stared at each other until she looked away, then left the room to take a shower.

I gazed out into the night, imagining a future where Caro and me were together. It was possible, wasn’t it? I’d re-upped two years ago, but other guys in the Marines made it work. I’d be in Afghanistan for the rest of the year anyway, maybe more. But we’d survive—we had to.

When Caro arrived back in the room, her hair was damp and she was wearing an oversize t-shirt and a pair of tiny shorts. Both the sight and scent of her fresh from the shower made my mouth water, but I didn’t want to scare her off.

“Back in a minute, baby,” I said, winking at her.

The shower was cold, which was probably a good thing, helping to deflate my eager dick. Bastard was like a guided missile the way it aimed at Caro 24/7. I can’t say the aching cock and blue balls were doing me any favors.

I tried to ignore everything below my waist.

“You doing your writing?” I asked, as I walked back into the room.

She was sitting on her bed Indian style and typing on her laptop.

“No, just catching up with my girlfriends.”

She’d told me a little about her New York friends while we were at dinner.

“Did you tell them about me?”

“I told them I was traveling through Italy with an old friend.”

Not what I was hoping to hear. Was I still her dirty little secret? The thought pissed me the hell off.

“So, what do you want to do tomorrow?” I asked, trying to find something to talk about that wouldn’t irritate either of us. “Look at more old buildings?” Or I could just slit my throat now and save dying of boredom.

Caro smiled, her expression amused. “Whatever. This is all a bonus anyway. Where would you like to go?”

“There’re a couple of surf spots I’d like to check out, if you don’t mind,” I suggested hopefully.

“I don’t mind, Sebastian. I could use some beach time—sleeping in the sun sounds perfect about now.”


“Okay, cool! The surf isn’t great in the Med, but there are a few breaks that look like they might be rideable.”

I undressed quickly down to my skivvies, then jumped onto my bed, laying back with my arms behind my head, smiling across at her.

“Are you going to tuck me in?” I asked.

Caro shook her head and laughed. “I think you’re old enough and ugly enough to do that yourself.”


“Hideous. I can hardly bear to look at you.”

“You could close your eyes,” I offered.

“I could, Sebastian, but I might get the urge to peek.

Damn, she was turning me on. In fact the way she looked in her sleep shirt was making me hard. Again.

“Well, can I get a goodnight kiss?”

“Sure. I’ll ask Signora Battelli if she’s available.”

Fuck no! The pensione’s owner was at least seventy and must weigh 300 pounds. “I’ve never kissed a woman with a mustache.”

“First time for everything, Sebastian,” she laughed.

“Please, Caro,” I begged. “I’ll be good. Promise.”

“Hmm, I’ve heard your promises before.”

I gave her my best puppy dog eyes. They always used to work on her.

“Okay, one kiss. But that’s all!”

Fuck, yeah!

She stowed her laptop back in its bag and sat on my bed, allowing me to pull her down into a hug. She laid her head on my chest while my hands stroked up and down her back.

“We’re okay, aren’t we, Caro?” I asked quietly, seriously.

“Getting there,” she said softly.

Then she wriggled free and planted a quick kiss on my lips.

“Good night, Marine,” she said as she turned off her bedside light.

“Night, boss.”

I listened to her even breathing telling me that she was asleep. I rolled onto my stomach and pushed my hands under the pillow. It was like a dream for me to be with her again. I’d really fucked things up last night, letting a decade of bitterness and resentment ruin our time together. I saw a future with her, and I hoped that she did, too. I had 11 days of leave left to prove I was worth it.

But she was a successful journalist, and I’d be some unemployed grunt with a few language skills that weren’t going to be of much fucking use back in the US. I wouldn’t be able to get a job as a translator because I was shit at reading Arabic, let alone the Pashto alphabet. I was a good terp, but that wasn’t going to get me far. Maybe I could be a fitness instructor personal trainer—it wouldn’t take much to get those qualifications, and I thought the GI Bill would be good for that. I wondered if…

Suddenly, Caro cried out, scaring the shit out of me as she thrashed around, tangling the sheets around her.

I bolted out of bed, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her gently.

“Caro, wake up!”

She sat up quickly, wide-eyed and trembling.

“Fuck, Caro! Another nightmare?”

She nodded silently, tremors running through her whole body.

“Come here, baby.”

My heart hurt seeing her so scared when she was usually so strong. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her in tightly so she was resting against my chest.

“What was it about, baby?” I asked quietly.

She shook her head. “Just a nightmare.”

“You can tell me anything, Caro.”

There was no reply, and much as it killed me not to know what was upsetting her, I couldn’t force her either. I held her in my arms, protecting her with my body, hoping that she knew I’d always keep her safe.

After a few minutes, her heart rate returned to normal.

“Scoot over,” I whispered. “I’ll just stay till you go back to sleep.”

She didn’t fight me this time, instead rolling over so there was room for me.

“Thank you,” she murmured.

I slid down next to her, my chest to her back, and pulled her in close. And then we slept.

I woke up to Caro lightly stroking my arms where they were still wrapped around her.

I stretched out slowly, enjoying the feel of her body next to mine. I rubbed my eyes and smiled at her, happy to have her next to me, although I’d rather have had her under me.

“Wow, I’ve got this beautiful woman in my bed. I really like this dream.”