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Peter Ryan Sex clinic wife


A low rumble rose in a quickening crescendo that ended abruptly with a thunderous crashes the wave hit the beach. The quieter whispering rush of sound as the waters receded across the rocks and sand exposed for a second the rasping noise of her zipper as he tugged it downward… and then another pounding wave drowned all other sounds in its suddenness…

Darlene Jefferson tossed restlessly in her bed, knowing she had to get up and fix breakfast, but not yet willing to give up her dream. She could hear Roger's electric shaver going in the bathroom and the sounds of early morning shuffling through the paper-thin walls of the apartment next door, but still she couldn't bring herself to leave… not now… not now… not yet.

She wanted to cry out, but his hands had touched her breasts just as softly and tenderly as the withdrawing surf that caressed the sand in its return to the sea. Her senses seemed to be so vibrantly alert – the crashing waves became an explosive roar in her ears, the ebbing waters seemed to be whispering soft encouragement to her and the warmth of his searching hands offered such comforting protection against the salty chill of the night air.

"Just lean back against me, Darlene, "she heard him say, and the intrusion of his words into her thoughts snapped her abruptly back to reality.

"No… NO!… Please," she moaned and tried to pull away from him. "Please, you can't… no, no, I don't want to… I can't…" Her voice trailed away as she tried to squirm away from his touch, the heat of his body as he pressed more firmly against her… and then she felt the cold air hit her back as he parted the silken top of her sundress and moved his hands inside past the zipper until they touched her skin like an electric shock.

He knew that her surrender was almost complete, that soon there would be no struggle, only desire left in her… but, he also knew that another premature word or move could destroy everything. And so there was only tenderness and gentle hesitancy in the way his fingers traced a soft trail across her back. He ached to reach forward – to reach farther around her until his searching hands could feel the firm swell of her breasts – he wanted to move his hands downward over the curve of her belly, past the elastic waistband, and feel the burning excitement at the first touch of silken curled hair at her naked loins – but still he waited…

"Honey?" Roger's booming baritone voice cut through Darlene's reverie from another world. "Baby, it's time to get up and put the coffee on, if I'm going to make that eight o'clock class!"

The nineteen-year-old blonde wife gasped a furtive sigh as she rolled over on her back and allowed her warm hazel eyes to flutter open in a ceiling-directed blank stare. In the adjoining bathroom, she heard the shaver's whir cease with a loud click, then the sound of the doorknob turning as her handsome twenty-four-year-old husband swept into the room to plant a brotherly kiss on her sleep-furrowed brow. "Something wrong, Darlene?" he queried concernedly. "You look like you lost your last friend."

"No, darling," she forced a pair of dimples. "Still a little sleepy, I guess."

Roger slapped her playfully on the thigh. "Better shake a leg," he smiled importantly. "Can't be late for the last day of the semester!"


With only the steam pouring out of her coffee cup to keep her awake, Darlene watched indifferently as her young husband polished off a stack of flapjacks. Then, waiting until he was dabbing the last vestiges of Karo syrup from his neatly scissored mustache, she announced calmly, "Roger, I'm going to take a job."

"Job?" Roger echoed over the rim of his coffee cup. "What job?"

"Barbara Fletcher called yesterday – the one who works at the college pla-placement office – and…"

"You mean your skinny redheaded girlfriend with the buck teeth?" Roger interjected.

Darlene grimaced. "Yeah, that's her. Anyway, she called to tell me there's a new clinic opening up in Westwood, and…"

"Westwood? What kind of clinic?"

"I'm not sure, Roger. Barbara just said this Doctor Parker called up to ask for a nurse to work on his staff."

"Sounds okay, I guess," said Roger. "But, why? I mean, we've got enough in savings to see me through my last semester of law school."

"I know, but, Roger… Well, I'm bored stiff staying home all day with nothing to do… and, we could really use the money. It doesn't hurt to have that savings account to fall back on… you know, a cushion," she explained.

There was a pause in the conversation while Roger mulled over the idea. Then, "Suit yourself," he downed his coffee. Getting up from the table, he headed towards the door. "Gotta go now, hon… see you later!"

Darlene sat for a moment at the kitchen table. Wow, she heaved a sigh, that was easier than I thought it would be. She rose and removed the breakfast dishes, taking them to the sink, and rinsed them off, then turned to glance at the wall clock. Well I certainly have plenty of time before my two o'clock appointment at the Parker Clinic this afternoon, she yawned, so I might as well go back to bed and catch up on my sleep.

The pretty blonde wife padded sleepily back into the bedroom and plopped down on the bed. Mmm, she murmured to herself, that feels so good. She sank back into the soft mattress and pulled the covers over her smooth voluptuous body. I'll bet anything that I'm going to have that dream again… especially since I've been having that same dream for the past three weeks… I wonder if that's because Roger and I haven't made love since then…?


The faceless stranger's hands shook as he reached down and crushed the soft, resilient mounds of her breasts between his strong fingers until tiny ridges of white stood up between the dark tan of his fingers like the whiteness of the moon in the dark sky. He kneaded and stretched at them… watching the whiteness ooze through his hands like firm, and yet soft, foam… springing back into their voluptuous shape the moment the pressure lifted. He pushed them together so that they met across her body and formed a velvet yielding tunnel inside which his cock was so sensuously entrapped. He pressed them so hard that the nipples met at the top, and then began a gently rocking motion, thrusting his whole swollen rigidity through the warm channel formed by her firm, white rounded breasts. As he pushed the swollen red tip of his cock appeared at the far end of the warm soft tunnel and brushed gently against her chin, leaving a tiny spot of whitened moisture each time it touched.

He kept up the slow rocking motion between her quivering breasts for several moments, feeling his penis growing and expanding until he was afraid it would erupt into a great gushing fountain of sperm before he was ready. He had to force himself to sit still for a moment and content himself with pushing and putting at the maddening softness of the two throbbing mounds so warmly surrounding him. He tweaked at the nipples and rubbed them over the top of his cock, watching with bared teeth as they jerked and throbbed into an even greater hardness than he thought possible. At the same time, he studied her face and the reaction it was having on her.

It was electrifying!

Her eyes were open now and gazed unseeing up into the darkness. A thin, smoky veil, of passion obscured their dilated pupils. Her hips and buttocks writhed sensuously on the ground beneath her, and then drawing up again as though searching for some invisible lover to draw inside them… She was completely out of her mind and he knew that she would do anything he wanted and the thought made his body almost quiver with lust.

He moved up a little so that his knees were on either side of her neck and his long, swollen pulsing cock throbbed out directly over her face, presenting her unseeing eyes with a view of the sperm-filled ridge running beneath it. His balls lay gently against her chin. He was still for an moment feeling the firm resilient mounds of her breasts flattened beneath his buttocks. He didn't move in order to give her mind time to adjust to the change in position. He placed both hands gently behind her head and lifted it up off the ground beneath her, bending her neck up toward him so that her face and mouth were poised directly in front of the huge, palpitating head of his cock. He pushed forward slightly, his buttocks rolling on the cushion of her breasts, until the tip of his penis was pressed gently between her slightly open lips. He groaned when he felt the soft velvet surfaces of her lips brush against the sensitive skin of the head. Her mouth closed at the first touch and he held his breath, waiting for a sudden cry of protest… but none came…