Yet she felt the fire inside her was growing even hotter, and she groaned in bitter submission, knowing it would only be a few more minutes before she surrendered her soul as well as her flesh to the youthful tormentor above. In desperation, she began to undulate her buttocks slavishly around the teenager's skewering hardness, fucking back against him to end it, fucking back to draw his hot, fresh semen from it before it was too late for herself.
She could sense Wayne was near completion and she gripped him tighter between her thighs, rotating her hips and bucking back in time to his long, hard thrusts into her vagina. Cum… Oh God, please cum… her tormented mind droned on senselessly, the very helplessness of her position excusing away the weird masochistic sensations which were building in her belly. As her warm wet muscles clasped tight around his hard-driving cock, Wayne threw back his head with a wild shout, and his lewd young sperm shot like a fire hose up into his teacher's vaginal passage. Joan gurgled as she felt him empty his still-not-yet-mature loins with spurt after spurt of fiery cum, filling her womb and belly to the bursting point.
And then there was nothing. The end had come so suddenly and so completely that Wayne pitched forward in total exhaustion along the length of her, flattening Joan to the ground again with her legs splayed out on either side, her feet curling in the moist smelly hay. The young student lay atop her, breathing harshly, unable to move.
Joan lay gasping and choking as she felt all of her naked flesh and full rounded breasts squashed tight to the straw beneath her. Her humiliation and fear came rushing back to her, and then came another, more horrible thought that made her quiver uncontrollably from head to toe. There were the two other boys! Oh God, there were the others! Would she be able to withstand them? It had been so close, so damnably close with young Wayne just now – did she have the willpower to fight their savage assaults upon her unwilling body as well, or would she surrender in total, unforgivable abandonment?
"Get offa her, man," Knuckles Gerber pleaded. "Lemme at that hot bitch now, will you?"
"Wait a minute," Wayne panted in reply. "Christ, give me a chance to get my breath back."
"That ain't fair," Mickey whined. "I've got to wait for thirds, you know… and you've already won your case of beer."
"Awww…" their teenage leader said, but he slowly began to remove his weight from the prostrated weeping nakedness of his teacher.
As he lifted, Joan could feel his deflating penis slipping wetly from her cuntal passage, and a cool breeze of springtime air rushed with a soothing swirl around the wetly glistening pink lips and matted pubic curls which surrounded her violated pussy. She began to tremble from the sudden obscene exposure of her body to the lewdly staring boys in the barn, and clamped her legs tightly together in an attempt to hide the throbbing, tingling crevice lying between her thighs.
"Ain't going to do you no good, Miss Frazer," Knuckles Gerber snickered down at her. "I plan to widen that white ass of yours something fierce! Shit, you're the first real woman I've ever fucked, you know that?"
Joan froze as she heard his callous, lewd remarks, and then she looked upwards as the boy released her arms and stood up. He was gaping down at her with unadulterated admiration and desire at the full, lush curves of her proud woman's body being exhibited before him.
"I told you Miss Frazer was better'n the girls we've laid," Wayne said proudly. He stood defiantly, reveling in the control he held over his teacher and the other boys. It was the supreme moment of leadership for him, and as he stood there, a contemptuous smirk slowly crossed his handsome lips. "Go ahead, Knuckles, fuck her."
"Yeah. Lemme get my pants off first." Knuckles stepped back and unzipped his trousers, while Mickey quickly stripped himself naked nearby. Clothing was strewn in all directions, until at last the other two boys were as nude as Wayne. Joan shuddered with unwanted eroticism, while at the same time she vainly tried to control the tingling passion which had begun when Wayne was thrusting into her, and which was still creeping unwillingly over her. She gasped, the breath catching in her throat as she caught her first full sight of young Knuckles Gerber's penis, for now she understood where he'd earned his nickname! The youth's thick, erected shaft of flesh had a peculiar bend in it, like a "knuckle" of a finger. It was not only larger than Wayne's cock in physical size, but would painfully stretch the insides of any woman's cunt with every slide of its hook-like shape! Dear God… even the sight of Mickey Hagen's long and slender penis, the smallest of the three, sent chills of apprehension through her, yet the utterly obscene abuses they intended to commit upon her defenseless body were setting off a churning lewd excitement in her loins and belly that she couldn't seem to stop! God… they'd bartered her off like a common whore, and maybe she was one after all…!
Knuckles moved behind her, as Wayne had moments before, and gazed down with eyes bulging wide in hot uncontrolled desire at the full white moons of her buttocks trembling in sacrificial offering to him. God, he had never seen anything like it! His balls tingled and ached, and he longed to thrust forward into the narrow teasing slit that was coyly being hidden from his rapacious view. "Get up on your knees again, Miss Frazer," his voice husked down at his teacher. "Come on, get that ass of yours up in the air!"
Joan tried to stiffen her nakedly cowering body and press tighter to the straw, bitter tears of anguish and pain running down her cheeks and wetting the smooth hot skin of her face. She felt the young boy drop behind her and slowly, relentlessly force her knees apart with a rough pressure that scraped the tender backsides of her thighs and calves. One of his hands tightly gripped the soft flesh of her narrow waist and pulled her hips powerfully up off the ground, while his other hand pressed hard behind her neck to keep her breasts and face pushed harshly down into the dirty hay.
Her nakedly white buttocks waved high off the ground behind her, and she lay in her kneeling position, all thoughts of resistance gone. She had an urge to somehow turn her head back and look at him to show her defiance, but there was no strength left in her now. There was no sense in further prolonging the inevitable rape she was to be subjected to again. Let him take me, damn it! ran through her tortured and dazed mind. Let them all rut into my beaten body… but they would not, must not, conquer her soul as well!
Kneeling behind her, Knuckles ground his thick, young cock around in the narrow white crevice of her buttocks, pressing the softly quivering cheeks of flesh around it to enclose it like the fitting of a warm, fur-lined glove. Then he leaned forward and planted a warm, wet kiss with his thick rubbery lips along the standing ridges of her spine, feeling her quiver beneath him. She groaned slightly as her mature body shook and trembled from the moist contact at her loins and back.
Knuckles dropped both his hands to her full rounded buttocks, placing his thumbs on either side of the soft resilient cheeks and pressing out gently. The unexpected change from pain and brutality to one of tenderness and caress along her inner thighs caught her off guard in spite of her resistance. She had geared her mind to the fighting of torture and humiliation, and not this softness and pleasure. Joan shivered slightly as the boy continued his gentle pressure, and her muscles which had been so keyed against an expected assault involuntarily relaxed in loose tranquillity.
Knuckles' face was crouched on the same level with the thin pink folds of flesh that covered her vagina and, as he watched with gleaming eyes, they slowly parted of their own volition to the guiding motion of his thumbs. He could see all of her soft smooth cunt and the glistening moisture of her secretions upon her inner flesh for with the easing of the pain and the fatigue of her resistance, she had let her buttocks slip wider and wider apart.