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“She could have gotten help. Right off the top of my head, I can name about five people who would love to babysit. I know Mrs. A is always complaining she doesn’t see them enough,” I said.

“I’ll talk to Peggy. She thinks that she should do it all herself. She looks at it as her job.”

“I guess,” I said, and then changed the topic. “What’s the deal with you changing all my classes?”

“Because I can.”

Someone was spoiling for a fight. I figured I would let my dad walk into this mood and make a hasty exit after dinner.

“What, no comment?” she prodded.


“Holy cow, you are growing up. Greg still falls for that one,” Mom said.

“Alan is being a dick again. He hid my football gear and assigned me a tiny locker.”

“Do I need to talk to his parents?” Mom asked.

“Nope. I had Jeff film it. I can’t wait to see how he talks his way out of it when it’s shown on TV.”

“You really shouldn’t do that. I thought you were going to see if you two could work things out.”

I wished I didn’t tell my parents everything. They seemed to use it against me at the most inconvenient times.

“Can’t I just be immature and get him back?”

She just shrugged. She would probably do the same thing. My phone rang, and I saw it was Cassidy.

“What’s up, Buttercup?” I asked.

“Your girlfriend got into a fight and has been suspended for three days.”

It took my brain a few seconds to catch up. Brook was the last person I would expect to get into a fight. I was suddenly glad she’d gone to the dojo and learned to defend herself.

“What happened?” I asked.

“Destiny Crown mouthed off, words were exchanged, pushes escalated into Brook beating her down. At least Brook listens to me about how to fight,” Cassidy said.

“Why don’t you invite your dad over for dinner and call Brook and have her family come too?” I suggested.

“What are you having?” she asked.

“Whatever it is, it has to be better than the Hamburger Helper you were having tonight.”

She just hung up on me.

“Are we having more for dinner?” Mom asked.

“I might need to call Brook and invite her.”

“No, I need to talk to Ava. I saw the perfect china pattern for you two.”

I clenched my eyes shut and prayed for my dad to hurry home.


Cassidy showed up first.

“Where’s your dad?”

“Last I saw, he was with Moose, Alan, Coach Rector, and Coach Stork, trying to figure out what’s wrong with their defense.”

“I might have a suggestion.”

“Me, too. I told them if they put you on the first-team defense, their weak defense would look a lot better. I guess I made them mad when I told them that you could take the freshman team offense and beat them,” Cassidy said.

“When did you get brave like that?” I asked.

“Since I hung around you all summer.”

“Don’t you dare blame that on me. I think your dad is mad at me anyway,” I said. “Speaking of which, is he going to do anything about Alan?”

“Alan claimed it was a joke, and you’re too thin-skinned and a prima donna now.”

“Alan is going to get his ass kicked.”

“If you’re going to do it, do it tomorrow. That way, you can play in the Orange/Blue game,” Cassidy advised.

It was a good thing she wasn’t my conscience. Cassidy had grown up around Marines, and it made her think too much like a guy at times.

“So, I agree with your choice, but I have to ask: why did you pick Brook?” Cassidy asked to change the subject.

“She’s always been my partner-in-crime for adventure. She pushes me to do things that I’d love to do, but I need a little nudge. I like her passion for politics since that’s a possible future for me. Brook knows what it’s like to deal with having money, and she can stand being in the limelight. She also understands business and what I have to do for my companies.

“I feel better when I’m around her; if I’m down, her energy helps revitalize me. She’s a strong, confident woman, and I really like her.”

I guess that answered her question because she responded in typical Cassidy style: after a moment’s thought.

“Oh. Okay,” she simply said. “How did the conversations go with the other girls?”

“They were pretty understanding, though none of us were thrilled to have that talk. Zoe seemed to take it the hardest.”

I heard Brook, Ava, and Ian come in the back door with my dad. I darted in and smiled at Brook. She had the start of a black eye. I grabbed my dad and dragged him out the back door.

“Mom is in one of her moods. Let me get you and Ian a beer, and I’ll bring the goat out for you to grill,” I suggested.

He looked at me skeptically.

“I asked her why she changed my class schedule, and she said it was because she could. She followed that up with wanting to know if I had an opinion about it.”

“Get me two beers,” Dad ordered.

I invited Ian out to help my dad grill. He offered to carry the beers. I came back in and wrapped Brook into a hug. I should have known better because she broke down in a crying jag. For a moment, I thought about blowing a raspberry on her stomach, but I thought she might hit me. She had just kicked some butt, so she was on a roll.

“What happened?” I asked.

“She was making catty remarks all through practice about how things could be done better. I wasn’t sure if Coach Lowden was more pissed or if I was because all the routines were things the coach had come up with. Even then, I was okay until Destiny said that she’d steal you away without a problem.

“I got in her face and told her she better not mess with my man and then shoved her. Honestly, I didn’t expect her to punch me. I sort of went nuts,” Brook admitted.

“Is she okay?” I asked.

“She has a bald spot, and I may have dislocated her shoulder.”

“Way to go!” Cassidy said with a big smile and then turned to me. “Your girlfriend is tougher than you are.”

“Care to back up that claim? We could get those wrestling masks out. Shiggy would never know it was us.”

“You two are crazy,” was Brook’s opinion.

We agreed.


Brook wanted to go up to my apartment after dinner. Mom invited Ava to come up and see it so she could show her my pictures. I suddenly regretted giving my dad the heads-up. Mom had me make tea and get out my cookies.

“Now that you two are a couple, will you be dressing alike?” Mom asked.

Thankfully, Brook was more appalled than I was by that remark.

“I bet David would look great in a pair of the sweats you wore to school today,” Ava suggested.

“You’re such a dirty girl,” I teased.

“Just show her your butt. It’ll make her entire year,” Brook said.

“It’s hanging on the wall,” I complained.

“That must be airbrushed,” Ava said.

“David has been known to do this thing called ‘naked dance party,’” Mom suggested.

“You do realize that means everyone has to be naked,” I said.

Ava gave me a lopsided grin. Since when was it okay for your girlfriend’s mom to perv on you?

“I’ll do it if you talk Dad and Ian into it,” I said.

“This should be good,” Mom said as she dragged Ava downstairs.

“Surely they aren’t serious,” Brook said.

“I hope not, but Sandy Range has seen my parents naked. She thought my dad was kind of hot.”

Brook just shuddered.

“We’d better go downstairs,” I suggested.

We came into the kitchen to find Cassidy with her mouth hanging open, and Ian and Dad were blushing.

“Go make some popcorn. This is much better than watching TV. Your moms are evil,” Cassidy said.

“Anyone else want some?” I asked.

That got everyone to laugh and broke the tension. The moms looked pleased they had stirred things up. I began to worry I might have made the wrong choice in a girlfriend. Zoe’s mom might have been worse, though. She had a great sense of humor.