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Copyright © 2020 by Duncan M. Hamilton

All rights reserved.

Cover art by Richard Anderson

A Tor Book

Published by Tom Doherty Associates

120 Broadway

New York, NY 10271


Tor® is a registered trademark of Macmillan Publishing Group, LLC.

The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:

Names: Hamilton, Duncan M., author.

Title: Servant of the crown / Duncan M. Hamilton.

Description: First edition. | New York: Tor, 2020. | Series: The dragonslayer; 3 | “A Tom Doherty Associates book.” |

Identifiers: LCCN 2019052038 | ISBN 9781250306852 (trade paperback) | ISBN 9781250306845 (hardback) | ISBN 9781250306838 (ebook)

Subjects: GSAFD: Fantasy fiction.

Classification: LCC PR6108.A5234 S47 2020 | DDC 823/.92—dc23

LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2019052038

eISBN 9781250306838

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First Edition: March 2020