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“You have another idea?” I murmured, my lips brushing over her neck.

“Oh, yes, most definitely, and it involves getting you naked on that bed, having my wicked, wicked way with you before we take a shower.”

My smile grew even bigger. So did my dick.

“Let me get this right, Caro, that’s two lots of wicked?”

“The thing is, Sebastian,” she said, stroking the tips of her fingers against my cheek, “if you’re going to make an honest woman of me, I want to get in as much sinning as possible first.”

Then she shoved my chest hard, so I fell backwards onto the bed. And just to make her point, she ripped my t-shirt over my head, straddled my hips, and ran her tongue from my waist to my throat.

Holy shit, my woman was on fire.

I reached up to play with her pretty little nipples, but she gripped my wrists and pulled them above my head. I guess she wanted to be in charge. I wasn’t going to argue. Then she leaned down to kiss me, tracing my lips with her tongue.

“Mmm, you taste so good, Sebastian, I won’t want anything else to eat tonight.”

I laughed lightly and gently pulled my hands free, before running them down her back.

“Yeah? Well, I’m starving, so unless you want me to eat downstairs alone, baby, you’ll have to put up with a three-course meal. And I guarantee you’ll need your energy later.”

She pretend to pout. “Sure you don’t want the starter now?”

Hell, yeah!

I shifted my hands to her waistband, tugging her t-shirt free and pulling it off her body. Her bra took even less time to disappear.

“Mmm, I like this position,” I said, sitting up and sucking her nipples, nipping them with my teeth then working my way up her throat. She moaned and arched her back, pushing her tits into the palms of my hands.

Message received and understood.

I pulled a condom out of the back pocket of my jeans and handed it to her.

“Take your pants off, baby.”

“I will if you will,” she replied. “Race you!”

Then she bounced off the bed, unlaced her boots, and stripped—all while I was fighting with the buckles on my boots and trying to watch her at the same time.

“Ah, hell,” I grumbled, staggering around the bedroom with my pants around my ankles.

“You’re a slouch, Hunter,” she laughed. “Just look at what you’re missing.”

She spun around slowly, massaging her tits and pushing them together.

“Fuck!” I hissed, hopping awkwardly, one boot on, one boot off.

“Maybe you should have been a fireman instead of a Marine, then you’d be used to undressing quickly.”

I tossed the second boot behind me where it landed on the floor with a heavy thud. A moment later, I was naked, too.

“On the bed,” she ordered.

“Yes, ma’am.”

Then she bent over me and took my dick in her mouth. My eyes closed as I breathed deeply, holding back an orgasm that was instantly welling up from the base of my spine.

She ran her fingernails up and down my chest in time with her tongue.

“Baby, I’m going to come if you keep doing that,” I growled, and I could hear the strain in my voice.

She let me go after a final long stroke of her tongue, and I tried to slow my heart rate by taking deep breaths, but when I heard the rip of foil and she rolled the condom into position, it was a losing battle. She knelt across me, positioning the head of my dick at the entrance to her soft pussy, then sank down.

I thrust up into her, harder than I’d intended.

“Fuck, Caro! I can’t control myself with you!”

I started pumping my hips, bouncing her up as she slammed down to meet me. Christ, I was losing it; my body was rigid and my balls were so tight they felt about the size of walnuts. It was no use, I couldn’t hold back any longer, so I used my fingers to make sure that she followed me.

I grit my teeth, the tendons standing out in my neck. Caro’s eyes were closed and her head thrown back, her full tits bouncing wildly. What a fucking amazing sight.

She cried out some mangled version of my name and slumped down on my chest, breathing hard. It had all been faster than I’d meant, but fuck me, it felt good.

“Sorry, baby,” I coughed out.

“You have nothing to be sorry about,” she gasped, as we lay together, calming our racing pulses.

I couldn’t help grinning like an idiot as I stroked the smooth skin of her back. “Ready for the main course?”

“You’ve got to be kidding me, Hunter? I’m still…” and a spasm of tremors made her pussy clench around me again.

“Oh, wow,” I muttered. “I really felt that.”

“Good,” she huffed. “So did I.”

I laughed at her grumpy tone, then lifted her off me as I sat up.

“I’m going to go shower.”

She didn’t answer as I made my way to the bathroom, snapping off the condom contentedly.

Yep, she liked the room.

I showered quickly, eager to get to the part where Caro got all fancy. Plus, I was freakin’ starving after that work out.

She was staring at me, a puzzled frown on her face as I walked back into the bedroom.


“Just wondering how the hell I ended up engaged to such a hot Marine. It’s been quite a week.”

Her words sent a shiver through my entire body. “You’re not having second thoughts, are you, Caro?”

She shook her head slowly. “No, Sebastian, I’m not. But you have to admit, it’s all been pretty fast.”

“It’s been ten years, Caro,” I contradicted, meaning every word. “I’ve waited long enough.”

Her gaze softened and her eyes got warm. Her smile left little crinkles at the corner of her eyes, and I wanted to kiss every fucking one of them.

“I love you so much, tesoro,” she said.

“Love you, too, Caro.” Then I grinned at her. “Now get your ass in that shower, before I throw you in there.”

“Fine, fine,” she grumbled. “I’m going.”

I waited until she was really moving before I turned to get dressed.

“I’ll meet you in the restaurant, Caro.”

“You’re not going to wait for me here?”

“Nope. I want to see you sweeping down that staircase and have all the other bastards wanting you, but knowing I’ll be the one taking you to bed later.” She rolled her eyes. “Humor me: it’s a guy thing.”

She shook her head, but was smiling as she closed the door to the bathroom.

I pulled on the unfamiliar tux, pleased at how well everything fit, even the pre-shone shoes.

Then I laid out my final two purchases that were seriously fuckin’ expensive. But if they looked as hot on her as I expected, worth every damn penny.

I wandered down to the restaurant, making sure that they’d reserved the table I wanted. It was in a small alcove, making it almost private, and it had amazing views down the cliffs to the sea. All for Caro. Christ, I was turning into such a pussy.

Married. Caro was the only woman I’d ever considered marrying. My parents had been just about the worst fucking example of wedded bliss that you could imagine: yelling at each other, hitting each other, fucking other people, drinking themselves into a coma most nights.

If it hadn’t been for Ches’ parents, I wouldn’t have known that marriage could be anything different. I wanted what they had: knowing that your wife had your back, no matter what—for richer, for poorer and all of that. Yeah, I wanted it all. I could tell Caro was still hesitant. Her answer of ‘I don’t know’ when Signora Carello had asked us when we were getting married made that pretty clear. I just didn’t know if that was because of her ex-husband … or because she wasn’t sure of me.

I leaned against the bar and ordered a beer. We’d have wine with the meal, but right now I’d take a beer.

I’d only enjoyed a few sips when I saw in the mirror that a woman was watching me. Attractive, yeah. Cougar, hell yeah.

I’d spent a lot of years with women like that. You might say they’d become my specialty. I could see her unashamedly running her eyes over my ass, and then she licked her lips and prowled toward me.